Be 5 minutes ago

>be 5 minutes ago
>literally in the middle of watching the latest video from Black Pigeon speaks
>pause video to take a piss
>come back
>channel deleted
Brace yourselves, ladies. Big Tech is gearing up for war in 2020.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Big tech had been gearing up since 1853 my pal

this is related to yellow posting? well then

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so i guess BPS was speaking the truth after all, does he have a bitchute?

is that the biggest channel that's just been thrown out then? He had like half a million subscribers.


yeah they are removing all opposition slowly

thanks m8

Holy fucking shit... fuck youtube! I hope so much that company falls apart and goes bankrupt.

no worries, got it from sargon. he posted this list for channels demonitesed by the isreali bosheviks in sanfrancisco for 2020 election:

Of course, you should be careful...Dangerous channels on Bitchute:

Tommy Robinson:
Sargon of Akkad:
Mark Dice:
The Thinkery (Sargon's 2nd Channel):
Steven Crowder:
Rebel Media:
Sinatra Says:
Jordan Peterson:
Stefan Molyneux:
The White House Channel:
Faith Goldy:
Bombard's Body Language:
Daisy Cousens:
Black Pigeon Speaks:
Project Veritas:
Laura Loomer:
Blonde in the Belly of the Beast:
Paul Joseph Watson:
Laura Towler:
Lauren Southern:
Pat Condell:
Michelle Malkin:
The Red Elephants:
Tim Pool:
Computing Forever:

His channel is still up.

fuck jewtube

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whoops that didnt work, here is the link ot the lsit:

Try again:

Nope just alternatives will pop up, the giants will go under as no one will give a shit about what they're punting, the news guys will grow and the cycle will continue

There is something fitting about a fascist identifying themselves as a flying rat.

I was making a joke. Apparently it fell flat.

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nothing facistic about an analysis
of objective reality... oh wait youre probably a marxists, im sorry the world isn't a place of absolute equality

Nothing fascistic about spreading misleading ‘facts’ from clearly biased studies which happen to line up perfectly with the ideology of the fascists in his audience and provide a ‘rational’ basis for all their hateful shit.

Oh wait, you probably know this already and don’t care.

dont waste your time attempting to reason with it - they want all externals dead


Good, go get your hateful faggotry from an appropriate source, probably somewhere Russian.

dude hes a tradcuck at best, again just because he doest wanna bend over and take dick from every single ethnicity doesn't make you a facist
this coming from an 'ethnic' person

Literal Neo-Nazis have been invading Yea Forums more and more. If they can make porn move into its own board then they can completely take over this board with their propaganda.

I've been here since '08.

Yea Forums has always been 50% porn and 40% meetup/cam threads until meetup/cam shit got their own board. Now it's 60% porn and 40% rando shit. If they can get that 60% dedicated to Neo-Nazi propaganda they'll be set.

Report every yellow post as a spambot because that's what they are doing.



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Go play in traffic, stormfaggot.

youtube has become a fascist platform. In fascist regimes, the intellectuals are always the first to be silenced.

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what kind of dangerous channels are you talking about?

Prepare your wifes boyfriend.

>Report every yellow post as a spambot
this guy
this guy knows
Yea Forums was never that good,
but it used to be a lot moar fun

Attached: Look moar liek.jpg (821x1094, 592K)


You should be grateful that the only consequence is a ban, you filthy niggers.

Enjoy your BBC Grindr hookups on the downlow.

Lmao nazis btfo

I’m not gonna say he’s a fascist personally but he 100% enables them and knows he’s doing it.

A tradcuck is basically just a fascist enabler unless they draw the line before that point. Black Pigeon, like all youtube pundits, doesn’t draw that line because he wants his audience nice and big and literally doesn’t care if that audience contains Nazis.

That’s business, I guess, but I don’t respect it.

what the fuck is intellectual about believing in flat earth tier science like genetic superiorrty?

I bet your wifes boyfriends son is really proud of you right now standing up against those evil nazi facist trumpsupporters.

Society is proud. You stormfags are a minority that is scorned and laughed at.

when your only capacity for humor is either making fun of tranny/gender identity or proclaiming everyone against you is a literal cuck

You stormfags have literally 3 insults and you can't go a single thread without using all of them.

I think you need to go back to twitter.

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wrong pic but pretty accurate anyways.

Good, racist piece of shit.

His videos suck dick, so who cares?

Okay but do conservatives even deserve rights? They deserve to be censored, always being racist. Racists

but you respect censorship

Nah, they don't deserve censorship
They deserve liquidation by shooting

Trannies are fucking retarded tho so its fun

Conservatives deserve everything thats comming to them. They seem excited when the far right got yeeted so its only fair theyre next for not taking action

>conservatives and the far right
Distinction without a difference. Conservatives are just fascists who are smart enough to keep it to themselves.

I haven’t even weighed in on that, so don’t put words in my mouth.

I don’t think he should be censored unless he’s posting hate speech. He usually stays clear of that line but with the crowd he associates with, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s said something stupid and brought it on himself.

That said, I don’t know shit about this situation and maybe it’s unjustified. Not gonna lose a lot of sleep over it though, there’s plenty of shitheads left to watch so no big loss for you guys, and as I said, I think his business is morally bankrupt so I’m glad he’s not making money for it right now.

when did yall shift from hating gays and niggers and illegals to hating soyboys and numales? i've never used twitter in my life.
is it cause the alt-right is full of unironic weebs?

trump worshippers are the trannies of politics. you hate seeing trans people praised and being out and proud, but you do the exact same shit. everyone should keep their garbage fringe views on the fringe.

I think I’ve been here much longer than the stormfag influx of 2015.

Too bad the days of firing up LOIC are over. Not that it'd work anyway. Right?

Notice how 90% of the posters in this thread are against you? You are the real minority.

>oh no im not for censorship but i dont like him so this time is okay.

whatever man, fucking tired of you people and your hypocritical bullshit

is there a middle then? I guess you're on the 'white pepo racist' wagon.

Not out for censorship but if you wanna walk as close to the line as is socially acceptable, don't complain when you fall off

yes yes, i understand. you must be the kind of person that flails around on the floor when your pinky toe almost hits the foot of the table

Leave, and never come back. Problem = solved.

Weird burn but ok. Why even comment if you’re not gonna stay on topic?

censorship is LITERALLY your answer to me. bro youre delusional

it's part of preserving history, cuck

You’re talking to 2 anons at once here btw

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trap confirmed

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>hurrrr muh private platform
These are the same people that bitch when they get banned from Yea Forums for saying shit

Remember when moot started banning the shit out of people for speaking about that gamer bitch? Anons lost their fucking minds crying about free speech.

Its bitchute time bois
The app is shit tho

LOL man I died from laughing!

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No, you taking your crybaby bullshit elsewhere is absolutely what I am saying to you. Also, you are a minority. Society hates you.

I had a similar thing happen to me a few weeks ago watching a video on the Mandela effect, went for a smoke came back video was gone from browser window
Check history, gone
Search video, gone


You are so full of shit. Fuck you

>They are banning fascists and nationalists
>YouTube is fascist, not communist, goy!

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