First time here and I want to post my girl

First time here and I want to post my girl.
What do you think of her?

Attached: F522AF3F-A221-423B-AA1E-12EFBBF006B6.png (228x666, 268K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I feel nervous posting her.

Attached: EADA2ABC-291A-4514-A46D-7A91E6A4B797.jpg (3264x2448, 1.5M)

That’s pretty revealing. I’m still not sure. This verification thing is annoying too.

I can post a video here but I don’t want it to have her face

Makes sense in your end because you don't want anyone online to share it around the world. If you don't feel comfortable doing it then don't post. I won't judge you.

It won’t let me attach a video. I can post a faceless photo

Because some guys are pretty scummy on Yea Forums to just save it and post it for everyone to see so If I were to give you advice. Don't Fucking Post!

Here. Now it can’t be proved it her. No face.

Attached: 98BB29E3-6805-47F1-BC72-7D918DE2809B.jpg (1280x960, 261K)

If your going to be smart about this then you should pay attention to your surroundings and be more discreet with your nudes. Don't share the face of the girl unless she's ok with it. Or just don't her nudes If she trusts you so much.

Ok, nice. I see she's got piercings which I think suits her.

Also, she shaved which shows that she wants people to focus on her vagina instead of her bush.

I want to post a video here of her but I can’t.

I’ll post the link to the mega.

Will If you don't want to that's fine.

Fuck off to /r/

It won’t let me post the link on here.
Says it’s spam or something.

Sorry guys. The video is of her playing with herself.

OP is fulll of shit

Attached: 99500034-B2F6-4FB4-919B-F96FDBE178EE.jpg (1024x992, 114K)

I think you should post Spiderman instead

Attached: 1560283982654.png (396x350, 148K)

That’s the wrong mega. I didn’t want to post the whole folder. Is there a way to delete it?

She's cute. I bet she masturbates a lot

How do I delete that post?

Never mind. I figured it out. Sorry.

Repost it

Attached: ops GF.gif (453x250, 761K)

No. I think I’m done for now. I’m sorry. I’m like shaking now.

Just post it OP

Could you delete that other photo you posted. I posted it in another thread and now I feel bad. Please delete it.

Yes I do have the whole mega. I just didn’t want to post that

Post it, this OP is full of shit anyways we all kno this ain’t his girl

you're a good boy, I'm gonna cum hard tonight.
Also checked

Attached: 14527309406.jpg (720x540, 56K)

Someone post mega again? I missed it

Please stop guys. I’m not going to post it again. How do I delete the whole post from the website. It won’t let me.

Nice titts

Oh no...! You have destroyed the story of op.

Attached: IMG_3499.gif (500x260, 1016K)

I posted it on another place here on the website but I can’t find it to delete it. Can you delete it?

Someone else re-up?

Post the mega. For the lulz.

prove she's your girl and i'll delete the other pic

Attached: 1649752273.jpg (1884x1454, 170K)

its funny how many times he looks at the camera hes fucking sketching in the video as he is here

Post the fucking mega.

Attached: 1547457508176.jpg (3264x2448, 1.5M)

Guys. Please stop. Thank you

Attached: 1552128322809.jpg (1280x960, 261K)

Quick Bump. hang in there

Actually I can't be bothered fuck.

Delete that please

Damn, what a body. Got more?

Lol the DL finished already.


Still hanging on. Please man I want to see this.

Re up? Mine didnt make it

Mega the guy had is down, what images I got I'll be putting in a collection of mine of similar shit.

Calm down user, Sammys just gonna be a little secret between us alright ;-)

Just post what you have of her in a separate folder

Should have listened to this guy

Hey faggot, post the pictures.

He won't do it, hes a fag.

I want to see that video!

I think he was boasting. I don't really think he downloaded it.

(on a side note does the term DL'it make sense to you guys or is there a better way of phrasing that? just came up)

I got it.
But I’m only leaving it up for a couple minutes so DL while you have a chance.


Attached: 1541059449866.jpg (493x387, 35K)

Update me on your DL so I know when to remove

No!!! Please just delete this. Stop. Please!

Someone help!

How are the downloads coming. Unless I hear otherwise I’ll be removing in 5 minutes

Got it, but why delete?

Attached: 1549697123342.png (640x1136, 1.08M)

Why not just post the photos here.

Please take that down!!!

give me a minute mate dl is shit in roo country

and fuck. well there goes the fun I guess.

Attached: 1549430394542.jpg (2448x3264, 1.82M)

Can someone for once just post and keep a mega up??? Fucking faggots

Oh my goodness those tits are fucking gorgeous!

I want to suck them hard

Fuck, please post it. By the time I was setting the app on my phone it was gone.

Wait like 10 minutes pls


Please stop.

user, serious question.
The fuck were you thinking?

He clearly wants everyone one to download it and is just playing the fool

I was expecting some cuckplay stuff from the beginning(I doubt that anyone goes to b and slaps their girls tits on shit)

The folder is gone. Fucking faggot. Why the fuck do you upload for 5 minutes. What a fucking cunt.

Though that doesn't explain having pictures of (assuming) himself with his tackle presented for b to c

Attached: 2019-06-10 01.03.11.png (609x834, 1023K)

Attached: IMG_3720.png (640x1136, 1.22M)

Attached: IMG_6905.png (640x1136, 508K)

Its probably just something he stole and wants spread
IDK either way

She is amazing! Someone up the videos?

I dont care either way, the girl is SUPER hot

Loopholed poop hole girl fo sho..

Any way we can find out who she is?

How about some good user uploads the folder for longer than 30 minutes then we talk about anything else.

Okay. You guys better all delete her or you’ll be sorry! I’ll call the police!

Kinda lame tbh. How about that video he said about her playing with herself?

Anyone upping to Motherless?


Fuck that’s hot!!
Anyone have any ass shots?


Can someone just fucking up the whole mega

Im uploading an ass video

This. How many times do we have to ask. What a bunch of cucks.

Why not just post the mega???

There isnt much more than what was already posted


Fucking just post the whole thing so we get all the stuff!

>my girl
>zoom in and read

Attached: 1559548048115s.jpg (249x241, 10K)

Post the fucking mega

Whoever has the set of Samantha, the folder, upload it.

Come on faggots.