Just bored and want to let some pressure out of the gate

Just bored and want to let some pressure out of the gate.

Been married 20 years, I started working security (bouncer) at a strip club a few months after we got married, she starts stripping herself about a week after that. She's hot, putting it mildly. I'm a hafu electronics tech/oilfield services trash redneck with slanted eyes. We had a few of her fellow entertainers have threesomes with us, 7 in all over the years. The last one was 10 years ago and she stays with us still.
The three of us made an insane killing out in midland/odessa, them stripping and me doing gyroscopic whipstock work. We bought a ranch and took to breeding like mormon rabbits. The one not officially married pulls significant gibsmedats. We raise beef cattle and do well. Looked up the other 6 recently. One was a backpage whore, one ended up a missing person, one died last year, two are married and doing well and the last is now a crazy cat lady that teaches music at a public school. The guys at the feed store have no idea how insane my life has and still sorta is. Plenty of insane shit happened in between it all. AMA

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If real pretty cool. Got a good life going for ya. Any drama? Or jealousy ever happen?

I want to hear about the ranch and cattle

Try to keep drama down, but that shits like mold while living in Houston. The whore started a shit ton, messing with birth control level drama. The missing one nearly dragged us into a turf war that was playing out in the DFW area.

Yeah. Crazy bitches be crazy, but hot crazy bitches will get you into serious shit quick.

Oh i mean drama in your mff relationship. Like my wife and i argue like any other couple. Not sure how having another wife in the mix would go. Lots of he said she said or whatever.

Breeder herd of 200+ brangus. We make well north of 150k annual on average. Expect to make a serious killing this year what with the rain and meat prices about to go ballistic. We own over 400 acres outright, lease the rest of our needs.

Which strip club?

Ah, gotcha. It only gets rough sometimes for a few days a month. Their cycles are synched, along with the daughters (4). Emotions can run high and get unreasonable. I shut down any conflicts between the vaginas, the uninvolved in a conflict usually acts as a voice of reason. Once every other blue moon all three will get crossthreaded. We then take some space and cool down. We don't allow shouting at each other. Anyone who starts shouting may still be right but is wrong and must atone for losing it. That's only happened twice. Once me and once the first wife. Also, we don't have rank. It's the three of us against the world, never each other. We check constantly to see if such feelings are lurking or starting.

Central Texas and DFW area. In DFW The Lodge and The Mens Club.. They only ever worked one shift at that club owned by Pantera. Shits insane in there, too many fucking stages back in the early 2000's. It wore them out bad. Money was killer, around 2k a night per, but just not worth the marathon.

How hot are your girls man?