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Yes, don't think for a second that it doesn't.

Yes but you can make up for a small dick by learning how to use it and by also using your hands and mouth.

for 99% of the population, no; for a personality-less incel like yourself, yes

and you drew the short straw

In the hopes that you aren’t trolling I’m gonna answer you seriously. As long as it’s not

thanks frens

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No but your tongue does

as a small peep holder myself, doesnt matter to fuck girls and have relationships, but they usually talk about it lol

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Peepee size matters just as much as black lives.
What really matters is that your peepee doesn't look like picrelated.

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your fingers can make just about any human cum, unless your penis is smaller than say your middle finger you should not worry

yeah, doesnt matter for sex, but of course girls have preferences on dick sizes, as its more appealing some types and all, and bigger dicks are usually the most attractive. for pleasure though, doesnt matter

I'm sorry. But if your penis looks like a goddamn echidnas then I think you need to unironically kill yourself

yes, girls are only satisfied if you are this big at least

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I'm 8 inches and my gf complains that I stab her cervix

If you can make it to 5 inches, you're good Yea Forumsro. Any lower,she laughs. If she wants an even greater one, she's probably a slut. To quote Trevor from GTA, "mine ain't nothing special either but it gets the job done"

yes it does user
you can make up for it by getting really good at your technique though
tongue, fingers, teeth in the right context. get her so riled up that it wont matter how much you have to plunge into her.
also positioning is key. when fucking her lift one of her legs up and push it against her chest and let the other leg lay flat and fuck her like that,
when your pushing be sure to create a rhythm where you're actively pushing up with your tiny dick as you push in

the hardest part of having a tiny dick is the presentation. its not the sastifying her part its the getting her to let you try when all you ahve to present is something that your twelve year old cousin would laugh at.
but once youre actually in bed it matters far less

my gf complains i stab her throat

No, but png is better than jpg, just try not to save the thumbnails