Attached: Capture+_2019-05-24-09-26-11.png (1439x1189, 1.26M)
I'll save you, OP
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Better than no thread
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racism isn't funny, you retard
Where these yella kunts actually coming from or are they just the next gen of b cucks?
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I disagree
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That's racist?
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Go cry in a corner nigger jew.
you're right, a man in KKK regalia sitting with a gun next to a field of watermelon that implies he's laid a trap to catch a nigger is not racist
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Dogs legs dont bend that way retard
tell me what's wrong with my pic too Steven Hawking
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Maybe your dog is broken.
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Wasn't even the right reply buddy
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Obviously too much liquid in the bong
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i feel like my grandpa should be sending me this shit
How would he do that from beyond the grave?
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I ddon't have any grandparents actually, but this s the content I imagine them contributing to my life.