For me it's the greatsword lass

for me it's the greatsword lass

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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in love with longsword, but am better suited for sword and buckler

what are "suprestes"

idk lole

hmm ok I'm going to pick poleaxe anyway

i really want to be greatsword but im a rapier

wait I thought this was about what u want as gf not what u are

oh im retarded

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that's hote

me on the top left

katana clearly best girl

i will breed small sword

sounds painful

For me it's matchlock Loli gf

he's a big guy

why does sword & shield get to be perfect gf? then what's the point in choosing anything else?

Perfect is a misleading word. Anytime I see this word I actually think the opposite. That's why I didn't choose sword and shield gf because she is hiding something. I'd much more prefer sword and buckler gf because at least she is honest with her feelings.

rapier and dagger

I choose katana to be my lawful waifu

poleaxe is clearly the best how do you not see this simple truth

this guy gets it

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>Pretty slow

it might be the best weapon but sabre is the better waifu