If its not endangered I should be able to do whatever the FUCK I want to it

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Not cool gamer

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Is that a glue trap

You sound like a fucking serial killer OP.

Start with Trump supporters at least.

imagine being that sad and miserable than u feel good hurting animals.. fuck animals but damn i kinda feel sorry for you op

>I love big government
this is what you sound like

My IP range is blocked from posting images due to abuse, and I don't feel like cycling through my VPNs just to start a thread.

Anyways, I'm playing with fire over here (figuratively) and may well end up in federal prison. Again.

I'm stressed as fuck. How are you faggots doing today?

im good. gonna need some more details tho. wtf did you do to go to prison and why are you gonna go back?

>Using a pic from a PETA site

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What I did is classified as fraud under federal guidelines. More specifically "intentionally damaging a protected computer system via the transmission of malicious code."

I spent four years in prison. I'm going to have my probation violated if they find out that my new job has me delivering equipment to various locations without informing them first.

So I'm stressed.

start with yourself, psycho

why did you do it?

I wanted to feel like I was part of something bigger than myself. And I wanted to feel powerful. In that regard, I succeeded. But I paid the price. And am still paying the price even now.


what did you do faggot

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In a nutshell, back in 2011 there was a call to arms posted here on 4chins to rise up, fight the man, join the revolution, etc. Basically, try to hack a bunch of shit.

I was a true believer. I got snitched on. I went to prison.

kek, based.
so you were the gloriously winged faggot?

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Snitches get stiches

You're a schizoid sociopath that has (either secretly, or openly) low self esteem and is easily influenced by peer pressure.

This isn't meant to be a barrage of insults, rather a wake up call for you to go see a shrink.
Your mind and it's fundamental deficiencies already landed you in jail once, and clearly they didn't help you there at all.
Before you inevitably end up inside again, go see a competent therapist.

One of them, I suppose. Several of us got arrested over a period of time. We used to talk about how surreal it all seemed, like we were in some sort of shitty spy movie or something. Then somebody would disappear and we'd see that they were arrested. But it still didn't feel, like, really REAL, you know?

Two weeks before I got arrested, a few of us were on tinychat when BB got raided while he was on camera. Shit was serious. But it still didn't drive the point home. Two weeks later, here come a bunch of black SUVs up to my house, FBI agents armed to the teeth.

user, I'm not the OP. I love animals.

Not that I disagree with your assessment, merely pointing out that I'll click some keys to fuck shit up, but I don't hurt animals.

kek glow in the dark niggers are always going to honeypot.
So who snitched? bet it was one of the discord tranny handlers.

I never used discord, myself. I was on AO.

And the snitch turned out to be an irl friend. Fucker was wearing a button camera for the FBI. Nice quality stuff, by the way. I got to watch all the footage when they presented it as evidence.

anyways, cool story. i read the FBI doc's when they came out. was quite funny. gamergate wasn't it? it's so long i dont remember.
the fuck? they probably had dirt on him tbh. why else would he snitch on you?
they cooked him a deal without doubt.


Nah, it wasn't gamergate. It was AnonOps. It was huge news for a few years. I got to do interviews and shit. It made me feel important. Like I was special. Now I struggle to find decent jobs. And I still dream about my time in prison. A lot.

Oh, and they had my supposed friend on a drug charge, as it turned out.

you should remember what you do it for, not what they use against you. You do not need the frills of today's life anyway. everything you need is already attainable.

and now your shitposting user on Yea Forums
after all these years

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Yeah, we're here forever, it seems. I was gone for years, told myself I wouldn't come back. And yet here I am again.

Things have changed here, though. I miss the old degeneracy.

the ride never ends

Truer words were never spoken

You seem content

Four years in prison changed the way I view a lot of things, user. I experienced boredom on levels I didn't know existed. I watched people get brutally beaten and, in some cases, murdered.

It makes you appreciate things you'd normally take for granted. Even being on the internet again is an amazing joy.

So prison made you a faggot.

Nah, I was a faggot well before I went to prison. Haven't you been paying attention?

what the fuck is that thing to the top left?

I hope you get raped by a pack of immigrants.

And it should also be perfectly acceptable for someone to put a bullet in the back of your head


Doesn't matter whether you like big government or not. It fucking OWNS you bitch.

hurting creatures that don't deserve suffering.
what a fucking idiot. kill yourself

Welcome back b/ro. Actually cheered me up a little to see the yellow today. At last, something different is happening. We'll see. Good luck with your probation officer. They can't complain about you getting a job, you'll be fine. Just tell them asap.

people like you should have your rights curtailed
basically you should be afforded some gruel and kept in a pen like other livestock