So anti porn fags, what would you rather see here? Andy shit pages, ya mad boi pages...

So anti porn fags, what would you rather see here? Andy shit pages, ya mad boi pages, the girlfriend regrettably passing pages? What could you really want?

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original content

Anything but porn. Back in semi old Yea Forums we had shoplifting and fake coupons threads.

The home address3s of FBI and NSA workers.

Based and yellow pilled

lol, what do they care? they left this board, only to get trolled back by summerfags. it's quite hilarious if you ask me


Stay mad, porncuck.

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I don't know. Some good practical discussions?

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Rekt threads, anti-nigger threads, anti-kike threads, gun threads, and lighter cultural talk that wouldn't necessarily belong on /pol/.

Fuck off

name my zippo threads too?

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All good stuff. But I noticed when these were started maybe 1 out of 5 caught on, and the rest died in favor of porn, or trigger posts like the mad boi ones. The people pick what they want, can’t be mad at porn for that

Like that “my daughter got beat up, I’m literally shaking right now” one over and over?

Don't forget the worst...rekt threads. Tits? Oh hell no! Decapitation? Sure, go ahead.


i got so many fucking xbox live points and subscriptions from those lmao

literally anything

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they just want /i/ back.

Stencil threads

Live feed of the newsstand.

I want to know what her mouth feel like.

I want to see rusty things
Can yellow anons post rusting things

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Just let shit go. The more you fight it the more it’s going to fight back. Too many little kids on summer break with too much time on their hands to feel important on a board