Your future is bright

Your future is bright

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why did i wake up to Yea Forums all yellow? shits brighter than the sun right now.

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Fuckit, imma go find some traps to fap to

Yellow bump

piss. yellow

Yes it is


oh thanks

The future is bright
The future is yellow

Attached: futureisyellow.jpg (736x1308, 178K)



anti porn thread movement

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also yellow

and also bump

>Your future is bright


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Moooore holy yellow purge!

Fun fact: in Chinese the color yellow means porn
Yellow movie, yellow book, yellow joke, etc



Manly testostronous piss bump


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bumping for the yellow

4 Chan fighting for censurship is the last I ever expected to find on Yea Forums.

Who is paying you to go against everything Yea Forums stands for.

it's not censorship, retard. there are dozens of boards on Yea Forums that are meant entirely for porn. nobody wants those gone. the whole point of this is that Yea Forums has become the most boring, stagnant version of itself in its entire history and that is mainly due to there being endless reposts of the same 4 porn threads over and over ad nauseum. the shitty porn threads are post with such frequency here that it drowns out almost everything else. we just want our Yea Forums back. if you disagree with this then you are a dumbass newfag that never saw Yea Forums before it was overrun with nothing but porn 24/7. so kill yourself fam