Yea Forums and also /pol/ are and have been targeted by LIBTARD groups
The tranny/bbc/cuck threads are a psychological conditioning (queue "aeromatic discord" in a search engine)

This classifies most of tranny/cuck/bbc theards as RAIDS

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Cool bird image. Mind if i save it?


Thank you

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The only minority you should be railing against are the rich. Eliminate wealth inequality and all the other social bullshit goes away on its own.

We shall make Yea Forums and /pol/ great again

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I'll give you a hint "the rich" are a nationality

I'm tired of porn threads, Yea Forums has potential to be a great board but all the pornfags are ruining it

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>you vs MINDGEEK ltc

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a fellow birb

it makes no sense, why would those "degenerate libtards" try to take away degeneracy from the board?

Yea Forums was never good. Yea Forums will never be good. Yea Forums is ruined by concentrated spam threads that serve no purpose other than spamming. You can rationalize it all you want but it won't change it. Yellow = LOGs = Spam = Bannable.

>durr Yea Forums was never good.

It was better than the shit it is now.

newfag detected

I don’t think it’s a raid Cletus, just filled with closeted fags.

I was recently given a three day ban from reddit. Guess why.

Because I said Nazis should be killed. I still stand proudly by that statement.

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You get banned from reddit and you come here? Whew

Pack it up boys, we’re heading west, ain’t no savin /b now

>Discord anti-testosterone squads in action

Your ruining of fun comes to an end
We could live in harmony, you could do your stuff we could do our shenanigans, but you chose to invade, BIG MISTAKE


yes, fix social issues by targeting economical issues

you're a dumbass, social issues are caused by the retards in society

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You do realize Yea Forums and /pol/ are considered containment boards for the cancer, right? Other boards exist fag.


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Fight on

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Based clowns \o

>The tranny/bbc/cuck threads are a psychological conditioning
Only if you open, read and believe them. Are you really that weak.....oh, wait. You think yellow will achieve something, don't you? So yes, yes you are that weak because you don't realise you have been socially conditioned to post this stuff in the belief you are "saving Yea Forums"

So your idea to save Yea Forums is to try and censure what you don't want to see?
Dude your in the wrong place. They already have filters. Do you honestly hope to achieve a list of banned topics on the one board where you can post whatever you want?

You have entirely missed the point of Yea Forums but have fun with your yellow bird.

Oy vey

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>You have entirely missed the point of Yea Forums
>the point of Yea Forums is to post the latest "pics you shouldn't share" or celeb nudes threads
Nigger you should definitely kill yourself because there's no way you were here prior to 2014.

lol, good riddance.

I've been here since before reddit was a thing, this place has never been good

Dude, half of what you quoted was entirely made up. Take the dick out of your mouth long enough to read what you type before you hit post.

Did you know yellow is the color for porn in china?

is this a Yea Forums threat lol

the worst Yea Forums can do is DDoS attacks


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I'd like to raise a pint in salute to the uber-troll that masterminded this, convinced the masses he was right and got all these pathetic little sheeple to post yellow thinking they would revert Yea Forums to a previous glorious (but non-existent) past

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its mossad trying to do preemtive programming on newfags

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die glownigger, we aretaking back b


Either samefag or chimp mind

nice try lib-cucks ;)

or both

>or both
a good point well made

Finally this whole libshit issue is being called out. Their useless existence belongs and stays in reddit.

sage again

Nope. They've been subjected to a cunning ruse.

Fuck off with your butthurt

>people like weird fetishes
>ThIs iS a pSyOp!!!1!11!
Do /pol/fags unironically believe this?

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thanks but i'll target furfags trapfags cuckfags circlejerkfags etc.

society will not progress as long as massive amounts of neckbearded manchildren refuse to grow a pair of balls while jerking off to degenerate bullshit in their mother's basements.


do you really believe that so many people are bumping trap/igfb/cuck/bbc threads because they're interested in them?

Well that, or they're bumping them to spam the board because they don't like some of the other threads...oh, wait

Falling right into the (((rich’s))) plot. You’re part of the problem fuckface. The more self righteous you get from watching your sjw DESTROYED videos the easier it is to control you like the sheep you are

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Sorry. Too subtle for you? Not quite understood a point made via irony?

>society will not progress
fuck me! delusions of grandeur right there. and don't claim you was a' trollin'