Yea Forumstards please explain to me how yellowfags can't understand that this board is the only one where we can post...

Yea Forumstards please explain to me how yellowfags can't understand that this board is the only one where we can post shota/loli so porn is basically attached to it

Attached: 7813c921681fe28d95f87701ea154f.jpg (850x1328, 165K)

17 is shota?

Thought the same thing. Here’s some horribly violent loli

Attached: B6EEF4B2-E1D0-4982-A62A-A2B42D3A41FA.jpg (667x1000, 331K)

Hooni isn't a shota. He's just a 16yo manlet.
Pic related are real shotas.

Attached: 1538024013062.jpg (953x1061, 116K)

Attached: 6A4CB604-D9EB-41EB-A6BC-10222AD7C66E.jpg (1280x1807, 313K)

Attached: C53131EE-3B0A-4A04-A10C-B0CD8C77A240.jpg (1280x1807, 314K)


Attached: C1B18151-AFE9-4F8D-879B-56A5706240CF.jpg (1280x1807, 365K)

Attached: 72E6CB50-061C-4D1E-9259-550873BC7EE3.jpg (1280x1807, 418K)

Ik user, this image just was first in my gallery, here's real shota for apology

Attached: 1555200101191.jpg (850x1204, 612K)