Anyone else ever jerk off with ice cubes and imagine Elsa was giving you a handy?

Anyone else ever jerk off with ice cubes and imagine Elsa was giving you a handy?

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>jerk off with ice cubes
how does that work?


…….no. no, man. shit, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked saying something like that, man.

why not just put your fleshlight in the freezer?

maybe he gets one of those ice bucket things they use for fancy wine and then just dip his dick in it like it was a jar of peanut butter

of all of the ways to fantasize about her, you choose a handjob?

Same as regular jerking off, except with ice cubes and preferably looking at r34 of Elsa or at least watching Frozen.

never send a pussy to do a real hand's job

Done that too, it's great, but I figured most everyone's done that before.

yeah but where are the cubes? in the palm of his hand? on the tip of his dick? resting on his balls?

Nope, but gf did give me head with ice cubes in her mouth on a baking hot day one summer. And it was good.

I'd guess in the palm for realism.

the ice cubes are straight outta compton, nigga

That seems like a bit of an overreaction.

Were you thinking about Elsa tho?

You mean today?

Who ft talks like this on the internet

Who tf talks like this on the internet

No, but I did jerk off with Ice Cube.

Yeah, the rapper.


"Waiter, that's not what I ordered."

>not paying hookers to dress as your favorite cartoon characters



judging from my experience, very poorly

Yeah in the hood where you live, nog.

Why? She has ice powers. She's not the female rendition of Mr Freeze.

Fuckin' A, man

See you get it. The magics in the hands.

Fuck, man. That made me laugh.

I'd rather have a robot that looks like her. Plus the robot could have real ice powers.

If you're gonna get that elaborate why not just build a VR sim that puts you in the cartoon?

How? Liquid nitrogen isn't cold enough to instantly freeze something on breif contact, and liquid helium is way to expensive and wasteful for a project like that.

user wants to see the aftermath.

there'll be a giant futa dick mod within a day

Like a refrigerators ice maker crossed with a ski lodge's snowmaker.

if you don't like it, you don't like capitalism!

Hows she gonna build a perfect ice staircase with that?

yield to the invisible hand that jerks me off

with careful planning and a team of qualified engineers

I forgot what futa meant so I looked it up

Fuck you

Spoiler: Elsa has been a robot sex toy this whole time.

if you moved out of your mom's basement, you wouldn't have to lie about all of the weird porn you watch

that makes me feel a little less guilty about what i'm going to do to her

the plus of having a robot sex slave is that she won't nag you to get a job

maybe it's like catching a snowflake on your tongue, only it's your upturned glans

I thought I was the only one. Sometimes I'll lay a piece of bacon on one side of the ice so it feels like her tongue.

Nice projection there, bud.

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