Homosexuality is caused by a parasitic worm that lives in the anal cavity. This worm's only food source is human sperm...

Homosexuality is caused by a parasitic worm that lives in the anal cavity. This worm's only food source is human sperm. The worm hijacks the pleasure centers in the brain to make its host seek as much sperm as possible. This is a lot to process, I know, but do your research and you will find the truth.

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>its in your anus
>hijacks your brain

that makes ZERO SENSE you retarded faggot

Is that what you think is wrong with you?

So... explain homosexual women then.

and AIDS is just jew-like cells that steal your white blood cells

This parasitic worm can sometimes also be found in the hosts throat

Anymore of the cute cutter on the left?

Where are the scientific proofs behind this retarded claim?
Cause according to you, alot of people are homosexual despite being hetero for the mere fact they have ass worms
I for a fact know I don’t have any ass worms but read several times on here about anons dealing with ass worms
So.. what gives?

You’re a fucking comedic genius
I totally see what you did there and it’s pretty fucking hilarious

thanks for the info. now go kill yourself fag

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Where can I get one of the worms. I want to become a faggot and start threads just like OP does.

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This is 100% correct, i'm a scientist so you can trust me

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Straight women have the worm in their baginy. Lesbins don't. Simple

> not all fags are bottoms

get your fucking facts straight you fucking fucklord

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am a dog and have worms lets rub butts together and analpathically transfer our worms and yiff archives

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This is something my grand pa would say. I was like. Well not both guys take it up the ass normal. IT's actual pretty rare that both guys are both taking it. Then he'd go on about jesus and how it says in the bible, blah blahblah. Then I asked him to explain lesbians and he'd say there teaching us to go to hell in school. Like no there teaching us to get informed instead of making stupid claims with out any bit of proof.

Oh and everyone else. This guy is trolling. Using bad bait too to get a reaction on top of that. He'll be using anti-vax stuff after this or flat earth stuff after.

Didn't even notice that

>natural selection shirt
fucking retarded

this is a medical fact.

thankfully, that muslim woman with an honorary degree has used prophetic medicine to cure this

That muslim bitch was such a tard, her own kind should cut her head off.

I'll back u up on this OP.

Just like when gays fart it's a turn on for other gays & also can be a call sign that they are ready for action.