Old Yea Forums thread

Old Yea Forums thread.

Prove you have a point.

Post cool and funny images from before 2012.

>it became one of my favorite games ever

Attached: geometry.jpg (780x624, 169K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Attached: lol_wut.jpg (533x594, 49K)

That game was definitely awesome but also supremely frustrating past a certain point.

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>not filenaming properly

what scores were you making? Mine top was 1,5 mln

fking making me lose

now this is old Yea Forums
Hudson Bay in Canada is a geoglyph of a woman sitting wearing a dinosaur helmet. This is the kind of shit you're missing with loli porn and non white teachings

Attached: 2000px-Hudson_bay_large.svg.png (2000x1981, 385K)

Who remembers this masterpiece?

Attached: OG moott.jpg (648x1000, 97K)

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i member

what the hell is this?

Attached: 1560376464976.jpg (600x611, 43K)


spotted the newfag

Shit tier bait

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Count from 1 to 5, 1

Thank fuck old Yea Forums is dead, this shit was never funny


Geometry wars is the tits I got every achievement for that game

Attached: debate.jpg (550x980, 75K)

nope, I'm for real nigga


Yup, everyone misses pizza time.


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Attached: oppositeday.jpg (600x401, 185K)

neither are you furfag.

Attached: FURSECUTION FURFAG.jpg (1280x720, 52K)

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blast it with piss

Fuck you got me there

Attached: 1269401390159.jpg (750x600, 183K)

I've always loved the little drop of precum. It kinda makes me want to try this but I don't know where to get a cactus.

Attached: 1538244985334.png (540x675, 67K)

newfag detected, cheese pizza is a meme. Yea Forums never actually had that shit


I literally just saw it on here yesterday. I've been seeing it here every other week for 5 years and there used to be so much more. I really missed out.

i miss the stoner threads

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>t. seething discord faggot

Attached: ronald.gif (320x240, 602K)

Hey Yea Forums can you watch my chocolate milk, I gotta go take a piss

Attached: chocolate-milk-20170710.jpg (1366x2048, 147K)

Yea Forums has balls and would fucking ban and swat anyone who tried, but keep lurking im sure you'll get your sick thrill someday

How do you fuck up an imageboard

Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Yea Forums is not a badass group of hackers. It's a bunch of dumbass teens and porn addicts. Yea Forums is too pussy to even raid Twitch streams or doxx someone these days. The people that post CP either get away with it or the admins hand their info over to the police. Yea Forums doesn't do shit other than that.

Attached: 0513e6ead8464d3a28d17f6bfee665e6.png (1024x899, 1002K)

Card crusher best meme

I'm banned by the faggot mods
But heres some truth

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K lol


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>Being on Yea Forums for 12 years means you're a newfag
Nice meme retard

Newfag and proud

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Yes. You don't understand what the term newfag means and why it was used in the first place. You don't even recognize this chart. Go kill yourself.

Reminiscing about the days before leddit stole everything and made it shit

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Attached: rapedog.jpg (300x300, 10K)

I fucking despise this chart and whatever post election faggot keeps altering it and fucking up the increments. Why even bother editing the chart if you're a hyper newfag? All you're gonna do is make it obvious that you're trying to make whatever cancerous year you came in at seem less cancerous.

I recognized the chart, but I don't approve of your autismo edit.

LOL what the fuck are you even talking about? Are you stupid?
Look at the pixels man, that shit ain't edited. And I've seen a lot of photoshops in my day, I can tell.
And it's accurate. Stay butthurt faggot

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Which part do you think is edited? Everything up to 2016 is right and was made by someone with some sense in their brain. Even though they could've used a more insulting name for the electionfags. Past that is fucked up because it implies that Hiro only took over in 2017.

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who are you even

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Only oldfags will remember this.

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