All hail the queen of /k/

All hail the queen of /k/

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Other urls found in this thread:

What the fuck is this thing doing here?

Fuck off.

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That's a man.

This is absurd!

Fuck off discord tranny you will never be a woman

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Monarchists deserve a bullet. Especially gay monarchists.


So sad about her hearing loss :*(

He cut his balls off or what?

God what a qt.
Wish I had a cute trans gf with a fat butt desu


Some irrelevant dude that wears panties.

FUCK OFF /k/ is a number one straight board. Check out this predatory and opppressive pink mouthed sherbet egyptian.

Attached: egygoosehardcore.jpg (565x765, 34K)

didnt he get kicked out of the army

Yep. He took his videos and social media accounts down because someone outed him posting nudes and lewds of himself. DD, tranny. DESTRUCTIVE DEVICE CUSTARD QUADRANT CRAAACK!!!
These fucking geese are singing in unison because another tranny got nigbullnogged HOW HOWLLL HOWWLLLL I GOT SHOT

Attached: egyptiansherbetoppressivegeese.png (359x220, 86K)



That creature has a dangler

Never forget that the goose FAGGOT has posted on a board for things he claims to hate.
Just another repressed cocksucker and avatarfag.

That would be pretty swell.

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Kill all trannies
Op is a faggot that likes to jerk off to other faggots wearing panties

Go dilate

the look on the mans face (the one on the right) gets me every time. he is so sick the other guys gay shit

What kind of shitty parents lead a boy to turn into such a faggot? Likely had two faggot dads that would rape him when he was underaged.

>No transfu to shoot funs with

It fuckin hurts boys

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>"hurr u closet gay like me"
Sorry, I have a firm idea of who I am, unlike you dysphoric subhumans. Looks like you'll have to trick more kids into going on HRT to make up for the quota.

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He’s just mad the trap only lets chad get at his bussy.

Hey OP, how about you start posting /k/ related material instead of dealing with sisterfuckers.

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No one wants your faggot’s pozzed asshole

It’s real trap hours

Attached: EA6E3D28-EC66-4E25-917D-DE006A40A209.jpg (960x712, 127K)

Famalam, I’m th chad fucking trap bussy

any lewds show up? asking for a friend.

Also sad that a man is actually a cuter "female" than most actual female soldiers.

Attached: 1331214524481.jpg (478x720, 61K)

The only thing I dislike here the complete mismatch of basically everything in that image.
Some fleck pants unbuttoned to show panties would be better. As would having either a matching rifle for the mags or stripper clips for the Mauser.


I quite like this one more.

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Didn’t realize guns were allowed in Australia. Hmm.


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Getting there. Would be more accurate with East German Blumentarn or Strichtarn, but at least it's not a glaring pink or weapons components that don't go together.

Jesus Christ. Can you mother fuckers go somewhere else? Here's what a real woman looks like for once in this thread.

Go fuck yourself. You know that random people with mental illnesses aren't related to /k/, however you justify it with bullshit. GET THE FUCK OUT.

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I can't believe that I am concerned whether my post ideas are of high quality enough and literal mentally ill faggots like OP post this degeneration.

bradley manney is a mentally ill and physically disgusting traitor

no u

Attached: taft.jpg (1000x563, 67K)

You can’t expect the mentally ill to be consistent, user.

Attached: 073F2365-7DFC-47B7-B6CF-964D09CCA03C.jpg (1125x1411, 457K)

Unironically kill yourself fag enabling discord tranny.

Attached: 1529189499053.jpg (876x1024, 321K)

>Mein Kampf
>Mentally ill
I dunno, seems pretty consistent to me.

Stop posting this crap on /k/

I'd unironically let him suck my dick.

Get the fuck out of here

Where the hell are the Jannies in this shit thread? And yes, I'm calling for the Jannies cause retards like OP and these mentally ill faggots exist.

Honestly man, you're right. Why the hell am I getting sort of worked up about Yea Forums threads. Fuck you all but I'm out.

Pic is an actual female.

Attached: 1551465012711.jpg (659x960, 101K)

>being on k
>being on k at 0400
>being on k at 0400 and pretending you don't have autism
theyre coming to take you away, ha ha, ho ho, hee hee

>actual female
wtf gay

You should end yourself, degenerate

You're neither a Chad nor fucking anything, you balding soicuck fetishist degenerate

Go back to plebbit subhuman tranny creature lover.

Attached: 1551195170463.png (738x669, 186K)

>Why the hell am I getting sort of worked up about Yea Forums threads.
Because the moderation team has been subverted by leftypol tranny redditors who turn a blind eye to posts like OP's. It's not even fair anymore, the marxists have reached /k/ of all places, and are now colonizing it as another fucking safe space.

Big yikes from me

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>MFW I was actually in his/her unit
>Be me second LT minding my own business when “she” rolls up
>”SIR ^_^”
>Salute, whats up?
>”So for tomorrow’s PT I was wondering can we do burpees instead of running that 2 mile sir?”
>Go ask the first sgt, I’m kinda over running anyways, plus we just finished this PT test so we could use a break
>”YES SIR :3”

Got so weirded out I asked for a transfer, fuck that.

This. 4channel mods are unironic plebbitor nigger lover sjws that need to hang themselves.

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>actual female
Strange way to say "worthless meathole".


Friendly reminder to sage and report off topic posts to improve board quality.

Thats a man.

You must realize you will never pass as a woman. You arent interesting, you are sick. You arent unique, there are many with your condition.

Get help before you hurt yourself.

>t. Seething tranny angry that his weeping flesh wound isn't anything like a real vagina
Join the 40% already

fucking nigger ass mods allowing this kind of thread to stay up

Careful with your words, user. Think of the advertisers!

*blocks all ur paths

Attached: lara.jpg (800x800, 526K)

>there are many with your condition.
>there are many such cases

best grill reporting in

Attached: lara c.jpg (1000x1500, 463K)

>when infantry trap is eye-ballin ya
>what do?

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Attached: ketch.png (576x681, 442K)

dem puffies tho

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Based & stonepilled

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"Walk in the park"

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Incidentally, check out Popeye in the middle.

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Master Race

Attached: asia waifu grill.jpg (1367x2048, 221K)

>le pre-1950 epic krautshit
All checks out.

Those are his programming socks. Calm down, bro.

Wait she’s apart of the royal family?

that doesnt look like Kimmie

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?


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