

Attached: shirosminecrafts.jpg (800x450, 155K)

le epic forced meme

What’s epic is that it’s not even forced.

>only posted by one person
>not forced
choose one

nice dubs but who are you quoting

>1 person
You wish

Bitch Davies
I actually wish it was 0

welcome to [s4s] fren :^)

le passive aggressive newfig


So how's your night going

I can’t stop laughing for some reason. It’s insanity

looks like you're beginning to figure out the ropes of [s4s] fren :^)

>he can't stop himself
It might actually be insanity

who are you quoting?

who are you quoting?

No. Probably not. Society is insane

Cliff Huxtable

It truly is. I think it's the worst thing humans ever did.
Dave Welford

dubs nice

(dublel dublels! wooh!)
(dubs! wooh!)
dis is a reminder dat r*de is a druge dat ruins ur life ann maeks u ggo tto h*ll b4 u d*e ann dat u shud loleways ssay "nno" (quotey mario)

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.04.[640x480].[912823AA].v2.mkv_snapshot_04.33_[2017.07.08_11.35.46].png (640x480, 419K)

Shut the fuck up nigger, it's called banter, something your autistic ass wouldn't know anything about.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

impressive quads

Attached: 1504146847529.jpg (750x1024, 123K)


go tto /bant/ ffor dat
namefig memes r nod memes... u cam hab alot moar fun nod be-y obsess'd ober namefigs. ann loleso pls dond swer polar bear... dis is a famlely frenlely board

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 40 - Hana-chan, imo o horu! [WinxBloom1980][611BF7A4].mp4_snapshot_03.32_[2 (960x720, 353K)

Attached: Z7HeRxU.png (512x512, 361K)

shut the le fuck up loser lmao

Eat the entire world's fecal supply through your empty eye socket, dildoshitter

moar liek no no fun allow'd lole
i am nnod dat ann pls dond c*ss applel sauce
pls try tto b nicer. beign r*de wont maek j happye

Attached: arigatou poppu.webm (960x720, 732K)

Attached: 1536350752665.gif (128x128, 2K)

ok you have to admit you are loser wtf lmao xDDD

Do you have mental illnesses friend

shiro is pist because this is the only thing people will ever remember about them and they had nothing to do with it lole

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

haha nobody's going to remember that asshole, just like Adam Duritz

Tell Shiro that they need to move to Alaska and grow vegan gardens.

u shud maek a thred abou dis meme
ids rly nice ann hi qualelty
im nnod dat... im a checkem dinner...
namefig memes r nod memes
leds exercise our nice ann b hlelthy ann happye

Attached: mako rika majo ri-ka.webm (640x480, 974K)

Shiro's Alaskan Vegan Gardens
Can you please try to get control over your life, it's becoming concerning

Also i’ll Always remember Shiro as the person that never went to 2guns when they vacationed to Las Vegas.

dublel dublels! wooh! i ddo hab control ober my life dough... im at work nowe ann imma ddo my aptrol ann den come back ann get tto gestyre drawwy... pls dond ddo namefig memes pls... post a funny picture insted

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.18.[640x480].[B223121E].v2.mkv_snapshot_02.15_[2017.07.22_10.50.04].png (640x480, 710K)

Have you gotten that McDonald's yet

Where's the nearest pizza place?

shiros minecraft

Very goode threade

shiros transition

Consider these dubs checked

Attached: patrolman.jpg (1209x1403, 149K)