ITT: we act like gentlemen until somebody gets dubs

ITT: we act like gentlemen until somebody gets dubs
It's a jolly good day today chaps

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May I say that this is a wonderfull original idea to make new content. Well done my good man

Nice change of pace from all the pornography wouldn’t you say old chaps


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What an astonishing idea to start something like this. Well done my good man.

I agree good sir, it's all rather barbaric and depraved

What a wonderful jolly time

This nigga finna boutta get dubs

Hello fine chaps. how are we on this sensibly smashing day?

oh darn, only one number away from being permitted to playfully insult you chaps for acting like homosexuals.

oh dear me, what a show, dubs!

I say gentlemen, who would agree to a toast? In light of the many events that have occured across the boards. 18 hours of Radiohead leaking, the reappearance of plush Lyra pone, grandpas balls appearing in trash and shitposting as quality as the brew we drink.
Oh fuck

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You fucking cock sucking nigga bitch..
Look atchu gittin den dere dubs.
Checked my nigga.


This shit boutta go fuckin' TITS UP my niggas.

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ey nigga, fuck you

Everyone jump on the Pleasure Stick!

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well fuk yuo daym too dumbass craka

Yo faggit, miss me wit dat GAY shit dog. Yo that cactus is getting raped by this fuckin' gay ass nigga, everyone help save dat fuckin' CACTUS.

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Oh good heavens, finally! Back to civilization!

Look at this crazy ass nigga

Ay homeboy
I don't fuck with that

niggle diggle

dear me, it was getting quite fearful in here. Quite so?


Aye, yes chap, i haven't the slightest what sort of MONKEY mindset overcame me, do pardon. Return to literacy and financial support, my brethren!

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Yes, very good. We shan't behave like those lower class specimens

Its okay laddies, nothing wrong with having "primordial urges", but one mustn't succumb to them.

Oh deary me, You have a position pulled from the kamasutra in your numerical identification! How quaint!

Do laugh with me, the coincidence is simply delightful, oh lord do forgive me for the vulgarity of the situation.

I propose we leave that episode in the past and settle down to a game of Tiddlywinks

This nigga be gettin dem fine dubs, jus like me baby mommas welfare


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Please do contain yourselves gents, we have standards to uphold

i must confess. Pornographic images really belong on a different image board

How would one enquire about tea on mars?

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