I am a terrorist , Ama

I am a terrorist , Ama .

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Prove it

Do you terrorise your mum by clogging the toilet?


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What do we do about the jew problem, no one seems to care that they are killing us with their bs

My dubs are the proof


We have them in sight the only reason Israel still exists is because of western support , but , mark my words in 25 years span Israel will be destroyed

That's good we all need to get rid of the common enemy first before anything else continues they are behind all of us they alterd our DNA you have people who look like you who are walking amongst with we've got until 2701 by that time we'll all have hands imprinted on our faces. The jewish force does not have an army but they have an alien designed pistol that can kill you twice that I've been threatened with some of the shit that flashes before my eyes. China is an issue to who is funding this.

how is it to explode?

they've vanned my quite a few times and fried my head I've been scooped from within from these bastards we all need to rise up.

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No you are not

so you think that killing people in the name of a medieval pedo's sky pixie is any way to live your life ?

The dod know where your leader is if you act out that is not scripted they can shut you down. You and me are products of the Jewish agenda. Typing this out I see a man in a suit staring at me eating ice cream sandwiches.

The New Zealand massacre was pretty funny

What would you say are the most common causes for someone to become terrorists

>big jug hot cheese

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I'm considering grunt life fairly soon. If i end up captured, what would you do to me?

Would risk never shitting again/10

We can't have any real change in our world unless we all stand up and get rid of the corporate giant who only wishes to profit off of us forever. Everyone is shying away from the idea but this is how you get real change. Or nothing will change..Everything is going according to plan for the guys who like blue and purple.

This has been said time and time again but no one will listen. The more i hear it, the more i believe we're all stuck in limbo where nothing ever changes.

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Brazil China and Taiwan like one guy said there is 12 scientists. But I've seen a winking woman saying she is not genetically altered that leads me to believe that purple has taken effect.


>he's probably doesn't even using vpn gonna get his base blown up in a few days

You'd say you were a freedom fighter, a liberator, or a soldier. A terrorist would never think they are a terrorist. Fag.

It's because we are brain dead op chances are you got it in the left eye they are turning us into meek lambs/pawns for a bigger piece of their game. They are 3/4th near completion of their corporate game the next step is mass lobotomy and the genocide of the white race.

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Its friday night, all the women are in their hijabs at home chillin. You killed all the local christian families. What are you and the boys going to get up to for fun?

Hey terrorist ojisan
kike here
ama desu

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read siege nigga

Diversity, race mixing, the flooding of your immigrants while is-real keeps their illegally occupied gates shut. It's painfully obvious even for a person who is now missing 9 peaces of their brain.

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what is your favorite gun to shoot infidels?

This should have been dealt with in the 40's now we have this giant mess on our hands. Yet we allow them to take control over everything even you. If you know it or not if you lash out on something that you can't like what we heard it'll be a shut down. If we get war on is-real an China i'm dead twice lol.

What do you make of dis.

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Even now the jews are infesting our board mockingly with porn to distract everyone with whats going on in the back ground as they do

Why do you feel the need to be a Democrat