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Other urls found in this thread:


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hey look something happen and i pointed it out wheres my award

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Why are you so gay for this guy that you need to post him every day? It's pure obsession you fucking fag. I bet you jerk off to him every night. The idea of him being a rapist satisfies your submissive fetish and you need to broadcast your homoerotic fantasies of having your anus cheeks spread to every YLYL/cringe thread/rekt/pics you saved/etc. thread you find. And to make it worse, you post your own threads as well, effectively doubling your faggotry because you become the OP. This essentially makes you the gayest person on Yea Forums. You are obsessed with some guy and you are the faggot OP. Well done. I don't think anyone has ever achieved such faggotry in the history of this website, perhaps the entire internet. I bet you eat cocks and shit rainbows for breakfast and everything you utter faggot.

Attached: 1537957962813.jpg (634x634, 34K)

Thanks for noticing.

Kecky Becky, Yea Forums should hurt him.

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Checked, perfect

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Always the shittiest of copypasta

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Omg that is absolutely disgusting!

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The newest of fags

Attached: 64323557_1062921657231400_4541704096184270848_n.jpg (749x424, 43K)

I love Indian food

Attached: 61B33948-2251-4116-AC05-9E81C979D735.jpg (1031x1600, 167K)

Haha good one. Ur so funny


Attached: D3E99C94-B365-427B-A1A3-4261AD1BB881.jpg (700x700, 87K)

garbage thread is garbage

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They no poo in the loo

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Ray Pist

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So using this kindergarten logic you have to be something to understand and empathise with it?
Not a trump fan just like to point out idiots when I see them.

Some OC

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So, wait. What was your point?

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Amazing, had a laff

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dubs - 3/2

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WTF Dude! Where were you yesterday during the green vs. yellow and war on porn incidents? That would’ve been your time to shine. You bitched-out on us when your rayposting could’ve saved the ylyl threads...

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amazing thanks nigger

Attached: 8CFA612B-D981-45D4-81AC-6DC30E3FB6DB.jpg (1024x748, 371K)

found the butthurt trump cultist

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>laughing at you, not the picture

Why is new banana so fortnite?

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fucking humanity truly needs to end

Guess im moby dick

Attached: 5 Stages of Grief.jpg (1024x1695, 217K)

It's that Bruce Willis?

Attached: CAE325D6-DD1F-42A2-9B93-269C3478A9F3.jpg (540x252, 19K)

You're doing God's work here son.

Attached: 49702429_2429540947120265_4212061323241979904_n.jpg (606x434, 14K)

Take me down to the bearadise city
Where the bears are bears
And they bare bear titties

Yes, because Bruce Willis decided to do porn after Die Hard.

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Breddy good

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"Amerifats" they said. "Bunch of fat retards" the Brits said.

Attached: 852115FA-2B85-47B8-9F66-E7D8705ABF28.jpg (320x220, 16K)

I love goth women.


gotta say i've lost

Most likely harassing children at kindergarden with the probation because black guy

Attached: probation.png (1400x700, 984K)


you tried at least

When your poop dealer hit the room.

Attached: 1A6207D5-4C5D-48E8-914C-008CDF955ABC.jpg (750x808, 92K)

You remember went mad by racist fries


I fucking hate the fact that I know what you're referencing.

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Hard to Yea Forums on Yea Forums and not Yea Forums aware

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It still gets to me.

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The newest uno card, what does it do?

you're arguing with a white guy who thinks he can emphasize with the plight of the black man

nothing to see here

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This thread is awful

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>file not named, "forgot the rice"

stop being new

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the fuck are you on about, man?

it's funny because they have a 15% body fat instead of 10! HAHAHA

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What a waste of trips

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joke stolen from wkuk. gay.

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>inb4 liberals trying to be smart

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Don’t you mean captain ahab you fucking troglodyte

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A fucking YLYL. I barely see this anymore on the front page, I usually have to sift through a mountain of degenerate porn before finding maybe one.

Holy fuck. Operation take back Yea Forums has already started to restore this board.

Attached: pepe-2.jpg (330x357, 16K)

I can't tell if that's cringe or hilarious
It's clearly on a Subaru WRX


Attached: PROBE.png (968x681, 498K)

Porn is just banned, or has its own board. I’m sick of this shit, I haven’t seen something like HWNDU in forever, /pol/ gets all the credit

/pol is a containment board itself.
That makes every kind of credit invalid for them a priori

Attached: hellye.jpg (640x498, 55K)

Not fat enough to be a millenial goth

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>Car brand memes

Jesus fucking Christ this is some 40 year old technologically impaired Facebook boomer shitposting. End yourself.

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what the fuck is wrong with you cunts.. Boomers are over 65. anyone 40 is gen X.. .you dumb cunts cant even get your generations right.. fucking millenial soyboy cuck

Then you must not ever visit because ylyl threads are constantly at the top.

Multiples even.

The porn thing is overblown by your mom.

Said it before, and I'll say it again.

12/10, would still bang and impregnate.


have you noticed every ad on Yea Forums is porn? it is meant to be primarily porn

Found the Toyota driver.

Give it a few weeks and it will all go back to normal

Attached: 58364FEA-2EC2-4D6A-9ECB-9FCA9C63D5FD.jpg (720x899, 56K)

>being this easily brainwashed
You must love waking up to porn and going to sleep to it as well. Tell me, how's life treating you? Feels good? Bet not.

Attached: 1560385236568.jpg (1238x1506, 285K)

Half of the shit posted on here is just retarded dumbfuck horse shit from instagram. These kids need to learn that this shit isnt funny and to go back to red dit

>yellowyellow thread

Attached: file_7.png (600x1125, 309K)

Not funny. Fuck off back to red dit and instagram dumb shit head

Not funny whatsoever. Take yourself back to instagram and never come back you dumb fuckhead.

>2012 blacks
>the white man holds us back by taking credit for our thangs, we wuz kangs
>2019 blacks
>white men are stealing our inferiority complex too!

would still fuck all but 8 and 11.

damn.. i hate summer around here with all you soy filled children

Subtle, nice.

no one wants anything a nigger has touched

finally a weapon to surpass the metal gear.

Attached: 5A6E88FE-B2AA-4F8E-8599-DB307D77E78F.jpg (244x207, 14K)

Where's "Butter It's Not" from Kroger? That one always cracks me up.

she has such a little penis though

You can say that again.

Attached: 9B6F4E12-07A7-4E9A-9C11-35631C236E8C.jpg (407x750, 67K)

You faggot. I'm pissed that I got it

Stop posting this you fucking faggot

no one wants to have anything a nigger has touched

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