Holy shit we're winning
Holy shit we're winning
based yellowposter
absolutely. those pornbois are afraid
Speaking of yellow...
no, you really arent lol
What now?
Is porn gone now?
I thought yesterday would be the final day
Uhh yeah
well, you thought wrong
Take a look at the active threads right now. I see several porn threads going on as we speak.
Yes but they have been drastically reduced
Also youre a gay Anime fag
tfw it's 2-3 kids with no life. smh.
See you all in Fall after summerfags go back to school. Different year, same drill. Nothing to see here.
An animefag, sure, but we are on the same side on this at least.
you faggots haven't even made a dent
2-3 kids vs 2-3 adults post fb ig shit. we'll see.
Honesty, a lot of the people that keep porn threads going is thirsty 12 year olds. If anything kids would defend having more porn around.
I am just tired of the cancer that Yea Forums has become.
>Being this delusional
By next month no one will even remember this happened.
>Pissing in a Sea of Piss
Nah i wouldnt describe Them as adults more Like basement dwellers
hey man its something to do. and we're going to make Yea Forums shit again. the only reason people come to Yea Forums is because of the porn.
ye, yellow will rise
All this yellow beauty
No, no you're not
I missed the memo on yellow posting. Can somebody explain
It was sort of amusing, but now it's old
Long story short: Yea Forums for too long has kept nothing but a bunch of porn that kept original content spammed out. Yellow posting is a stand against the cancer Yea Forums has become.
It's not that we dislike porn, it's just been overspammed in what is intended to be a random, not porn forum.
it's ironic that an avatarfag is saying they're tired of the cancer that Yea Forums has become.
Kind of.
I'm not using an avatar. Most of my yellow pictures just happens to be anime related.
Don’t talk shit about Avatar
As for the filename, I renamed the yellow pictures yellowchan and yellow just so they would be easier to search out
spam ≠ winning faggots
y'all will have given up by Friday
Gib eam!
>Holy shit we're delusional
>Implying Yea Forums wasn't always the colon cancer of Yea Forums.
>Implying the constant porn spam is any better
You niggers need to go back to or
Avatar the show was good, I'd never shit on that
>Yes but they have been drastically reduced
>Spam the board with yellow
>hurr durr, there's fewer porn threads in the catalog
Total increase of creative threads? Probably a minus number due to collateral yellow damage
You know, at this rate, Yea Forums is just going to be eliminated entirely. Why have a Yea Forums board when there's a board for everything else. Thank you Yellow for proving that Yea Forums should just be deleted.
>>Wants to "save Yea Forums"
>>Ends up getting Yea Forums removed
Stop being a naysayer and contribute
My attitude when confronted with rank stupidity is always to point it out (done) then sit back and laugh as the stupid make total fucking idiots of themselves (ongoing)
bla bla bla who cares
Can’t wait for you summer faggot fucks to go out of here and stop posting this yellow bs. Every year 13 year olds who watched a few videos about Yea Forums on YT try to bring it back to its "previous glory" nigger fuck outta here
I've been counting and no you're not. Maybe you should pray a little harder.
>go back
they've always been here you nigger
Theres nothing to contribute to except spam. Youre not creating content just spamming a shitty color. At least log and ray pist posters had shitty content
Everytime i post a creative thread it fuckin 404s ive accepted that Yea Forums is a desert wasteland of porn
>I post porn on ur thread so I win
What did he mean by this?
anal balls
if you yellow fags wanted to really win, you'd post cp in every porn thread. that'll show em!
Unironically fuck off. You are causing the Yea Forumstards to flood into my safe space which is already in the shitter.
Based yellow poster
>if you yellow fags wanted to really win, you'd post cp in every porn thread. that'll show em!
Or they could post amusing OC in multiple threads that would attract anons and push the porn off due to the contributions and automatic bumps they'd attract, right to the post/image limits. Rinse and repeat.
But they don't. I wonder why? Is it possibly because they have no imagination and want someone else to post the non-porn, high-quality OC they crave?
Except your doing the opposite and literally no one gives a shit
Sadly you're right
oh, invent something nice yourself
>oh, invent something nice yourself
I'm not the one on a mission
>shitty content
This is a sticking point for me. Being a slightly less new newfag than most of you (newfag is a meme guys, there is no such thing as an oldfag) I remember a time when the word copypasta insinuated that the person posting pasta was lazy, uncreative, and unwelcome. We lost that when memes became popular and the normies flooded in and only came here for the memes, and to try and force their own (more copypasta) which resulted in the death of Yea Forums. Not that is was ever GOOD, we all know that isn't true, but original content didn't used to be quite so rare, and now it is, because of the normie flood and the sudden about turn in the negative connotation of copypastaing.
In short, ray post and sixx logs are truly shit content, and not worthy of being here.
And yet I STILL have nothing better to do with my time.
remember to sage these pissfags
anal bandaid
How well is OC recieved here? Honestly??
Threads rise and fall, and vanish into the night with neary a reply - yet start a shouldn't share V(n+1) and watch it reach limit
I don't disagree with your sentiments, yet here we all are in a stew pot of maglignant cells.
Keep posting, user. You can do it.
Together, we will reclaim our homeland from the jewish swine.
I mean... I hate niggers but I LOVE their dyucks!