We pretend it's reddit until trips are rolled

We pretend it's reddit until trips are rolled

Edit: throwaway account for obvious reasons

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gonna get downvoted for this but (insert universally agreeable opinoin)

edit:thanks for the gold kind stranger

haha this is funny, r/funny would love to see this


i shove dildos in my ass

edit: i pooped

Omg, you guys have differing opinions than the mods. Guess I'll have to lock this thread since you guys can't behave.

"orange man bad"

*gets 17 platinum awards and 117.6k upvotes*



DAE keanu reeves????????


Does anyone like IPA’s?

my wife's boyfriend told me i'm almost a cool guy today. That made me pretty happy

An upvote for you, good sir!

Yea Forums is kinda funny and has good black porn but the racism makes me uncomfy

i fucking hate niggers

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Edit: didn’t think this would blow up! Thanks for the gold, niggers!

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Heckin good Doggos :DDDDDDDDD



Guys what's the best söy brand?
Edit 1: wow thanks for the reddit gold kind stranger
Edit 2: this is my first comment to reach 100 upvotes thanks guys


fucking hate that shit. No one gives a shit.

Edit: wow I can't believe my top comment is about But Plugs


I'm trying to transition to reddit like a normie, but i saw a post about an unreported rape today on the popular page and can't stand it. It's always a drunk man and drunk woman and the man is a rapists. The reality is that there are two degenerate alcoholics with poor social skills and the woman is trying to send the man to prison.

>be me
>18 y/o wagecuck autist
>spend my days off in a room with an army poncho liner over the window to prevent rediation poisoning
>just want to be left alone to play vidya and eat takis,
>faggot sister always bothers me
>be chilling
>need to piss, but dont want to leave room cause dickhead family
>think about pissing in my mouth and then just swallowing it but then i would have to still go again later
>get up
>retract reinforced titanium-coated tungsten carbide core deadbolt
>hear drunk dad screeching at hockey game
>walk past sisters room on way to bathroom
>she leaps from her bed and lunges towards my scrotum in attempt to incapacitate me
>backflip over her then counter with a kimura double joint armlock
>put her to sleep, then throw her over railing
>enter bathroom
>lock door
>step out of shower
>head back to room
>lock deadbolt and put great-grandmas old wardrobe in front this time to as extra security measure
>jerk off to relieve stress of what i just went through
>eat sausage biscuit i stole from work
>fall asleep in fetal position snuggling pillow pretending its a keanu reeves-christian bale hybrid cyborg from another dimension

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