Where do you take bitches to fuck that you dont want to see your house?

where do you take bitches to fuck that you dont want to see your house?

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>le peter griffin funnyman
somehow i doubt you fuck bitches

A hotel room..?

Parks or ur car

their house.

Gym. At the right time they can be empty. Bring them into the showers so the water and music will hide most noises.

omg you're hilarius
what if they are poor and live with parents

I used to fuck my co worker in public places like hiking trails, big parks, even a movie theatre. Stop being a little bitch op and get ur dick wet

you sound like the chadest of chads but i dont think that would work for this particular situation

you're probably right

Not really a chad, I just jog there. What's the situation?

bump for interest

this bitch i used to fuck hmu out of nowhere saying she misses me. just broke up with a bf that apparently stole all her money, so now she lives with her mom. sounds weird af but this is what she told me. now she texts me almost every night in my most vulnerable moments. but im not bringing her to my crib, cant risk her going crazy or gf finding out.

Depends on your budget.
>rent 2nd apartment
>fast food bathroom
>phone booth
>inside car
>behind car
>local park
>playground (is a felony and you won't enjoy being on the list you're on)

>gf finding out
I'll be the alpha chad that I am and say that you shouldn't do it. It's not worth doing something unfair to her. She'll fuck your life up to. Some girls are worse than herpes.

sound advice on Yea Forums? does that mean the purge is working?

No, I normally post hentai with my advice anyway. People here have always been willing to help here.

better question, whats an excuse i can use to convince her that we can't go to my house?

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You don’t user. Don’t engage in promiscuous sex outside of marriage.

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Oh my goodness did I rustle your jimmies?

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>pest control chemical living out of motel for few days
>flooded apartment
>redoing the floors
>painted living room house needs time to air out
>buddy from school taking the space to study for some exam I am only there to sleep for a few week
>last girl i brought over stole my shit i just need a minute to recover from that
>house is a mess I am embarrassed

My ex and I fucked at parking garage laundry rooms in apartment complexes (no cameras). Country roads with all the lights off.

who are you talking to?

> (OP)
>Gym. At the right time they can be empty. Bring them into the showers so the water and music will hide most noises.
That sounds suspiciously gay