Can someone explain this yellow shit?

Can someone explain this yellow shit?

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kids, whom are out of school for the summer, think that we shouldnt be posting porn on Yea Forums. idk why they picked yellow, but they can eat my ass

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What is this doing in here? Faggot shit!

there are other boards on Yea Forums besides Yea Forums redditors, go fap to your tranny porn there

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i've been saying for years that making it a 80% porn board killed Yea Forums
but ok

/pol/cels on a moral crusade, it's happened numerous times before.

go read the rules of all of them. Then make the comment again

>abloo blooo im offended becauz nakid wominz
gtfo lol


Yellow soothes autists while they paintbrush bucket fill in random pictures to post to feel like a part of something for once in their lives.

porn addiction

then jerk off to normal porn you degenerate piece of shit


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people want porn posted here to be redirected to boards specifically made for those porn posts.

you want Yea Forums without porn?
a shitton of people wanted that for a long time nad got gtfo


Schools out for summer newfag

i'm just explaining how it started, calm down retard.

some fag things

your jimmies
they seem rustled


Deez nuts

Reminder that the people who start the porn threads and populate them aren't here to fap, or share, or socialise, or anything other than distract. Their sole purpose is to distract Yea Forums into endlessly fapping so that it no longer has any of the power it once had. They've been doing it for years now, and it's been extremely effective. These people are paid to do this (though mostly it's bots) and they have successfully crippled Yea Forums in the process.
Many people fled to /pol/ once it happened, but in 2016 they realised that and now they target most of the boards here as well as other chans. It will take a co-ordinated effort far bigger than this yellow meme to overturn their efforts


That's not it at all you newfag.

Attached: aey3jr-He_came_on_me_from_above__like_a_damn_angel.-fyorhgt54u921.jpg (1125x1116, 115K)

>Yea Forums is not one of them
>Misc. (NSFW)
you sure, faggot?