Just got out of jail
Just got out of jail
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You ever get high and jack off?
What you eat
Why are you a nigger?
whats the food like
How was the assfucking?
Every day
Kinda sucks you can't when you're in jail
Trash. Not literally but jail food fucking sucks. It's barely palatable. I wasn't in there long enough to bother with commissary and shit but people who are in there for awhile trade their food trays for commissary shit.
I had a few different things. The best thing I ate while I was in jail was "taco salad". Wasn't too bad as far as jail food goes.
Have you applied to mcdonalds yet?
Have you ever been in jail?
I'm not. White people get harassed by police too you know.
It sucks reaD:
Doesn't happen in jail, especially not in the pod I was in which is full of people who are going to get out in a few months at the latest. Bootyrape doesn't happen, doesn't mean gay and bi dudes aren't doing shit on the low
Are you Jewish?
Once before for a month. I knew what to expect this time around. Didn't make it suck any less. It was only for a few days this time.
How does water taste like?
Yes actually
Are owels nocturnal?
Like city water.
What is the color of a red box?
Most species are, yes.
>What is the color of a red box?
Why does a cow have no wings?
Why is a little fish so wet?
Welcome to Yea Forums buddy
Because you touch yourself at night, Peter.
Why doesn't the drawer say anything?
I knew what I was getting myself into, newfren
Only if you're poor.
Fucking mossad jew kike you know
Because you raped it.
Why do I have a dido up my butt right now?
How long until you go back?
I'm not a zionist Jew, sorry
Never lmao
I'm not actually a criminal.
Because you are homosexual
Jes you are a zionist pol said soo
Or in the wrong place at the wrong time. I have connections. I got out and got it sorted out fairly quickly.
It helps that I'm Jewish.
I mean if /pol/ said it must be true
If you poop your pants, do you have to eat it?
What do you think of the economic policies of the US?
Exatsly what i mean /pol/ is alway rihgt
What is your philosophy?
So what's next in your life?
What was the most fun you had?
I'm an American so why do I care if spies were put to death? They were enemies of my country the United States.
there was a recent bust in my town of someone visiting inmates and sneaking in/selling drugs, a female, brought it in thru her vag or some shit. did you see/use any drugs while locked up?
I have tried to reset the apps data on the Android app but it still doesn't work for me so I'll try to get it to work now and then I will try to fix that problem with my laptop and then I will just ask again for the password to be able to say it really is not working properly now but I will try to get it to work tomorrow.
all jews are traitors
Yeah I saw people mixing up bits of cocaine with coffee powder and snorting it. Drugs do get through despite their best efforts against it.
I personally didn't do anything while I was in there. You don't want to owe people in jail/prison, because unless you specify the exchange to the letter they could ask you for pretty much anything and you have to at least in part go through with it.
Did you know Hitler was gay?
I don't know what else you want from me. My allegiance is to the United States. I don't even have Israeli citizenship. I refuse to reach out for it. I don't want it. I don't agree with what my people have done over there. The sense of entitlement is unparalleled in history, except of course maybe "Manifest Destiny" in which the lands of millions of Native Americans were stolen from them by white settlers--some of which were my own ancestors moving west.
thanks user; glad you are out. i have never been to jail and like reading these and similar anons, god forbid i ever end up in there for some things.
You sir is a good jew.