Ask a self made 27y/o brand new millionare anything

Ask a self made 27y/o brand new millionare anything.

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will you help a poorfag see nudes of a girl he knows by spending $54 USD?

soup or salad?

How are you able to do it?

Are you aware that the pump you are attempting to use is out of order?

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I sure will if one shows up!

you're dumb as fuck.
depends what I'm in the mood for
very general question but it starts by planning and investing your money in the things that will yield returns. For better information ask better questions.
Only Diesel was out of order, gas was fine.
you're lucky today!

Is vanguards emerging markets stock ok? Should i put my money into stocks or mutual funds? Whats the cheapest stock with the highest dividends right now. Do you own any berkshire hathaway b?

Ok, would you help a poorfag to get enough cash for a new graphic card? thank

I have never invested in the stock market so I would not be able to answer any of that. Sorry user. I also don't have any stocks in any companies (I'm self employed). I should look into mutual funds but I have been sort of swamped with work this year. I'm skeptical of financial advisors.

No? Well you're not that rich as you say

How do i get laid? :'(

I literally just went over 1M net worth. I never claimed to be rich af lmao.
You're retarded.
That's easy man, girls are materialistic so flash them with a few toys (not dildos) and they'll come.

Got any need for an experienced manager with a record of behavior modification?

People aren't asking the real questions.

What do you plan to do with the money? What's going to be your first big purchase?

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Less of a question more of a suggestion
Don't buy a fancy car
Spend half the money and buy a gyrocopter

What do you do for a living?
How much are you worth?
What investments do you have?

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Will a Seiko work?

I'm good, I'm currently not hiring anyone. I'm in the oil industry and it's always slow before and during election season.
I'm in the process of purchasing a couple of burned down homes. Plan to demolish and rebuild then sell for quick profit. I made my first big purchase back in January, I bought a 1 acre lot with a big shop warehouse which I have turned into a welding laboratory. It cost me about $140k with set up expenses.
I drive a 2009 pick up truck.
I run a welding laboratory, literally just earned my first dollar over a million. I have money invested in equipment which I can sell for profit (bought at low price), and real estate.
I do not own any watches.

Haven't done a ton of investing, but have done weekly trading of a few stocks and have an IRA with close to 100k in it. I'm 27as well. Currently in the Total Stock Market Index which is pretty fucking spicy right now. Might move most of it.

The rest of vanguard stock is decent. Be aware that most have management fees (you pay for someone else to divest the index for you). It might not seem like much but in a compounding interest account like an IRA that percentage can end up being a lot of money. I wouldn't sweat low rate stocks like ETFs though. Unless you want to manage non-automatic investments and diversity frequently just have someone else make informed decision for you.

Also the Total Stock Market Index fund has netted me over 5 years an annual ROI of 14% lol. I read somewhere the average IRA gets ~8% ROI

what? im assuming you are young.

questions like these mean you don't have anywhere near enough capital to generate any type of significant income with the div yields.

invest in growth stocks if you are young and have little capital.

also, div stocks dont do as well when interest rates rise, its coming.

>I drive a 2009 pick up truck.
Good choice.
Worst thing is when people come into a little bit of money then immediately buy a bunch of expensive toys that require a ton of maintenance for zero actual utility.

A gyrocopter is an expensive toy, but it lets you bypass traffic
And its a quarter the price of some high end cars

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>I'm good, I'm currently not hiring anyone. I'm in the oil industry and it's always slow before and during election season.
Welp, worth a shot. I need to fish around for a bit.

Wow I would not have expected you to have chosen those investments. What is your profession?

I think you are overestimating the average persons investment knowledge even the ones with reasonable capital.

hey we're in the same boat. am also a 27 year old millionaire. wasn't hard. find something you're good at, buy a few dollars worth of social media marketing, set up LLC for 100 bucks and draft your own contracts to pay you 10 times the money you'd get paid being employed. tah dah! I'll also be here to answer questions.

That's neat.
I run a small construction company that specializes in cement work. A good chunk of what i make goes back into equipment and manpower, and so far things are going while well. I work a lot with this builder that's throwing houses up all over the place fast and relatively low cost. The housing market is crazy and people still are renting faster then he can build.

Where are you located? How long have you been in the welding industry?

Ignore my question, I can't read. :^)

>I literally just went over 1M net worth
>1M net worth
>net worth
lol user thats cute

I have been fighting with temptation over upgrading my daily ride but the truck works real well. The UTV in my original post pic shows the only thing I've bought ever since I started making decent money that is a for fun purchase and probably not ever going to make me any money. Until I put it to work probably :thinks:

social media marketing cannot be underestimated. It's great. especially if you know your target audience.
Thats great. Keep looking into ways to save money in equipment and manpower. I have no knowledge of the concrete industry.
You're more cute :-)

organic B2B / referrals have always worked best for me. find one big, well-connected client and the networking is immense.

So you made a million in profits after taxes?

This is a larp. Fuck this nigger I bet you sell drugs

Yup, you're a dumbass making small business

I agree with the organic referrals. Most of my clientele is referred through word of mouth. Are you confused? Read the thread.
Lol, If I did I wouldn't only have 1M total
Get on my level boiiiii

You're probably a dipshit from texas like you're smart enough to handle your portfolio

and don't forget to clock in tomorrow. ;)

Shut up loser

I only have one question, what is your ultimate goal?

Live a comfortable life, what is yours?

I hope you suffer a home invasion

Can you give a starting Yea Forumsrother advice? I started this year selling art and every month I am at a exhibition making 8k -15k. My onlineshop grows very slow, ~2k monthly. Does online marketing really works? I don't trust them.

I hope it's you that invades so I can be the motherfucker that ends your miserable and pathetic life. You know I'm right.

I have a personal friend who prides herself in the art she makes. She also swears her clients are rich motherfuckers who admire her art. While I have no interest in art, and have very little idea of how to market such, I would start by making sure your FB and Instagram pages are updated daily. Also paying for FB ads is a good way to generate interest.

Not the guy who's asked the question in first place but I want to help people. Do you help people around you or do you believe the world is insincere?

I have a young audience and I have the feeling that Facebook is dead to them. My insta is around 6k, all organic. The real question was: do you use online marketing consultants or a company that does it professional for you? And what do you think about it?

I believe in helping those whom I believe could help me in the future. Or my clients. It's simply diplomatic. I'm sure there are people who help "out of the kindness of their heart" but I'm sure most of us do it only when we can sense we will gain some sort of advantage or may earn something positive materialistic out of it.

truth hurts

Freedom and Fulfillment. Freedom without fulfillment is hedonism and leads to misery, fulfillment without true freedom is slavery and leads to suffering. Only with both do I believe leads to balance and happiness. Just a thought, you should learn how to fly an airplane or helicopter for fun.

My audience is on average between 25 and 32 so I'm on FB a lot more (also facebook is a better source of potential worksite networking which helps my clients). You're not wrong about your young audience not being on FB. I do not use online marketing consultants. I spent my teen years fucking with photoshop and Ai so I'm pretty good at all those things. I think outsourcing those things now is a waste of money. Most of my clients are organic word of mouth referrals. You should read a book called "Never lose a customer again" by Joey Coleman.
I will consider it although I'm not very adventourous.

Another stupid American with an easy life handed to them. You have no right to talk about business retard and that was really disrespectful. Please leave America to go on vacation, see if you're a hero and bring your gun with you.

What is the name of your business so I can destroy you

I came to the USA when I was 12. Obama gave me a work permit when I was 21. Try again.

Not OP but my Grandfather gave me a Seiko watch a while before he passed away unexpectedly as a Christmas gift. That may always be the only watch I wear as it reminds me of him.

Thank you for the book advice.
Any YouTube channels you watch?

Was he a good person? What was good about him?

None in particular. Not business related anyway.


You mean native american? I'm actually from Algeria

Yes. He always loved his whole family including the part of the family that turned it's back on it, and also helped the community. Hardworking man who was always kind and friendly to others. Always loved me and my sister.

Why are you driving an illegal vehicle on the street?

That nigger didn’t give you shit. The bureaucracy did. That man gives zero fucks about you or anyone else aside from himself.

The sheriff officers in the area only fuck with the homeless and poor. Theyre gonna pull me over and what? I'll show them all my paperwork. Act polite and say I was only filling up and headed back. Be on my way. Boring.
A homeless or someone riding an old buick with a headlight busted is more enticing for them.

You're young.
I remember when a million dollars was a lot of money.

I dont really care who or what honestly. Im set now.
Youre right. I think if anyone strives to live comfortably in the next 10yrs their income should be over 100k a yr after taxes