Any advice for quitting cigarettes? Been smoking for 10 years

Any advice for quitting cigarettes? Been smoking for 10 years

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Yeah, just stop smoking you weak bitch.

Just don't smoke

pic related, it's your lungs.

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Look up smoking mindfulness exercises. Being aware of the craving itself and addressing your feelings during the time makes it a lot easier to pass the craving. You also need to remind yourself that you're not depriving yourself of ANYTHING by abstaining from the cigarette. Support groups, patches, and determination. You have to WANT to do it, you will know when you're ready. There's nothing smarter you can do that to stop now.

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Go see a hypnotherapist

Okay, how about besides that?

I can't be bothered to find the name, but I did read this one book that helped me quit for six months. But I went back into it just for the fuck of it basically. I definitely want to stop for good I really do hate it at this point.

Does that actually work? I don't think my insurance would cover that anyway

I'm actually trained and certified in tobacco cessation. As dumb as that sounds it's required for my job. Anyway, your chance of having a successful quit is much much much better if you use a form of cessation (patches, gum etc). Talk to your doc or pharmacist about it. Also if you are in the US you can call the quitline and get I think 10 free verbal counseling sessions. If you have any more questions lmk, I've got nothing to do tonight

I quit but it was the hardest thing I ever did.
I loved cigarettes.

You just have to want it bad enough. First three days are the hardest. The it gets easier.

Don't smoke, don't take any supplemental nicotine, drink a lot of water and after a month month that it's all in your head.

And breathing exercises, don't need to be a fag about it but just focus on controlling your breathing in and out while relaxing.

Grandfather smoked for 60 years he did it and never touched another
Just said he felt like one and something in his head triggered him not too

Fucking stop smoking.
>But how?
Just don't smoke another cigarette.
>But I'm angry and feel like shit
Tough shit, you did that to yourself by nursing a habit for a highly addictive substance for 10 years. Man the FUCK up and stop smoking. It's not like the withdrawal will fucking kill you. Bitchass bitch.

Just stopped smoking weed after 11 years. Started when I was 13. You know how I did it? I realized how much hated only feeling right when I was high. It's like when you begin to prefer playing a game with hacks. It loses the novelty after a while

Break your habits gradually. I smoke like 1 a day now. It started by not smoking when I wake up, I made it into an end of the day treat rather than something to do when bored.

Chantix. Forget these assholes that don’t know what smoking does to you.

I quit smoking cigarettes with patches, lozenges and a vape.

Buy a vape. After awhile youll notice how disgusting cigarettes are and will make you stop.

Sucking dick helps.

I've been thinking about getting on a patch but tbh it seems kinda faggy. Same reason i don't vape actually. I got one pack I'm working through and then after that no more. Maybe if i find I'm really struggling I'll get on it. What I'm really worried about is wanting to smoke mentally more than physically.

It's not the withdrawal that bothers me. It's that anytime I want to quit I find issues not too.

I guess I'll consider this option. Wouldn't hurt to try if anything else.

Just slowly stop
I’m currently in the process of quitting but just temporarily quit weed to save money almost 2 weeks ago and i just went from drinking a shitload of coffee furing the day to barely 2 cups/day
I’m on edge af and feel like i could beat the living shit out of anyone at any moment
Just start slowly from smoking a cig/hour to 12/day as a start
So you can have 4 at each period of the day
Then after a week or 2 of getting your system used to a lower amount, lower it to 9/day
Then so on until you quit
I’ve been able to successfully quit cold turkey in the past(maybe 3-4 times)
First 3 days are rough but once you get over that it’s only a matter of just smoking 1 then you’re back to smoking a pack/day
It’s not that hard but it sucks to have to replace the habit

just suck cock already

>Just stopped smoking weed after 11 years
Granted I didn't smoke weed that long, but I smoke daily for 3 years and dropped it like nothing after I moved back home. Since then I've barely smoked. I think I've smoked maybe 8-10 times in the span of 8 years, if that.

i watched the shia just do it clip over and over until finally i was like fuck it and just quit. i actually changed a lot of things in my life thanks to that clip

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I've actually tried that before and I found it to be even worse than smoking a pack a day. It just felt like torture WAITING all day and night just to smoke that one cig. I can't do that.

I'd rather not take meds though. Patches I'm definitely open to however.

Its not too much to go off of. Like in the end you will save more not smoking getting hypnotized. Always endolging in other things like sweets or chips. Just to take your mind off the ciggs. I tske it you live in the US?

there is no trick. you can try every method: hypnosis, surrogates, gum, etc. they may make it easier, or slow down the process, but ultimately if you don't actively put in the work every single day you'll never progress. you have to stay on top of it constantly. you have to accept that it's something you've got to live with, and it sucks, but there is really no silver bullet. it's a hard fucking process and it gets easier over time, but it's never easy. even years later, you still remember what it's like, and it still feels like it would be nice to go back, but you have to never let yourself slip up.

there's a saying, "99% is a bitch, 100% is a breeze." as long as you never make any exceptions, you'll never fuck up. no "well i'll just do it this time" because you'll excuse it away forever. never make concessions, and you can do it.

Same fag that is "certified" again here. The best thing to help with the mental aspect is to not give yourself any leeway. Pick a day that you want to start quitting, circle that fucker in red on your calendar. And before that day comes do not have a single cig, lighter, ashtray, cig coupon or Anything in your house. Throw it all away. Setting it for a day after trash day is a good way to make sure your ass doesn't dig through the trash and relapse. It's alot harder to smoke if you have to buy a lighter too, weird mental trick.

Only I did it was quitting cold turkey and replacing it with marijuana

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>tbh it seems kinda faggy. Same reason i don't vape actually.
>i don't like smoking, i know it's bad, but i don't want people to think i'm a bitch or anything

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honestly, sometimes having it there and being able to see it and say "no" is a really nice feeling for your willpower. however, i wanted to totally stop vaping, and i started by just putting my vape in another room. since it wasn't on me, or in my car, or next to my desk, i wouldn't just absent-mindedly toke away on it.

lol yeah reading over this thread i see OP isnt ready to quit

>set a date a few months out
>start telling your friends and family that you're going to quit on that date
>stock up on sunflower seeds
>research the science behind nicotine addiction and understand how and why you're addicted to cigarettes
>once the date rolls around, just chew sunflower seeds when you get cravings (or chew them constantly which I did)
>start exercising often. Walk, run, ride a bike.
>understand what triggers your cravings; it helps to be aware of why you're craving a cigarette
>do something to keep your mind occupied during a craving
>don't give in a few days in thinking it'll be different next time and you'll quit for longer. It won't work. (i.e. don't make excuses)

As someone who tried to quit vaping, having the vape in another room isn't enough. I got some craving so I went and spent 20 bucks on juice and new coils. Had I had to buy an entire new mod I probably wouldn't have relapsed

Not OP but he's not exactly wrong. Vaping is pretty gay.

1. recognize how lame smoking is. the physical and financial costs alone should be motivation enough
2. replace that unhealthy habit with a healthy one like exercise. i got more serious about weight lifting and i've been working toward belting up at jiu jitsu ever since i quit sauce
3. realize that once you quit and replace that shitty habit with a good one, your life will start to improve. at first, it won't be so noticeable, but eventually you'll start seeing more noticeable results; others will notice, too.

i'm not gonna feed you any bullshit here, user.
it's hard and requires dedication, but anything worth doing is never easy. since you're a smoker and you can basically do that anywhere/any time, you might need more flexible substitutes.
maybe take up learning a language or something?
there are a ton of language apps
try to focus on the goal and not on the struggle

why do you want to stop? just keep smoking

was in your shoes a while a go.

It was a choice between smoking or breathing. Didnt touch a cig after that.

So, as stupid as it sounds, just dont smoke, the cravings will go away.

Glad im not the only one who thinks so just replacing one thing with another. Might aswell suck dick and get paid pretty much the same thing.

Just keep smoking, it’s good for you. Just like how people keep posting porn on /B.

1 year ago I was smoking 3 packs a day
Today it has been 2 cigarettes and maybe will have a half cig sometime before bed.
I just stopped inhaling and in about a month the addiction broke. It's mostly all routine and habit now

>3 packs a day

Literally how?

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i know a few people that quit with these. regardless vaping and smoking are stupid. my point is OP seems full of excuses.

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Chain smoking the cheapest shit available.
A pyramid 100 will only smoke like 6 minutes. Less if you're ducking it down obviously.

it works if you do it with a purpose. it's like being a fat fucker, and rather than cold turkey switching to a new diet, you gradually cut out the bad shit and add in good shit. in the same way, you'd go from a pack a day to to a half pack, and so on. moving to nicotine in a pure form (vaping, gum, patch) is just an extension of this. tobacco has a multitude of other active compounds that contribute to the feeling.

it would be analogous to going from street heroin to pharmaceutical methadone. yeah, you're still getting the same "high", but it's a pure form and you can easily control the exact amount you're taking. then you can readily taper it off. you're not going to smoke half a cigarette, but you can easily drop your nicotine by a milligram at a time.

Switching to vaping helped me strat with a juul then work down to a vape pen then work from 18mg to 15 to 12 9 6 3 then 0 then eat some jolly ranches when u want to smoke then stop

I smoked for 15 years.
I used chantix.
It worked great.

Good luck op.

You may as well switch to light cigarettes if you're gonna do that. A lot of people that switch to vapes end up injecting far more nicotine and can't get off it.

patches and gum are an expensive fucking meme when you can just vape.

literally just set limits on your smoking and increase them over time. you first mistake was letting yourself get addicted, but it honestly aint that hard to come down. it doesnt ever go away 100% but once you're off for awhile you'll be disgusted by how they make you feel.

i read a study once about the lifespan reducing effects of smoking cigarettes. the researchers basically took a huge group of people who smoked for their whole lives, and got the average number of cigarettes smoked during that time, and the total reduction in lifetime, and calculated the time per cigarette. i believe it was like 12 minutes per cigarette.

Imagine that you are slurpping feces, big black cock juice, and throw up with each drag.

I did that with beer while dealing with extreme stress that made me need alcohol to just function normally and it worked. So I can tell you, it works. Although you will feel like shit and will feel like a degraded person if you keep smoking so it's a you are in or not in at all sort of deal.

is that a problem with the vape, or a problem with the person? it's just a tool to get you to quit smoking, and you can use it incorrectly. it doesn't make you feel like shit, so yeah of course you could consume way more nicotine. you can buy the shit by the bottle, you could drink it if you want and you're not going to cough your lungs up even though you effectively finished off an entire carton's worth of nicotine in one go. the people who keep ramping up their nicotine dose were people who didn't want to quit anyway.

Look inwards and realize that you are a fucking idiot, not even trying to preach, its not me who smokes.
You waste so much money, and all the time you have to go out.
Say you could be at 100% but you just gimped yourself down to 70 cause you are a fucking moron.
Just come to grips with this then stop. Worked for me, just sat down one day, and after that day 4-5 years ago im clean.

You really got to want to quit. It’s hard to pull away from the desire but you and nobody else are ultimately in control of your actions. I’ve been substituting weed for tobacco, which has been helping.

Also realize that the "best cigg" is just a byproduct of the good shit already coming. Like the after smoke cig is dope cause you just ate some kick ass shit, same with after sex and so on.
The only legit one is the morning cig cause its been long enough for your body to crave the cig.

Like every one else has said:

>Break habits; start with things like having one right after you wake up, or right after you get off work. Then break more habits. Continue until there are none left.
>Keep yourself busy, and your mind distracted. It will help you forget the craving. Go on a hike. Pick up a new hobby. Spend time with friends. Read a book.
>Don't enable yourself; get rid of lighters, don't keep a pack around thinking you can just "not have one". Trash all items that could allow you to relapse. A light or ultralight isn't better than a regular filter.
>Get aids; gum, patches and (although I don't like it) vaping move you to a different medium that doesn't destroy your body and helps with the addiction.
>Keep reminding yourself, there is literally no reason that anyone should smoke. Absolutely none. You are literally spending money to increase the chances of killing yourself and decreasing your health.

Anyway, this is what got me through it.

Changing one addiction to the other dont stop it, and "scaling down" honestly dont do shit, cause you are still feeding your addiction. It dont matter if it has another name.


Think of yourself enjoying a cigarette, and at this time you feel relaxed and in control while being sexually attractive to girls like:

>Pic related

You are enjoying this cigarette, feeling relaxed when you begin to sense a change in yourself...

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I bet you still crave it from time to time right?

>Okay, how about besides that?
>besides stopping smoking, how do i stop smoking


just stop, or accept lung cancer.

Vaping is way more expensive than patches and just trading one addiction for another unless you have some serious self control. There are regimens designed for quitting with patches, can't say the same about vaoe

i don't know what you're basing your argument on, but i disagree from my understanding of how addiction and neurochemistry works.

the reason tapering works is because your body gets used to a certain amount of nicotine in your body, over time. this is why you get a rush when you start, and it goes away. if you cut out nicotine all at once, you'll feel like shit for months until your body readjusts to having no nicotine. if you slowly taper it down, you'll just feel a little bit shitty but over a much longer time.

it's like boiling a frog, you know? if you do it slowly enough he doesn't notice. it's "homeostasis" if you want to look into the actual term. not just speaking to you anecdotally. tapering is how addiction is treated, and has been treated, for decades-- because it works better than the alternatives. begin seeing a black sludge forming in your lungs, you feel it in your body at this time and you feel it inside you. And as you do this, you see yourself next to:

>Woman pictured

...Cigarettes are in the picture and you are smoking one just like she is smoking one. Your life is headed in the wrong direction and you feel sick. You feel disgusted as you smell funk, cigarettes and feces, You are next to cigarrettes, a woman that smells bad and with a lingering smell of fart and ass coming near to the tobacco. This is the new image that you will think of when picking up a cigarette. You no longer want to smoke because sucking the gas coming out of the cigarette feels wrong.

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>I still smoke
>But im not addicted guise, promise UwU

What fucking hippie shit is this?

Buy a salt nic device. Get on the 25mg salt nic juice and you'll forget about sigs in a week. After month you can lower the dosage from 25mg to 12 then 6 then 3 mg and if you want next you can get on 0mg nics.

i read a a post by a guy talking about his heroin addiction once. he likened it to having a personal wardrobe to narnia. you could go in any time, on demand. family troubles? bills due? losing your job? you can just head off to narnia for a couple hours and all that shit goes away, at least for a few hours.

problem is even when you quit, and go sober, and come back to reality, it's not like you forget about that wardrobe. it can be years later, and your mother is in the hospital with cancer, and it would be real fucking easy to slip right back. you don't forget about that wardrobe. yeah, you don't know anybody who sells it, but it wouldn't be all that hard to get right back into it, it's never all that far away. and that's the problem.

you talk to heroin or meth addicts, and the thing they tell you is that they wish they never started. not that they could quit, but that they wish they didn't ever try it.

Oh yeah. For the first week, they're brutal. That's where keeping yourself busy is crucial. Then the first month it's like wanting sex. Then after that, it tapers off to something like craving a milkshake. At that point, you just don't want to go through the effort to have one. That's when you know you've won. After about a three months, the lust is totally gone.

From time to time I think about it, and if I'm pretty drunk or hanging out with smokers I'll give one a try, but can't even finish one. Once you kick the addiction, they're just disgusting again.

OP real advice here. I smoked Cigarretes, Cigars and Pipe Cigars for 6 years. The first time i tried to stop was in 2011 (Stoped for 10 months and returned). Next one it was 2013 and it was only 3 months. In 2016 i changed the game. I bought Cigarretes (pic related) and smoked the last one with a big cup of Cappucino. Since then i never smoked again. 3 years and strong.

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What does any of that have to do with smoking a fucking cigarette? And I really need an answer because you just wasted my fucking time with this bullshit

This, baling is faggy, but it's so mainstream now, and if you tell people you're doing it for health benefits what are they gonna say? Call you a loser for trying to better yourself and lower your risk of cancer? I agree op isn't ready to quit


I didn't say I was no longer addicted (which is medically debatable even)
I said the addiction broke. I'm not your teacher, so go look it up yourself.

So you still crave it or not?
I dont care that some metheads like childrens books, i wanna know if you still crave cigarettes?


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it's just an anecdote. read from it what you want to. yeah, quitting cigarettes isn't like breaking a fucking heroin addiction. it's not the same ballpark but it's still the same sport. there's merit in the message.

had a couple of buddies that used a vape to stop smoking and they gradually reduced the nicotine, the downside is you're vaping but it works

So im guessing this is some other guy then?
That is breaking an addiction and im happy for you. Do you still crave it? Or must you be real drunk in a shower of smokers to even consider it?

No it is not the same sport. This is like comparing a bike to a Semi-truck

This is the easiest option. All the health benefits with barely any of the struggle. Save a ton if you're from a country where cigarettes are taxed out the arse aswell.

>I just stopped inhaling and in about a month the addiction broke
Maybe familiarize yourself with another word if you wanna say something else.

also this little boy only costs 15$

>3 years and strong
Isnt it more like 3 years and starting to become a normal human again?

I got a vape, stopped buying cigarettes and now I no longer get the need to smoke fags, I only smoke when go for a beer

Different user but the point is cigarette smokers are in the same vein as heroin addicts. You're always going to crave a cigarette. I've got family members who have stopped who see me smoking and they have that craving even after stopping cold turkey for 10 years. You will always to some degree remember how good it was all them years back.

not the original guy but:

you don't but your brain does, if you want the real answer. "Delta FOSB" is the mechanism. your brain uses dopamine as a reward for effectively everything you do. eating, having sex, building shelter, etc. fundamentally, the thing that makes you feel happy and accomplished is a dopamine hit. that's the reward chemical in your brain. (it's more complex than this but just stay with me).

smoking is a way to bypass that system. instead of having to undertake risk and struggle to have your brain naturally reward you with dopamine, you can just smoke a cigarette and it hits the same receptors. since your brain is developed to do things that maximize dopamine (because those things are generally good for your survival, like breeding and eating), your brain "thinks" or rather "tells you" that smoking is a thing you should be doing more often, because it is a very simple way to receive that dopamine reward.

this mechanism is universal for all addictions. that's the working model we have right now. gambling, pornography, heroin, smoking, sex, eating, etc. it's all a dopamine reward circuit.

so while through willpower you can overcome it, the reptile part of your brain is not even capable of making those sort of value judgements. for millions of years, animals didn't have stimuli that could force a dopamine release, so the brain had no need to restrain itself. an animal would fuck as often as it could, or gorge itself on food if available, because it's brain tells it "this feels good".

hope that makes sense.

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Yeah, that's some other poster.

I should elaborate; yeah, from time to time I do crave them. It's almost always brought on by an environmental trigger.

I work with a ton of ex-airforce guys that smoke. So if we hit up the bars, naturally they offer me one. Occasionally, I'll be pretty drunk and say "Yeah, alright." I'll immediately regret it. It's been probably 6 months since something like that has happened.

What actually got me into it was an ex-roomate that liked to roll his own, and that shit was amazing. Bali-Shag. I would have one or two, hated the taste, but loved the head-rush and how focused I would be for the next hour. Then eventually, they wore off and I wouldn't notice any affect anymore, but still crave them. I picked it up hard while rebuilding transmissions one winter, so now every time I do automotive work in my garage I associate it with them (ie, I want to light one up even though I haven't had one in my garage in a year).

So, in short, yeah. I do still crave them, as much as I don't want to admit it. But I can't explain it as desiring something like a cookie; you want one, but you instantly forget about it once you realize you don't have have them anymore.

I don't get comparing it to heroin. My addiction wasn't nearly that aggressive.

I used the word I wanted to use.
The way a fever breaks was the way the addiction broke. It was as descriptive as possible while being succinct.
You're the faggot looking for shit without knowing shit.

Never smoked, but I'll give you second hand info. Best way to start quitting is to switch to vaping. Then gradually keep decreasing your nicotine, until you aren't using any at all. Then try to get off of vaping.

I just wanna make sure that when people try to say they lost their addiction, they really fucking mean it. If this should be a help thread for people that try to smoke, then delusions wont work. Addiction is one of those extreme things where you are either addicted or not, no in between stuff.

man i don't think you can really lose an addiction. getting addicted is like a dimmer switch. you can turn it down but the light is still on. i just don't think you can go back. you can't forget what that feeling is like. it changes how you are as a person. not in a "you're a puppet to your desires" but i don't think we as humans are in as much control as we tell ourselves we are. there's a lot of shit going on in the brain that isn't obvious. it's not like you're going to recognize your brain changing, because your brain is the thing doing the recognizing.

I was addicted to ciggarets, i stopped, and after like a week I didnt even consider ever smoking again.
You can drop it 100%, you just think you cant which is why you never will.

Except you're wrong
Inhaling nicotine is like slamming heroin.
The nic in that puff is in your bloodstream and lighting up the brains reward centers like a Christmas tree in seconds.

Now if you puff without inhaling, as with pipes and cigars, the nicotine is slowly absorbed through mucus membranes at a gradual rate which peaks about the end of your smoking session which makes the session itself more associated with reward than getting that quick fucking fix by huffing a cloud of smoke.

Cigar and pipe smokers will agree with me. The chemical addiction is just barely even a thing.

Sunflower seeds are a good substitute sometimes

It can be different for cigarettes though. It is very common for ex-smokers to be repulsed by cigarettes a time after they quit, especially the smell I'm told.


>Except you're wrong
To bad you are only describing that your addiction is taking other ways into you.
If you feed your addiction, you are addicted, if you dont and at the same time have no cravings, you are not addicted. You are just trying to justify your shit.

Yes user there is a way. I quit cold turkey after 20 years of smoking (started at 16, am 36 now). For me it was easy but I understand for some it can be hell.
bupropion and nortriptyline are used as anti depression medication and have a remarkable side effect. It's users quit smoking. You might want look into that.

the inhaling thing is a valid point. it's why lung cancer incidence in cigar smokers isn't more than cigarette smokers, even though there is way more tobacco in a cigar. while they do have higher amounts of mouth and lip cancers, since the smoke isn't held in the lungs as much there is less exposure.

of course, if you smoked a cigar like a cigarette, it would absolutely be worse for you.


Try joining a community (online or otherwise) of people who want to quit

Here's a good one I used in the past

The most important thing is finding the reason you want to quit, and sometimes finding the reason you started smoking in the first place. Focus on dealing with those two

Because I'm sure you're pure of hear and in soul and have no vices.
Go I gall you guru? Or maybe you have attained the status of Buddha??

i'm not that guy, and i'm not going to argue with you because this isn't a hill that i care to die on, but addiction is a chemical phenomenon in your brain. it's not a willpower thing, it's a structural change in how your brain operates. we don't have a great understanding of it, and the permanent effects, but it's an empirical fact. as in, you can scoop a monkey's brain out and say with certainty that addictive drug exposure has changed how the brain works. like how a veteran might have PTSD, and may "get over it" with time, it's not to say that the experience hasn't shaped the way that person operates on a basic level.

fuck you & your stupid asses life decisions.


No, and I never even insinuated it.
Im just trying to get you to understand that you are lying to yourself about this one thing.
You can go ahead and make your strawman if you wish, but its not me who will smoke a cig and lie to myself.

Start twisting your nips every time you smoke a cigarette. Do this for 2-3 weeks. It will help recondition your brains association with pleasure from cigarettes to twisting your nips. After about three weeks stop smoking cigarettes and just torque those nipples, you'll find you have the same positive association, without the disgusting habit of smoking.

Side note, you're gonna want to make sure you have lots of Vaseline, cant quit smoking with chapped nipples.

You can beat dopamine addiction, and you can beat nicotine addiction. I havent said its a willpower thing either, i overcame it through "looking inside myself" and realizing what i was doing.
Also the whole "its chemicals" could beb said about anything, the blood in my veins, chemicals.
The food i eat, chemicals. Its just a lazy way for smokers to justify not quiting

I'm not lying to myself about shit.
Never said I wanted to quit. My lungs were fucked (FROM SMOKING 3 PACKS A DAY) and so I had to do something.
I stopped inhaling
A year later and I only smoke like 4 cigs a day, which is a hell of a lot less that I even wanted since I like smoking.
I fucking went from huffing smoke the minute I woke up to going almost half a day before sitting down to half a cig.
Hell, used to be when I went out to eat I would excuse myself after the meal to go get my fix in the parking lot like a true junkie. I don't even smoke after I eat anymore.

This is personal fucking experience that I'm offering. There are a lot of ways to quit and doing what I did is a seldom mentioned one.

it is exactly the same as chemicals in your blood or food or anything else.
unfortunately, i'd say some people are just not as equipped to resist these urges. we draw the line but it's arbitrary. people who go to the casino every weekend probably don't "like" to spend their money on that, but for one reason or another they are. maybe they just don't care enough to quit, or maybe it was how they were raised, or maybe their brain is just built differently. who knows.
what i'm getting at is that it's not so easy to distill it down to "just nut up and quit smoking". yeah, that is all you have to do, but nobody wants to smoke. if anybody really understood what it was like, they wouldn't start in the first place. i'm not saying "smoking is like heroin you're absolutely fucked if you start" but i am saying it's not so simple. in the same way some folks are just depressed and can't keep their shit together, i believe some people are just prone to addiction. some people just don't have the mental fortitude, for whatever reason.

This is the whole fucking point im trying to make.
Your way isnt a way to stop smoking, its just keeping the addiction in a not as bad spot.
Im even happy that you smoke less, but its not a way to quit addiction which is the whole fucking point of the thread.

But that is the thing, its quitting or nothing, and scaling down isnt quittting.
I just dont wanna lie to people going on about switching to vapes or other shit, you quit or you stay.
If you can scale down and then quit, great on you, but I havent heard anyone who actually did this and ditch their vice.
And if they are prone to addiction or some other shit, then they are fucked, and nothing will work anyways.

I'm currently trying to quit too. I use nicotine bubblegum but sooner or later i have to get off from these too. So far i've seen alot of upsides to quitting so i really don't even want to do it again like breathing is so much easier, hangovers are not half as bad as they used to be, I feel less tired and headaches have stopped also i'm allergic to tree pollen and this year the allergy season was hugely easier thanks to quitting. Only downside so far is the weight gain. I think i've gained 4-5kg in 9 weeks. Might help to change your habits. I usually got a huge craving for a smoke after coffee so i temporarily swapped to tea etc.

Unless you are already fat, some few kg is fine, cause you can finally run more than 100 meter without dying.

>Your way isnt a way to stop smoking
Sure it is.
With upmost certainty I can say it would take little effort to completely quit of I wanted to.
I don't know why you can't understand how inhaling makes tobacco addiction something entirely different that is orders of magnitude more intense.

So fucking quit then.
Dont tell me you find anything good about smoking no matter how you feed your addiction.
I dont care if you inhale or not, in the end you still smoke things that have all that shit that you are addicted to.

Also true. Unfortunately I was allready slightly obese. Gotta get back to taking walks/runs. And a healthier diet. Maybe should drink less beer too.

i hate to give a smartass answer but the fastest way to quit smoking is to quit buying cigarettes and throw out all the ones you have

can't smoke em if you dont got em

don't get me wrong, we're arguing from a similar point of view.

a smoker who wants to quit and switching to a vape hasn't accomplished anything. sure, vaping isn't as bad for you as smoking, but you're still consuming nicotine. you haven't fixed the problem. it's the same drug.

i disagree that you have to do it all at once though. i don't want to debate with you on it, it's fine to disagree, but if you have to stepping stone from a pack a day to half a pack to vaping to patches to whatever, and then you end up quitting, then who fucking cares what pathway you chose? you quit smoking. you did it.

yes, ultimately you have to one day decide that you're not going to take another drag, but if it takes you five years of fucking around with different methods and shit to get there, then so what? if the alternative is to say "fuck it" and smoke until you die, then what's the problem?

to restate my argument here, lets say we've got 10 smokers.
all of them go cold turkey, and 5 of them are able to do it, and the other 5 go back to smoking.

now lets say the 5 that went back instead start vaping, and one of them is able to taper down and quit smoking altogether, and the other 4 just keep vaping forever.

i'd say that's a better result. having more options isn't a bad thing.

Turn into a stoner

I don't want to fucking quit.
I like smoking
I like grabbing my smoke kit, rummaging through my humidor for stick, grabbing something ro drink I feel would pair well, going out on the patio and sitting way back in my zero-g, cutting, toasting, lighting, and appreciating everything which went into the cigar, and spending the next 2 hours in the dying evening watching my dog flop around the back yard.
And since I have stopped inhaling cigs they have become a 5 or 10 minute mini version of such.

I don't know if you're virtue signaling or what the fuck. Seriously?

Sure, I understand the part where people deal with it in different ways, but most people that try to scale down or go over to vape, just stay there or go back. Im just saying that people that delay it, they dont commit.
What im saying isnt that it wont work, im just saying it dont work most of the time, and people are deluding themself instead of tackling the problem head on

Read this and you won't want to smoke again.

i quit smoking a year ago now and i just went cold turkey. very hard for the first week. after that, pretty easy. keep you mind and hands busy and you'll be alright.

Attached: SoundsGAy.jpg (500x500, 55K)

I couldnt care less if people smoke, i just dont want YOUR delusions fool someone else.
Also, the whole part where you try and justify your drug is really desperate and common in people in denial.

This is a valid option

Move to Australia smoking is a luxury

$45 a packet

i agree. it's not like vaping is this magical fix where you start it and then the urge to smoke just goes away. it's still hard and you still have to work to quit, and it still sucks. if you switch to vaping and you're not serious about quitting, you shouldn't be surprised that you haven't quit.

in the same way, just because you bought a gym membership doesn't mean you're going to get fit. you still gotta put the work in.

grow your own tobacco? it's a plant that literally comes up out of the ground. i figure you could have a garden in your back yard, and buy a packing machine, and it would pay for itself pretty quickly.


stop smoke

our government is so stupid that now Tabacco is being smuggled into the country much like most illegal drugs

the chains of habit are too light to feel until they are too heavy to break

that's actually pretty common. in europe, cigarettes are smuggled between countries due to price differences. i know it's a big deal in romania.

If you want to quit

I have trapped animals that chewed there leg off to get free.
Get ta chewen

>I can't be bothered to find the name, but I did read this one book that helped me quit for six months. But I went back into it just for the fuck of it basically.
Yeah, you're bored, find a hobby to occupy your time.

fuck cigs yeah

>I couldnt care less if people smoke,
Then what the fuck are you even doing here, faggot?
GTFO and take your plastic high horse with you.

I fucking roll my own. $20 for a bag of The Good Stuff brand tobacco and $4 for 200 ZEN brand tubes. Costs me about 28 bucks every 40 or so days.

Roll your own with 100% real shreaded wet leaves and you'll feel great compared to fucking $7-10 packs of fake shit.

I tried smoking marlboro smooth for about a month and I felt like absolute shit. Try switching.

Get three days worth of meth and a thing of mentos or trident gum for after the third day. Or supplement with dipping tobacco until you don't crave smokes anymore

Take shrooms