Funny how all these yellow bastards hate porn but seem to be ok with posting racist, nazi, swastiki...

Funny how all these yellow bastards hate porn but seem to be ok with posting racist, nazi, swastiki, gore and other bullshit that is way worst than the porn that’s on here, I id rather see porn than dead bodies all the yellows are sick fucks with nothing better to do

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Coincidence? I think not.

Also loli thread

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Oh, a femboy sissy cuck is uneasy about dead people, whoa

shut up nigger, better being a racist than a pedo or a low-test chink

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How about you go fuck one of your dead bodies with you tiny racist dick

I only complain about the boatloads of boring normie porn and BBC sissy shit which reads like the fantasies of a balding 50 year old in his wife's panties.

Loli and shota and 2d traps are prime Yea Forums culture

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Almost like you are the newest of fag and should fuck off to your designated MUHDIK board, faggot

Shut up faggot degenerate. I will fuck, kill, and eat you.

Exactly that sissy stuff isn’t for me but it’s b and I don’t go to those threads and I don’t waste my time trolling them I’m rather go to a thread I like then spam bullshit all day

posting gore and nazi shit is fun you retarded double nigger
porn is boring and needs to stop

Shut the fuck up jew

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go actually die in a hole. loli porn is not okay

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Summerfaggots in a nutshell, OP.

its because jews use free porn to keep us submissive. Why do you think its free dumbshit?

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Literal Neo-Nazis have been invading Yea Forums more and more. If they can make porn move into its own board then they can completely take over this board with their propaganda.

I've been here since '08.

Yea Forums has always been 50% porn and 40% meetup/cam threads until meetup/cam shit got their own board. Now it's 60% porn and 40% rando shit. If they can get that 60% dedicated to Neo-Nazi propaganda they'll be set.

Report every yellow post as a spambot because that's what they are doing.

Nazi's will try to discredit the truth.

Anyone who doesn't believe me, look up "The surgeon" meme. It was the first spamfest I experience here on Yea Forums (before captcha was even a thing on these boards.) Look up "Good heavens, look at the time" meme that was the first frequent porn meme I remember on Yea Forums. I could go on and on.

These neo-nazis want another board besides /pol/ don't let them win.

>I will fuck, kill, and eat you.
In that order?
How normie of you.

Get cucked and fucked, quadro-nigger

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I bet you love the nigger cock posts you fucking faggot

Ignore this pathetic slide thread, sage, and keep the glorious yellow posters alive

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kill yourself i dont wanna see that post again you double nigger

Confirmation: Pornfags are snowflakes who doesn't belong here.

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lmfao ur mad
youre so mad! hahahahah!
get fucked buddy!

Racism is funny. But sexual degenerate shit is filth.

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>Gore is worse than loli porn
Summer sure is a lovely time

And yet you still have a dick in your mouth while saying this in my country being a racist nazi will get you castrated on sight

your aids ridden ass is worse than nazis let that sink in

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Enjoying your first week on Yea Forums, kid?

>id rather see cp than a dead symbol

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There's nothing wrong with being a Nazi

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Or racist

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id rather see a dead mexican than a fucking drawn underage girl or boy
do you even grasp what you are looking at and the levels of sick sexual psy op behind it? no, you dont. cuz ur a fucking nigger

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That thinking is why you and the rest of your kind need to jump into a black hole

If that’s how you feel then go to a thread with that mind your own business go shit in your own yard

Nazis were the good guys

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Keep us in the dark commie Jew

Shut up faggot
remember to sage shit threads whenever

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If you can find the gore threads please help me I haven't seen any and I need my dose of gore

>implying racism and nazism are bad

Who wudda thunk that pic related would now be accurate

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i just had a cig in my yard, its raining
even that is still not as annoying as estrogen-minded weak niggers trying to post white looking underage porn
i can tell from ur assortment of images that you are a shit channer

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I'm enjoying today.
Its fun seeing everyone so upset about nothing.
"I like this and not that"
"I like that and not this"
Pretty sure both sides are idiots.
Oh Yea Forums...

Everything belongs on Yea Forums, because that's what Yea Forums is, everything and anything.

Still people who like loli shit are degenerate cunts

But it does have a place on Yea Forums sadly