Hi Yea Forumsros

Hi Yea Forumsros.

I'm 4 weeks pregnant and I don't want to be.
This child was not created with love.

Dubs/trips/whatever comes first decides what I do with it.

>INB4 Thot comments
>INB4 I throw myself down the stairs.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Keep it and raise it as the next john wick?

what does the father think? Does he know about it?

mmm.. tidepods are so yummy...

abort it

Yeetus the feetus

That would have been good

The father is a rapist.

Sometimes when I’m taking a shit,
I wish it was going the other way.

Between women being raped by mongols and savages and shit to women Having irresponsible sex and men not taking responsibility humans are fucking stupid.

Wait 6 months then jump off a tall building

Abort that shit with a coat hangar by yourself.

Make a stew

Go full term and call him Ainz

Call professional help line

Raise it as if you loved it.

Not cause I care, but cause itd fuck with you

Tell your mother

Show tits if dub

Put it up for adoption, why even ask.

Yay I win, now go.

Fuck you

You're my kind of psycho.


Fuck you kike I win cunt

How can you tell I love bagels through this?

Raise it to be broken and use math colors language etc completely wrong

But first get drunk every night until you give birth.

use a condom next time you dumb whore

Raise the child and teach him to play the piano and make him read good literature but make sure he makes friends too.

Hey sweetie Relax. Try raising it, maye you'll like it. And if not you can give it away so a family can adopt it

Are you a man or a woman?

If it's a product of rape, abort it.
God will understand

I heard there are hormone blocking pills you can buy off of the internet that have the side effect of inducing an abortion. Good luck dude, sorry that this happened to you


Have the child and raise it with love and care. Or commit suicide, whichever you prefer.

you may not like its father, but you will love your child.

i wish you both a long and happy life

Sounds like you just have shitty judgement. You should probably spare society of your retarded bloodline

>for invitro-diagnostic only
I might be just retarded, but isn't that the method where you get a sperm donor to impregnate yourself via surgery or whatever?

Abortion, maybe adoption? If not, when it comes out, just toss into the nearest river. Problem solved.

Plebs. You should join a cult and sacrifice the child to a demon in exchange for power.

actually, more to the point, why are they on Yea Forums asking this shit?
Do they want bad advice?

No one needs your retarded whore genes. Suicide will also kill the baby

honestly get rid of it.

im pretty conservative but even i can see that shit tier human beans shouldn't be allowed to reproduce. youre just gonna fuck shit up more for yourself and furthermore your little shitspawn.

we have enough peoople shittin up the world already - you arent the ones we need.

It's not the child's fault. Don't harm the innocent, keep it or give up for adoption.

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who's gonna look after you when you're old, dumb bitch?
niggers and jews?
christian grey?

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anone browsing here shouldnt have a child, abort it

Idk, it used to be women who were raped had their kid from the rape and were just shunned by the entire community they lived in until they decided to move like Jesus’s parents. I’m sure Mary didn’t like the fact that she carried a child other than her husband. But as it turned out, he was the son of god. So quit your goddamn bitchin thot. Shoulda been on birth control pills. Did your mom not teach you your fuckin uterus is your fuckin responsibility? You shouldn’t be allowed to kill a baby, regardless of whether you were raped. You should not be in the position of being raped. Plenty of girls manage to go through life without being raped. If you weren’t asking for it, you might have avoided it I bet. Now post tits or gtfo

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You are a piece of shit about to murder a child because you are careless. Abort it. Then take your precautions you fucking whore. And never do it again. No excuses in 2019.

not the kids fault but consider this

the following may not all be true for this case but in general:

the kid is gonna be born into a shit family with a shit place to live

shit parents who make shit income who are gonna stress out and treat the kid like shit

the kid will probably get a shit education and be taught shit morals and life values because their mentors are all shit

and with adoption maybe you dont see as manmy problems, but at the end of the day that kid bears those shit genes from its shit parents. you can tell me nurture of nature all u want but that kid this thot is squirting out is gonna be limited to a VERY low mental capacity from the git go. like there is only so much work that can be done. u cant fix stupid.

Shit...come to think of it, I’m pretty sure I wasn’t created with love either. But I’m glad I was born bc there are a lot of things I want to accomplish in my life. I think abortion is an excuse for women to abandon their responsibilities so they can avoid putting others in front of themselves. Women today are very selfish and I for one hope that the Supreme Court abolishes it. Not bc I’m religious though. I consider myself agnostic. I just value the potential of life. Sure, your life might suck right now. But that doesn’t mean your child’s life has to. Think about that.

abortion is the satanists' sacrament

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Call him Adlov, tell him he’s russian half n half.
Wait until he’s old enough to manipulate him into killing his dad.
Find the dad and let his breed take revenge for you.

That's an unrealistic picture. Mommy noooo? It doesn't know where it's at and I'm sure doesn't know how to speak English. Your a dumb fuck.

That's a stupid drawing.

>he doesnt speak english therefore he cant express or have desires
your logic is impaired by your sin

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I’m 42 years old. I was born into a shit family. My parents at the time were considered middle class. But that was over 30 fuckin years ago. You think your fuckin life is hard now...anyway, I digress. I graduated high school with a 2.0 GPA, with no understanding of how credit worked or what to do with my life. But I learned to be successful. And I don’t regret any of those things that might have put me at a disadvantage for the sake of letting my dipshit parents off the hook. People have to learn how to fuckin sacrifice. And that includes raising a child.

Abortion is murder. We have the technology to create new land for our growing population but we turned it into a weapon.


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Get a double boiler. Reduce some parsley. Make tea out of it. Drink said tea. At home abortion.*

*if heavy bleeding occurs or light headedness, see medical professional

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of course
plenty of people have a very rough start of life and turn out good and happy
just make the right choices

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i want to see your slut pussy

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A fetus is not going to be saying or thinking happy birthday to me.

go ahead be a nigger

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Use plan b. It will kill that parasite but it will hurt like bitch

He looks like hes bustin' a groove

do you really want to kill your child to serve and obey the jews who want you worse than dead?

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ok so middle class you did have a little advantage thats not shit by any means. im talking irresponsible parents who clearly dont have means to support a family and would struggle even w gov aid.

i get it you were granted shit tier genes from shit tier parents as a result you have a shit intellect. thats all quite normal.

its amicable you were able to persevere like that but like i said in general its harder and in my opinion most wont make that conscious effort to be a better person. im not saying it cant be done but its like starting a race 100m behind everyone else.

no shit you arent gonna regret it once your alive humans are greedy they want to experience stuff and all that normal human stuff. your stance is if i can do it so can they. my stance is IN GENERAL these kinds of circumstances contribute to a lesser human bean.

then again it sounds like u had it kinda easy being middle class and having a family and all..

Yes out in adoption so he/ she can be abused sexually physically and mentally. Then have him:her a poster boy for republicans to hate because he/she will be welfare queen

God will understand that the kid needs to die because it's dad was an asshole?
Sounds like your god is an epic cunt.

Fuck off with your conspiracy Christian bullshit. No one gives a fuck

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Little Tyrone was never the same that day

yo wtf shes hardcore

Umm if it’s a girl ... a lot of 4chaners would take it.

takes 2 to make a babby moran.

maybe she shouldnt put herself in a position to get fucked? you know nothing of the situation

you sound demon possessed
you may need an exorcism
you can listen to this priest

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>Every adoption ends like that
If your view could be any more narrow, you would rival even the rat eating chinks.

I'm sure Jews have nothing to do with this girls situation. Your an idiot.

You can sell it. Go to Thailand or some spic country and sell it off. They would abuse the shit out of it but keep it alive to get papers

Kek posting jesus on Yea Forums

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Not every but 98% of it do.

>I'm 42
>i was born over 30 years ago
>I had a 2.0 GPA
Fuck dude, I think you might be padding that last figure a bit...

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Is this real?

Anyways wtf

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Tits or GTFO


Where are your statistics?

Tits with time stamp or gtfo Tits with time stamp or gtfo Tits with time stamp or gtfo Tits with time stamp or gtfo Tits with time stamp or gtfo Tits with time stamp or gtfo Tits with time stamp or gtfo Tits with time stamp or gtfo Tits with time stamp or gtfo Tits with time stamp or gtfo Tits with time stamp or gtfo Tits with time stamp or gtfo Tits with time stamp or gtfo Tits with time stamp or gtfo Tits with time stamp or gtfo Tits with time stamp or gtfo Tits with time stamp or gtfo Tits with time stamp or gtfo

My sis Terry can't have kids she will pay you 50k fifty thousand dollars do adopt


not real but coulda been

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>The father is a rapist.
Well, since you haven't posted tits, that must be you, in which case punch her in the stomach until she miscarries.

Why would you fuck a rapist?

In your ass faggot. Adoption centers are fucked up places that kids commit suicide. You should kill that parasite op before you make it suffer more. Also bitch ass nigger go to adopt if you want to know so much

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If that's real then she a demonic cunt that way overboard

I don't need to know the situation to be able to say that the "abortion is fine if it was rape" argument is one of the stupidest arguments human beings have ever come up with.
I legit don't give a fuck if abortion is legal or illegal, nor do I fuckin care if a woman gets an abortion.
Regardless of anyone's personal views on the matter, rape abortion is a fucking retarded justification and it is cowardice.

Not sure you realize this but 42 is over 30. So being 42, I was in fact born over 30 years ago. About 12 years over to be exact.

Op I fuck you so hard the you will bleed that rapist baby out. Shit I would even fist you

Well, if the father is a rapist and you are his victim then you can get an abortion in most of the civilized world.

What's your problem ?

...and we still need to see your tits.

>human beans

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These figures are incorrect. Don't believe everything you see or hear.

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Still earning both those GPA points I see. Good job.

Pick one.

She's a comedian. So is Amy Schumer. Don't take it to heart idiot. Seriously? Your using comedians to make your point? Fucking retard.

Do it!

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You do it like this, OP. First post. Without being asked.

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Were you adopted?
>Kids are parasitic
That is a parental joke that you unironically took seriously. Having kids can be a good investment, if they become successful and you raised them well enough, they'll send money back to you on their own.

A cat is a parasite, that's like a kid that never grows up. A human boy can turn into a successful man and a human girl can turn into a successful woman, but that's IF you raise them right. I saw no statistics for the suicide rate of orphans so until I see those, I don't believe you. If it's based off of your own personal experience, then you weren't taken to the best adoption center.

Well, I’m glad to see you can count as well there brofessor.

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Pull it out of your pussy and smack it against the side of a table. Then go rape the father with the table leg

It's photoshop. Some dumbass took the time to create that fake pic and attach what she said in one of her comedy shows.

>Amy Schumer
Pick one

I was thinking the same thing!

No abortion

>this child was not created with love

it was created because your a stupid whore

>making trump jokes all day that only people with the iq level of a potato will laugh at

choose 1

Women's bodies are literally designed to take cock. You can't rape them in any way that they get pregnant.

you should throw yourself from a bridge, do a flip and land on the stomach.

Quit samefagging, 2.0
We get it, you're dumb.

keep the kid
enjoy your blessing

tits or gtfo and just use a metal hook and ram it inside ur guts to pull that little fucker out

no judging its a viable market. mtv exists afterall

abort abort

Abort it if you don’t want to. If that’s not your style, give it up for adoption.

Do whatever is best for you, fuck what some internet board says.


Town rapists need love too.

>using dubs/trips get to determine the future of a persons life

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>i dont want to be

well,then you should of kept your legs closed slut

clearly this "person" cant think for themselves otherwise they wouldn't be here eh. these are the people you want reproducing?