Best bands of all time:

Best bands of all time:

>The Beatles
>Pink Floyd
>Led Zeppelin
>Rolling Stones

Who's the fifth?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Who's the fifth.

Black Sabbath.

I’m asking you who’s the fifth?

Eh. The Who are second tier.

The Jonas Brothers. Duh

Alice in Chains

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judas goddamn priest

Lynrd Synrd



Tool, for sure


The Beatles. More like the beatless

Big Time Rush

Also second tier.
Also second tier. Mightve had a chance if the entire original lineup had stayed alive.
Immediate disqualification

Go back to your mumble rap

Credence Clearwater Revival

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death grips

Definitly the best of all time

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Obviously Creed


Puddle of Mudd

White boy just mad that we stealing yo white wummin



Released 6 albums in 5 years filled with greasy songs. I still count Skynyrd as the best American rock band possibly challenged by CCR or maybe the Doors.

Damn, these are all awful. The Who and MAYBE Sabbath are so far the top contenders.

Sabbath, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, and The Grateful Dead all get my vote. CCR definitely replaces The Rolling Stones. They are so over-rated.

Three good ones. The Dead were a better jam/live band than an actual studio band though.
CCR didn't have as big of a following or legacy as the Stones, though funnily enough I do prefer them over the latter.
And Hendrix was unfortunately better solo or with Band of Gypsies.

Linkin Park

>the beatles
>linkin park

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Iron maiden

True. But when it comes to 60s-70s of pioneering music and the psychedelic experience, these are the bands I feel that made the push. (Not so much CCR but still a band with some hits.) I like maybe 3 stones songs, but CCR I can just listen to song after song.

Ned the Nostril and his South Side Paradise Cheap at Twice the Price Band

better living through chemistry, kids



The strokes

Wrong. The Who is in the top 5.

I feel like The Kinks would've had a better chance than them if they hadn't been banned from the US.
The Who are definitely rock icons, but not many can name more than two people in the band, and maybe more than a couple of their songs.


The Who

Honorable mentions:
The Heartbreakers
Peral Jam
The Eagles


>but not many can name more than two people in the band, and maybe more than a couple of their songs.
Aside from the Beatles that's true of all those bands

See, I can agree with some of these. For me its always been Cream, Queen or The Who that took the slot. Maybe Sabbath. But the rest are just sort of there.

On the scale of both influence and skill, I think Black Sabbath. There's other bands that achieved the amount of influence and exposure mentioned itt like Nirvana, but it would be a crime to put them in the top 5 bands. they really lacked talent in the traditional sense that we're used too.

other bands mentioned itt, Grateful dead would be a good choice, but I dont think they had great exposure to the mass public, but rather a very specific following of people.

other than sabbath id suggest maybe Cream?

Beastie Boys


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I think Queen would be a good choice, they're much more popular than Cream and were very talented

Everybody knows more than a few of their hits, even if you don't really know its them. And Zeppelin and The Stones' members are for sure all widely known. Maybe not Floyd because there was always that struggle of having a true front man.


jim croce

alice in chians
smashing pumpkins
black sabbath
alice in chains again


You have the right idea, fucking amazing band.

take the beatles and put queen and pearl jam


Elton John




if elton john is a band i raise you a michael motherfucking jackson

fuck the Beatles
or should i say
fuck beatles fans

Ffs why none is giving the right answer??? Its obviously Beach Boys you nigger faggots

Deep Purple obviously, jeeze

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Grateful dead


It’s a hard call between Gastric and Rubber

The Traveling Wilburys

sui generis

They Might Be Giants



caballeros de la qeuma

Elder God tier

while i'll have to disagree with the beatles (the other three are great choices) i'd say a good candidate for another spot would be the doors

came here to post this

>The Beatles
>Pink Floyd
>Led Zeppelin
>Rolling Stones
>Black Sabbath
>The Who
>Iron maiden

These bands aren't bad per se, but they are serioiusly


Like come on guys, how many more years are people going to be circle-jerking over these bands?? Every fucking kid learning the guitar for the last 30 years starts off w/ "hurr durr *x* band is the best" and plays a shitty cover version of *x* song on his guitar and think he's the best and that he's listening to be best bands.

These bands are NOT the best.


Aerosmith, or foreigner

The who? seriously.. wheres Van hallen or fucking foreigner? the police like cmon. dude ac/dc is garbage!!

But they are pioneers. They paved the way for all other bands to be influenced. They are the creators, the rest are alterations. You’re a simple boi. Metallica is a good band I just hate James Hatfield’s vocals.

>Best bands of all time:
>>The Beatles
>>Pink Floyd
>>Led Zeppelin
>>Rolling Stones

The Beatles set back rock 'n roll 30 years-- starting with Sgt. Poopers faggot band they didn't even play rock, they were a pop band.
Pink Floyd was over-produced studio garbage track over track.
Led Zeppelin had ORCHESTRA bullshit on their final albums, plus Page was way overrated and Plant howled like a little bitch.
The Rolling Stones have now been a total shit band for far longer than they were any good-- they haven't made a decent album since Exile on Main Street.

No taste, no class, no knowledge; OP is a faggot.

The Pixies

Good try.

What’s your top 5 greatest bands?

Def Leppard

says the guy who posts no bands to combat

Kinda focusing on a narrow era of rock. You're ignoring motown, punk, progressive...
Radiohead. The Clash, Ramones, Hendrix, Judas Priest..
fuck you could have the Michael Jackson, Fat Elvis
But no, lets have both the who and the stones so we can listen to 2 bands doing exactly the same shit.

jimi hendi

What, no frank black and the catholics or the flaming lips?

Kind of a narrow focus, son.

Somebody got molested. It’s the only way you’d get stuck with such ridiculous opinions

Led Zeppelin are plagiarist hacks who pretty shamelessly stole songs from bands they played with.

Sorry! My knowledge of the pixies isn’t very extensive.

Unless you're doing atonal shit or using a 12 tone matrix or something odds are you're stealing someone's shit.


Asking Alexandria

I said bands, not people.
And if I had it my way, the best bands would mostly all be prog. Yes, early Genesis and The Mother's Of Invention could play circles around any of these bands listed.

Yeah exactly. In the same way jazz was borne from classical and rock from the blues. Dance from disco, hip hop from funk. Everything's been done, and everything is related in some way. Its just a matter of how you play it with your own unique twist.

OK, then the Temptations from the motown era would probably be the one to go with.

May as well go with The Ink Spots. Nobody knows who they are. Nobody really listens to them much anymore. For sure their influence is undeniable, by they've been forgotten.

I was thinking them or ELP, but neither is played anywhere. Rush too, but they see play.

Also was thinking of The Yardbirds solely based on the talent line it was putting out, but the music itself wasn't in this top tier.

I'd probably say 5th is a metal band like Iron Maiden or Sabbath.

Go listen to ball of confusion. seriously get off 'Yea Forums and listen to it. Still musically relevant.

Not him but the most important contemporary artists are, in no particular order
>Robert Smith
>Bob Dylan
>Townes van Zandt
>Kanye West
>Christian Jacobs
>Ben Carr

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Welcome to ever art, science, language, career in the history of humanity. Rarely is there a human that thinks up completely unique ideas, and generally they are based on some other recent idea.

isn't christian jacobs a nick jr. actor? Did he bang iCarly?

You have shit taste user

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If I can find you on the 'famous mormons' wiki you're not a great musician.

>Bob Dylan
>Kanye West


fucking all this shit and nobody says king crimson? fucking posers.

Fuck you

Jeff Beck Group way better than Yardbirds

Eat shit and die


Geniuses and arguably two of the greatest lyricists of the 20th century in the same list as fucking Kanye West. Okay buddy, nice try.

Official list:
>Dire Straits
>The Velvet Underground
>Sonic Youth
>Godspeed You! Black Emperor
>The Ramones

King Crimson

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This is more like it.

objectively false, all are gay

I don’t wanna be THAT guy but why do people always claim “popular” mainstream bands from back the are “the greatest” of all time?
Based on what? The fact they were heavily marketed and that people assume that popular = good?
Don’t get me wrong, grew up to Pink Floyd, Scorpions, Rush, AC/DC, Zappa, Priest, Heart, Loverboy, The Who, SRV, Metallica and all that
But in all honesty, if we are going to speak of creativity, originality, groove, texture and uniqueness... any fusion band from back then can wipe their asses

Could you be any more of a hipster?

Pearl Jam

yeah, if he posted op's list

Not the biggest fan but it might be AC/DC.


>Pink Floyd was over-produced studio garbage track over track.
Fucking really? And what over production are you talking about before the 80's? There's a reason there's many tracks - 4 instruments most of the time, two vocalists, guest vocalists, etc. What would you call Steely Dan then? I don't particularly like their style, but you have to respect the musicianship and them being studio wizards in the best sense of the word.

yeah but AC/DC is shit

weezer had, what, two good albums? If that?

Recently “discovered” King Crimson
Words cannot describe how disappointed i am of not having gave them a listen years before
Adrian Belew live is a fucking treat to watch
Robert Fripp is just fucking amazing
Bill Bruford... so much respect for that monster
Tony Levin, Chapman stick meister
Fucking loved his contribution in Liquid Tension Experiment
Not to mentioned he highly influenced Les Claypool

How the fuck is any of that hipster? Dire Straits, The Ramones and Sonic Youth are high charting bands and others are far from unknown.

haha sick

So are all the other bands he listed.

Not him but Steely Dan already had Wayne Krantz along with him so that is automatically a plus in my book

Doesn't get any normier than that

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Brockhampton my nigger

that's true, but AC/DC is especially shit, even for its time.


>Adrian Belew live is a fucking treat to watch
Oh boy, are you in for a treat. He's been in Zappa's band without being able to read music and even passing the audition. That alone tells you everything you need to know about his capabilities as a musician. He's also played Talking Heads, with Bowie, Nine Inch Nails, Porcupine Tree, Laurie Anderson, Jean Michel-Jarre. How's that for a resume?

This fucking guy knows


Overrated garbage. Rest of you faggots can pretend shit tier drumming and songs about holding hands and twist and shouting not me.

Limp Bizkit for 5th band

>Adrian Belew live is a fucking treat to watch
>Oh boy, are you in for a treat. He's been in Zappa's band without being able to read music and even passing the audition. That alone tells you everything you need to know about his capabilities as a musician. He's also played Talking Heads, with Bowie, Nine Inch Nails, Porcupine Tree, Laurie Anderson, Jean Michel-Jarre. How's that for a resume?
Oh, and by the way - totally overlooked as a vocalist. Add that to his list as well... Jesus... It really is laughably ridiculous, isn't it?

Gotta agree. What other bands pumped out albums of this quality in a matter of two years?

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You missed the Beach Boys

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I knew he played with Zappa but not being able to read and play with Zappa?
You realize how serious Zappa was about music, right?
You just fucking blew my mind right there with something I didn’t even know

Well, hear it from the horse's mouth.

Just finished watching city of tony lites
Fucking hell man, that just pumped me up
I’m really bummed that no modern band has ventured in Zappa territories music-wise
He really makes me want to shift my focus from prog metal to his eclectic type of fusion
Fucking hell, about to watch the second one

Ha! That’s amazing but given how Frank was into this whole “weird” thing, it’s not a surprise Belew got the gig
Pretty sure he had dudes who probably had Al di Meola type of chops and thought Belew had the right energy and vibe to add to his roaster
Good shit man

>I’m really bummed that no modern band has ventured in Zappa territories music-wise
Oh yes they have. Mike Patton with Mr. Bungle, Cardiacs, Ween, Fred Frith, John Zorn, etc.

Its ac/dc user

This came up last tour 5th biggest band of all time

I don't think he was ever about "the chops" - he was about musicality. And speaking of chops, here's a story about Vinnie that made Zappa just quit and throw his song book in the air in disbelief.

They wouldn’t exist without the greats, that’s why, sweetheart. Someone’s gotta pave the way

And it went

Dispite opinion i believe it is based on sales

>inb4 anybullshit christian groups dont count and biggest band suggest 3 or more members

Blue, Pinkerton, Songs from the Black Hole, White, Everything Will Be Alright In The End, Green, Malatroit, Red
seems like a nice selection to me

>John Zorn
But i meant, post 2000

On another note:
Intergalactic Maiden Ballet
Have you heard of it? Jojo Mayer plays drum on it and he fucking kills it

Fuck yeah! I fucking love Vinnie!
You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about so kindly fuck off

>Intergalactic Maiden Ballet
Not really, but thanks for recommending them.

The ramones opened for the aquabats last year.

Anthony you are literally the only person who listens to brockhampton


All shit bands mate. Completely irrelevant today, you should move on
Damn, straight Ornette Coleman Dancing in Your Head era vibes.

>t. zoomer

get some fucking taste you piece of shit

Dude i just finished read the Steve Vai tidbit
It’s hilarious cause as soon as he mentioned Vinnie’s habit to casually push his glasses up whilst playing, it reminded me the beginning of Tumba with Chick Corea and John Pattituci where at the beginning he just grooves and takes his cigarette off the ashtray whilst still playing and shit
Vinnie always had fucking style and chops for days

The Doors

You know there are other genres that have bands, right? Or do you work for Rolling Stone?

coming from someone who loves music and appreciates all genres, most of the beatles music sucks ass. its overall boring and awkward sounding and i feel like people only like the beatles because they were told the beatles are some god tier amazing band when in reality they dont live up to their hype at all

The Kinks

nirvana and its obvious

This one is one of my favs


Finally, holy fuck i've been waiting for someone to say The Doors


>it reminded me the beginning of Tumba with Chick Corea and John Pattituci where at the beginning he just grooves and takes his cigarette off the ashtray whilst still playing and shit
Pretty big on Chick Corea, but never knew about this. Is there a video of it? Here's what the band you recommend reminds me of:

Paul McCartney is a genuinely good artist

Get your own opinion

>Linkin Park

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i agree, the jimi hendrix experience was good but not great. the band of gypsies kicked ass though, as does a lot of jimi's solo, jams and live music

Pretty sure it's supposed to be these guys

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What really irks me is people praising something like "Day in the Life" as this monumental achievement, when it's really a pop song with an orchestral free for all improvisation for some "underground credibility".

Who's that on the left, Ellen?

Sure it’s

Didn’t know about Ornette Coleman and holy shit you’re so goddamn right!
They obviously must’ve been influenced by his repertoire given their similarities

Bob Dylan made shock waves in Americana that reach out into infinity. His writing influenced all of his predecessors, Bobby set the bar that every artist tries to match ot exceed. Kanye is a master of his craft, and is a genius when it comes to predicting trends. If it's being done now in hip hop Kanye did it 10 years ago.

everyone knows the ink spots because of fallout

>predicting trends
Wow, great skill to have as a genuine artist and a musician.
I don't really care about hip hop, because innovation never really spawned from that realm or at least not for any good reason.

ITT: absolute elitist virgins flexing high school vocab and middle school taste in music

Paul's intimate work was always his best. Nobody remembers rod Stewart for "all in the name of rock and roll". Same with McCartney. They had to fill out albums, it was the way production was back in the day. Concept albums weren't even a thing until years after Pink Floyd pioneered them. albums were just anthologies of random songs.

get it
nickle back
5 cents
fifth place?

I'd totally watch John Wick and Ellen travel through time in a phone booth

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No, please stop man
You’re so fucking far up your ass that it’s not even funny

Damn, Vinnie is truly something. By the way, favorite version of Spain forever:
And a definite contender for the best band ever or whatever this irrelevant concept is called. God, what a lineup here...

That pic legit made me laugh

>Al di Meola
>Billy Cobham
Dis gun b gud

It's clear you think kanyes work begins and ends with gold digger. Give life of Pablo a listen with a professional pallet. It's a surprisingly well compiled record. Each piece is in it's proper place. But if you don't like hip hop you probably won't like it. But just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's bad.

Not an argument

Well, I guess some credit is to be given to The Beatles in that regard - concept albums. Them and The Moody Blues among others.

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I'm not saying it's bad, but it was commercial right from the start. It wasn't the "voice for the voiceless" like funk, blues and other genres were. Really not seeing much merit from the start, and definitely not now when everyone is pumping out rap/trap and hip hop singles.

they sound pretty fucking dope

Foo Fighters is the most overrated piece of shit band ever. Dave Grohl would be working at McDonald's if he hadn't been in Nirvana.

Ye was pretty good, but not nearly as good as LOP. Compare lop to any other modern hip hop recond and you'll see why Kanye gets that spot on the list. Even his mediocre tracks are worth listening to.
Finally some fucking sense itt

The bay City Rollers

Queen, duh

I liked it but the audio was bad given it was from an old ass tape
Have you ever watched the Weather Report live at Montreux show? Joe Zawinul looks like he’s on acid at times
But all in all, fucking kickass show from when they were at their prime imho

>Have you ever watched the Weather Report live at Montreux show?
I don't think I have, and I doubt any of them could perform while being under the influence of anything. I know he wasn't with them at the time, but I'm still really sad about Jaco.


Dude, Jaco is blazing thru the whole show
Watch the whole damn fucking thing
I swear, best 1 hour you’ll have spent in this whole day


>hurr if people have different taste than me then they’re hipsters
Just shut the fuck up already, you’re being redundant

>mr. normie
queen was sucessful but they were overrated af

Oh damn, I didn't realize what year it was. I'll definitely watch it. A good resource for concert tapes/DVDs is rutracker.


Fuckin agree. If the contest is lack of any bad music, strokes are my number 1

Well, Zappa was fusion and a pioneer of it too. I mean, he played with many prominent fusion musicians during his numerous lineups.

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It’s not a conversation of taste, you can’t grasp the fact that if it weren’t for these pioneers, the music we have today would not exist. They were the ones experimenting, and successfully constructing genius pieces.

Thanks for that!
Man i fucking love fusion, i hope they do have some Allan Holdsworth

Oh yeah and not just fusion, that's just an understatement.

Exactly, that’s why his argument is undermined from the start. He probably can’t even read sheet music lol

You’re right and i don’t have anything bad to say about Zappa
Fucking respect the man for all he did and stood for

Slayer is the 5th

Then again, you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about
Pick up an instrument, learn some theory and try to venture beyond that generic 4/4 and basic 4 chord cadence bullshit that’s been beaten to death
There was a shit ton of really fucking good musicians from the same time that all these bands were overly marketed for the masses
Not shitting on your taste, just tired that people act like all these bands are the only ones that exist when a shit ton of musicians were doing way more interesting things

>Allan Holdsworth
Yet another contender. I mean, fucking John Mclaughlin said to him after a show that he would steal his ideas if he only knew what the hell Allan was doing. Truly a singular and unique character in all of music. And wrap your mind around this shit - material Allan played on actually charted and was catchy.


New Order / Joy Division
Also Queen


nice boy band

Haha hell yeah man
Go listen to Gong’s Gazeuse
The whole album
Probably one of my favorite guest playing he did

Fuck, i had never heard of that UK song before but the beginning reminds me of Moonbabies from Planet X’s Moonbabies album
Pretty sure Derek Sherinian took the inspiration of the opening from this UK keyboard riff

This is the correct answer

Sixto Rodriguez

Kiss is the shit text of bandz


241 posts and no mention of Little Feet.
You all are musical failures.

sonic youth
smashing pumpkins
new order

The Beatles are gay, rest of your list is fine

the spice girls

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the communist one beat his wife and kids

Alice in chains

Attack Attack

Well I hold them so high up because this music introduced/influenced me into psychedelics. You can’t say these bands are basic. Nothing about Zeppelin is basic. I could listen to Bonzo drum tracks isolated, and be amazed. Nothing about Revolver is basic. The lyricism alone these bands had annihilated anything before or after its time, especially for them to be doing it in the 60/70s
