How do you cure yellow fever?

How do you cure yellow fever?

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A bullet

redditfag get out

you mean a shot?

visit china. experience the disdain first-hand. yellow fever will fade.

>implying I wasn't there
>implying Chinese girls dont love gwailo dick

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whats the sauce on this??

Spoken like someone who's never been to China.

Better question, how do I get an asian fuck toy?

Chinese are the most racist and xenophobic people out there.

Oh but im sure he read about it in various reddit threads

boys are male, traps are gay

dont bother. its a Japanese film, not porn. also its a bad film to boot. but if you're really desperate I am sure you can reverse image search it.

Go to China, Korea or Japan. I've been in all 3 and it was easy to pick up women there.

>How do you cure yellow fever?

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Listen to one during sex.

agent orange

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you've seen too many JAVs. they dont actual wail like banshees.

>Picking up is easy in Japan

she looks like the lead singer of baby metal - is she??

Just turn ur head very quickly to the left or right,if u did it right everything should just turn black.

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no its not. its easier than picking up women in the west.

no. stop being so racist and think all Asians look the same. they look nothing alike.

im not being racist... jesus fucking christ butthurt much?
they totally fucking look similar even the thin nose

fuck you bitch

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these two have almost 30 years apart. the actress was 45 when the film was made baby metal lead is 21 today. Are you seriously unable to see the age difference?

The only prescription is more cowbell.

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