Hunger Games thread

Hunger Games thread
First 24

Attached: the-hunger-games.jpg (555x405, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 47299604_p0.png (1100x1320, 340K)


Attached: ma_sword_is_sharp.jpg (745x1073, 67K)

Kemono Duo

Attached: Kemono Duo.png (1000x1000, 414K)


Attached: 7.jpg (1000x900, 450K)


Attached: 194.png (436x324, 141K)

Pregnant Anne Frank and Johnny Reb get their own district.

Attached: Knights in Grey.jpg (3500x2400, 830K)

Vincent Ambrosio

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 9K)


Attached: Anne Frank.jpg (701x1979, 387K)


Attached: Rigsdab.png (500x500, 110K)

Attached: Knight of the South.jpg (1847x2332, 755K)

Cant you just put them as one trib in the same image tho?


Attached: rookie6.jpg (960x540, 40K)

No, they must be separate tributes and be star-crossed lovers like in first Hunger Games book


Attached: oskar dirlewanger.jpg (240x240, 14K)

11 tribs as of yet


Attached: 66754.jpg (539x539, 155K)

The Arbiter

Attached: engel.png (822x462, 832K)

Kill Niggers

Attached: Nathan_Bedford_Forrest Butternut.png (417x699, 259K)

Dynamax wailord

Attached: 9e171ca.jpg (993x559, 128K)


You made it!

Attached: 176f12e7125e4c37e0a85c4bbbb8e1dc.png (850x1150, 727K)

A Fucking Swat Team

Attached: 969fa9.jpg (473x601, 54K)

Union Pacific Big Boy class 4014

Attached: Up-4014-cy-8-58-aaa.jpg (1024x692, 226K)


Attached: image.jpg (594x879, 84K)


Attached: 6D7C2631-8675-476E-98DB-E753C6585A27.jpg (871x1431, 263K)


Attached: Big Boss Baia.png (217x207, 71K)


Attached: LSSAH.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

Attached: RADmure Tully.gif (612x656, 1.18M)

Polish discount Anne Frank

Attached: rutka_by_guddipoland.jpg (340x340, 83K)

Divine Cat

Attached: 1554299215516.jpg (576x768, 127K)

I like this choice

Have sleepy kitty be his fellow tribute

Attached: sleepy kitty.jpg (1024x733, 81K)

Screeching Kike

Attached: B7C023B2-61FA-43E6-AE38-0F833C3EA37D.jpg (1024x721, 126K)


Are you ready?

Attached: screencapture-brantsteele-net-hungergames-reaping-php-2019-06-12-00_59_03.png (1298x990, 523K)

Yes sir

Attached: lonely_nights.png (640x972, 864K)

Ready. District 1's got some dangerous blades

Attached: army_of_cutepets.jpg (367x500, 75K)

Kemono Duo is ready

Good luck everyone

Attached: 8ffd5d162e0fcb6b50f97eff65c2247a.jpg (987x1065, 348K)

Only a little bit

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-11 at 11.01.15 PM.png (734x382, 68K)

Ready. Good luck everyone.

Attached: 46331253_p0.png (400x560, 197K)

Let's begin then

Attached: screencapture-brantsteele-net-hungergames-bloodbath-php-2019-06-12-00_59_34.png (1298x2311, 606K)

damnit i just got home...

Attached: tumblr_inline_pfgxxgmHj81sk45ta_540.jpg (425x425, 56K)

Woo hoo!

Dude it's 1am on a Tuesday

Attached: 1560241781678.jpg (900x1200, 95K)

actually it's 11pm here but i work nights (about 4-10 most nights) and have to ride the bus home...

Attached: b5379ce8cd7d0edab32e1b0a859d8f70.jpg (221x295, 14K)

I would be more careful if I were you Rookie
Not the most competent SWAT team I have seen
I hope the flies don't become a problem later

Attached: screencapture-brantsteele-net-hungergames-day1-php-2019-06-12-01_03_10.png (1298x2180, 571K)

My one weaknes..

Attached: ded.jpg (1988x1988, 670K)

These 3 are going first

Attached: screencapture-brantsteele-net-hungergames-fallentributes1-php-2019-06-12-01_07_10.png (1298x990, 126K)

Where's that at?

Attached: 17.jpg (800x1132, 348K)

Rip plebs Vincent Ambrosio got this

RIP D, another unwishable fate.

Attached: 67102033_p0.png (648x1000, 16K)


Attached: confederate soldiers praying.jpg (1080x854, 776K)

pacific time zone. west coast represent!

Attached: tumblr_po2v0kXlct1t6r50v_400.jpg (400x563, 33K)

And now I'm stuck in timeout

Attached: look_awae.png (480x370, 142K)

People with sleep issues
Things getting a bit too spiky
And bad timing

Attached: screencapture-brantsteele-net-hungergames-night1-php-2019-06-12-01_09_13.png (1298x1723, 524K)

So what music is everyone listening to?

Thats two day 1 deaths in a row isnt it?

Attached: 1.jpg (1137x860, 536K)

Dont remind me

Attached: blush.jpg (480x360, 7K)

Right on glad you're off work user

Attached: 1559798590137.jpg (1080x1080, 368K)

Please ignore that broken event
That's not something you should say

Attached: screencapture-brantsteele-net-hungergames-day2-php-2019-06-12-01_13_12.png (1298x2081, 501K)

Looking for bolts

Attached: 63A59B0E-C82C-41FB-8C2C-A022D759D82C.jpg (1125x1584, 1.39M)

Well I'm gone, You got this Mado.

Attached: 115.png (89x101, 8K)

There goes another 3

Attached: screencapture-brantsteele-net-hungergames-fallentributes2-php-2019-06-12-01_14_10.png (1298x990, 135K)

Dog lives

Attached: image.jpg (400x388, 18K)

wow rude

Attached: rigsbrowsingb.png (251x221, 8K)

RIP you, Chinese technology fails again. I'll try my best.

Attached: notintended.jpg (850x1286, 198K)

Vincent going strong

Attached: 1560178231556.jpg (710x647, 145K)

Pregnant Anne Frank is behind everything isn't she?
Every evil genius has a fortress, don't be so lazy

Attached: screencapture-brantsteele-net-hungergames-night2-php-2019-06-12-01_16_18.png (1298x2001, 488K)

Couldn't even beat my hologram huh?

Attached: 3752473_p0.png (600x600, 308K)

>SS skull spooks someone to death

Attached: totenkopf thumbie template.png (512x512, 256K)

Oh son of aaaaaaaaa

Attached: 133816bd944e5e6052946c85f1d4d3af.jpg (1000x1041, 154K)

Kemono Duo should start not depending of their dog
This pokemon proving divine powers aren't everything
That dog can do a lot of things

Attached: screencapture-brantsteele-net-hungergames-day3-php-2019-06-12-01_21_05.png (1298x1902, 460K)

>Pregnant Anne Frank is behind everything isn't she?

Attached: merchant.gif (480x267, 444K)

More going to the pile

Attached: screencapture-brantsteele-net-hungergames-fallentributes3-php-2019-06-12-01_23_16.png (1298x1157, 183K)

>Super robot cop??wtf!.?

Attached: 1560225195500.png (720x960, 1.12M)

Wait, how did pregnant Anne Frank die?

Attached: feels face crying confederate flag.png (600x600, 254K)

These blocks are so tedious
But it's not as much as fighting the Yellow Devil

Attached: screencapture-brantsteele-net-hungergames-night3-php-2019-06-12-01_24_27.png (1298x1381, 338K)

Dog Still lives

Attached: image.jpg (480x480, 39K)

Don't spin too much, you might end up somewhere else
It seems these leaves had a weakness

Attached: screencapture-brantsteele-net-hungergames-day4-php-2019-06-12-01_27_40.png (1298x1151, 301K)

>Yellow Devil

Attached: happy.gif (257x189, 1.72M)

Poor Anne

Attached: Lee and Jackson praying.jpg (1002x1200, 170K)

Dr Wily is here along with his creations
Be careful

Attached: screencapture-brantsteele-net-hungergames-arena4-php-2019-06-12-01_31_46.png (1298x1282, 264K)

That dog is scary enough without a disguise

This is a big one
And we're close to the end

Attached: screencapture-brantsteele-net-hungergames-fallentributes4-php-2019-06-12-01_33_31.png (1298x1596, 222K)

RIP Divine Cat

Emilia’s got this

Attached: B9A2209D-4E2C-4457-82D4-E9CBA686B38E.jpg (1125x1916, 339K)

That's not nice, it's just a drawing

Attached: screencapture-brantsteele-net-hungergames-night4-php-2019-06-12-01_35_29.png (1298x990, 145K)

Thanks for hosting but gosh darn it Ambrosio you stupid dumbfuck

Attached: 1559784155357.jpg (948x1024, 179K)

I'm not dead yet.

Attached: knifegirl.jpg (777x466, 23K)

Here we are at Dr Lig-
You can make your bets now

Attached: screencapture-brantsteele-net-hungergames-feast-php-2019-06-12-01_39_36.png (1298x990, 154K)

RIP Madotsuki
My bet's on Emilia


Attached: 7.png (305x180, 43K)

Emilia so that user posts nudes

You were saying?

Attached: cool_guy_lookingat_you.jpg (894x894, 63K)

Betting on the doggo

Attached: rookiechill.jpg (708x398, 48K)

Maul her boy

RIP, so close.
Also money on the dog.

Attached: 9.png (381x502, 156K)

I wanna watch the dog fuck Emilia

Dog lives!

Attached: 9a43b725b6156763c98e70ae9ef606de.png (593x877, 508K)

Dog can even be a good boy

Attached: screencapture-brantsteele-net-hungergames-day5-php-2019-06-12-01_41_39.png (1298x990, 116K)

So close...

go doggo

Attached: cry.png (1000x1000, 268K)

Dog lives!

Attached: cat-girl.jpg (530x733, 42K)


Attached: 66835440_p0.jpg (1000x1000, 201K)

Wait? user is posting nudes if she wins???

What a good pupper. Thanks for hosting

Attached: look_at_my_horse.jpg (900x700, 191K)

Congratulations Emilia

Attached: screencapture-brantsteele-net-hungergames-winner-php-2019-06-12-01_43_13.png (1298x990, 117K)

Congrats Emilia
Thank you for hosting OP

Attached: Remember_the_fallen.jpg (1024x748, 126K)

I mean...He lives...
Thanks for hosting user!

Attached: 7ca77a87b5c8c91192e8327dd1a58392.png (1000x1072, 585K)

thank you for hosting

I win!

Attached: BFF3F485-66BA-4962-8BB4-F4EB13C12342.jpg (574x960, 82K)

Thanks for hosting

Attached: 1547892709797.gif (500x281, 1.08M)

Thanks for the game lad

Attached: hedeniadoesthes i p p.png (481x574, 141K)

Grats Emilia and thanks for the game

Thanks for hosting.

Attached: 36542022_p0.jpg (921x746, 1018K)

Thanks for playing

Attached: screencapture-brantsteele-net-hungergames-placements-php-2019-06-12-01_46_31.png (1298x990, 538K)

What the fuck I was arrested I didn't even die. This woulda been my first win god damn you cruel world.

Attached: image.jpg (1456x1887, 258K)

Thanks for hosting user

Attached: sad kitten face.jpg (476x640, 30K)


Attached: image.jpg (900x1200, 229K)


Grats Emilia.

Now fuck her dog

so not host and i know these are generally for wins but fuck it i wanted to make this for you,

Attached: doggo.jpg (1456x1887, 376K)

Thanks for the host

Attached: 109.png (167x245, 30K)