Favorite pokemon? alakazam is cool

favorite pokemon? alakazam is cool

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regigigas is cool

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OP here, alolan raichu is a good one too

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Corphish is cooler

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i love eevee



espeon or alolan ninetails

Magikarp is always on my team.



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hitmonlee is dope. Onix would be another :)

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Uhh, I gotta go with fucking Haxorus

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Kingdra, in it's original game, with a breeding taught Ice beam and octazooka was broken AF

Alakazam is cool as fuck, so is gengar, squirtle, dragonite, gyarados, typhlosion, metagross, and of course motherfucking wooper.

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Those are the eyes of a 400 IQ psycopath watching the children of someone who annoys him drown.

Did you know that there is a pokemon thats just a set of keys?

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well my starter was Bulbasaur and then my favorite became vulpix.
if i had to make a perma choice now though on technicality and not battle performance i'd say >Ditto. i'm a bit of a jester and easy going person. i'd rather have a chill pokemon around who's simply aloof and pulls jokes.

I see my superiority has led to some controversy

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aggron is fucking awesome too, I forgot about him in the list

3d Models may have made my boi look like a danger noodle, but Typhlosion is one mean motherfucker

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Motherfucking Tyrannitar

Suicune is pretty sweet


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I'm not seeing registeel

No idea why but i always loved Ampharos
And i’m more of a psychic/dark kinda “trainer”
But anytime i start a new game and come across a Mareep, you bet your ass that i’m going to fucking catch it

Fun fact:
>Hitmonchan was based off Jackie Chan
>Hitmonlee was based off Bruce Lee

It’s pooper silly


Forgot pic
Ampharos are fucking awesome

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pic related. I'm super nostalgic for the first 2 gens, but i love Froslass. The Ice/Ghost typing is unique and cool as fuck and it has a neat design that looks like something Snowrunt would turn into and has a neat story behind it. Also its fast and strong and learns Destiny Bond, which is one of my favorite moves in the game.

Behind that would be Venusaur or Vaporean probably.

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Everyone in this thread has great taste btw.

This fucker. Cute, all Natur-like and even somewhat strong.

Plus Regigigas, Tauros and Golem

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Destiny bond is the most frustrating bitch move someone can pull on you when you’re raping their asses with a mon that you ought to not lose in a battle
Otherwise, yeah Frosglass is based

So cute!

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i always liked this guy
he was great in blue and red vry high attack and speed

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I really like this critter right here. 2nd would be Porygon-Z.

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i also always liked these guys

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So I herd you leik mudkipz

Noivern forever

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