Are you fucks really incapable of just clicking off of this board and into another one?

Are you fucks really incapable of just clicking off of this board and into another one?

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too armenian/neanderthal

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Go back to reditt you religious cuck.

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Why? Yea Forums is perfectly fine for porn.

Trips checked, and now they are posting porn just because we say they can’t. Moves like a typical 14 year old, acts like a typical 14 year old, male your own call. This message approved by Darkwing Duck

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While spamming yellow is much more mature.


Are you?

Sound argument.

>Use the right board
>Posts in a NSFW board

Is you confused libranigabootard



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Based and yellowpilled

Also don't talk about
>any kind of science or humanity
>occult or conspiracy theories
>request or give advice
>request things in genral
>high res pictures
>other countries and news
>incel culture
>flash videos/games

Pedo go in the deepweb to jack off and don’t make this community responsible for this

3. You will not post any of the following *outside of Yea Forums*: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or *loli/shota* pornography.

Meaning it is *explicitly allowed* inside Yea Forums.

How about you faggots just click your way back to /pol/.

THAT will fix the problem, less race baiting threads more OC.

And it is *only* allowed here. So don't try that "go to other boards" bullshit.

Yes they are incapable of using other boards.
They feel that posting on the infamous Yea Forums gives them some kind of " prestige" , that they can talk about it with the rest of their underaged friends.

We should castrait him

You non porn fucks need to go somewhere else.

Random means anything. The board isn’t called non-porn discussion between incel losers.

Everything is more fun on Yea Forums. No one here knows shit about anything so we get to troll and shitpost about topics that other boards frown upon.

No! Go... out! Shit on somebody else’s carpet

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speak for yourself faggot


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exists now retard

Bean boy



you must be a real jerk with suicidal thoughts to say that