Gore Thread. Pics/Gifs/Links

Gore Thread. Pics/Gifs/Links

Attached: lol1.gif (500x432, 951K)

what are some of your favourite gore websites?

Attached: dick.gif (245x180, 976K)

Attached: 1549995414181.jpg (720x400, 66K)

Attached: gv4lT.gif (320x180, 1.51M)

Attached: jeff-in-blood-puddle.jpg (960x720, 153K)

Attached: 3mq1g.gif (300x167, 158K)

Attached: 2a48545029ac84df0159de895af42be6.jpg (960x640, 143K)

Attached: 5rMuBVp.jpg (960x1280, 92K)

Attached: 1220f0cqes811.jpg (600x474, 52K)

Attached: goodbyetittays.jpg (640x466, 72K)

Attached: 1402372060687.jpg (2496x1664, 431K)

Attached: 1551235790444.png (734x704, 760K)

What a godawful movie

Attached: 1555028565720.jpg (2198x1972, 1.97M)

Attached: 1555028612003.jpg (1493x2074, 1.64M)

Attached: 1559005974146.jpg (3024x4032, 940K)

What's that from?

what the fuck is she smiling so damn hard about?
her fuckin body is split in two.

Attached: DMSisK8WkAYXfnn.jpg (552x982, 61K)

Attached: selfie.jpg (720x528, 140K)

Attached: dnjMxu1.jpg (1600x900, 128K)

Attached: F6.png (413x373, 271K)

Attached: https___scontent.cdninstagram.com_t51.2885-15_sh0.08_e35_p750x750_14736404_1144249065656871_24836666 (600x750, 97K)

how does that even happen to your leg? an explosive device?

Attached: We+all+have+our+little+secrets+o+o+scary+movie+x3_f14669_3386606.gif (500x218, 461K)

Attached: IvVsu (1).jpg (640x480, 52K)

Attached: JNTRUnivHealthSci_2014_3_1_41_128431_f3.jpg (746x495, 82K)

Attached: OcP8P.jpg (1092x1240, 308K)

Attached: Wo3kl.jpg (422x750, 69K)

Attached: sliced-thumb-small.jpg (320x239, 24K)

what are some good gore sites guys?

Attached: tJ1uo.jpg (320x240, 21K)


How much does one of those cost? Asking for a friend


What exactly am I looking at?

so fucking fake lmao

gore dot com

Oh fuck, I bet that breath smells like rotting Zombie dicks.

Someone please shoop a dog chewing on it.

anybody got any gore from Bright Burn?

>your foot when you are on speed and game for a month straight.

Gender swap.
>totally not a disorder