I demand creation of new board.
/old b/
everyone not content with current Yea Forums will go there, the rest will stay and fap to death.
I demand creation of new board.
/old b/
everyone not content with current Yea Forums will go there, the rest will stay and fap to death.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's only the summer fags with nothing better to do that care, and this is their first day here.
There has always been porn on /b and there always will
There's /pol/, /bant/ and Yea Forums, which were created for this very reason.
Feel free to go there.
>b/ has changed.
it's no longer about original content, epic GETs, and win it's an endless series of reposts, perpetuated by newfags and trolls fail - and its consumption of Yea Forums, has become an unstoppable cancer. Yea Forums has changed.
Is it 2008 again? Moot is that you?
I demand you to kill yourself
le ebic WIN xdxdxd guys remember 2008?? remember ragefaces xdXdxdx LOL
There was always porn on Yea Forums, but Yea Forums wasn't always about porn.
I bet you love black cock
>rest will stay and fap to death.
i doubt these fags can even fap
you idiots realize porn was always on Yea Forums.how exactly are the porn threads any better then your bitching all day about them?
All these yellow threads do is make every thread about porn, one way or the other.
Post things with content if you want to make a change, bitching gets you nothing
I get what you mean
Ban porn threads on Yea Forums and make a new board for all porn types called /fap/
Make an e-celeb containment board btw mods.
Yea Forums is over run by e-celebs
OP is literally asking for a troll from 2008 to return /oldb/
And it still isn't.
You're just too senstive.
go to the boards created for this very reason /bant/, /pol/, Yea Forums.
Or make a random board where pron isn’t allowed. We could call it /bant/ I don’t know. Just spitballing
My point exactly faggot
Don't preach to the choir
Or just no more namefield
He wouldn't know, he wasn't there.
He's new.
i was always responding to what the op said also,dumbass
Let’s make a board called summer
We’ll call it /sumfags/
/bant/ isnt truly anonymous because of post is and flags you dumb fuck
Awww, so you can't samefag in a thread.
And I bet you hate robot because you have to be original
>Yea Forums wasn't always about porn
It used to be about bismuth, stairs, sinks, etc.
All of which were embedded rars of cp.
I demand the creation of new boards
>Adult gif
>Handsome men
>Adult cartoon
>Sexy Beautiful Women
>Adult Requests
>meet other fags
All the pornfags can go there and fap to death
You can also change your name on /bant/
This too shall pass. These faggot tantrums won't make any difference. The porn isn't going away and Yea Forums doesn't belong to them. They're too stupid to know that boards already exist for them.
neck yourself know it all retard
Newfags can't understand such rational thinking.
... as you can see here.
It will just turn into current Yea Forums again.
The sad truth
Or make a interesting thread where people are willing to be apart of it
You're a real clever one, aren't you?
Also reminder that any raid thread is reportable.
wow if only there were boards created for porn amiright fellow redditor
I hate the justification of "Yea Forums should be for this or that"
Literally anything that is posted in Yea Forums could be posted in another board anyways. Porn or otherwise.
Yea Forums should be whatever the fuck we make it. That's the point of Yea Forums. Once you start saying that xyz doesn't belong on Yea Forums, then you're making Yea Forums a little less Yea Forums FFS.
Yea Forums by nature changes and goes through cycles. Right now its porn. Get the fuck over it.
Raid thread? Yellow's just a nice collor
I really wish we brought back ids so faggots would stop samefagging
There is a truth to this
However Yea Forums isn't just 'what we make of' anymore, as over half of the threads are always the same porn threads with often the same posts
I'll give a week until you fags give up.
Yea Forums has always been a place for porn. Try doing this 24/7 365 you summer niggers
Actually right now its more of a flame war than porn. Enjoy the show.
"collor"? Shitskin? Is that you? What'd I tell you about pretending to be a real person?
challenge accepted
better idea
lets make a board called /fag/ you can take your trash there
Yea Forums is for yellow
Mhm, Yea Forums is one of them.
You'll become as loved as the andy sixx log posters.
I demand you suck my cock and give me a zillion monies.
... we don't always get what we want.
Yeah keep posting the same thing like it makes you sound smart. Fuck off nigger. The yellowfags seem to have triggered you into becoming Lisa Simpson.
Being all huffy about it won't change the facts, sonny.