Hot College Chicks like we're in a 2002 Girls Gone Wild infomercial past 2AM on Comedy Central

Hot College Chicks like we're in a 2002 Girls Gone Wild infomercial past 2AM on Comedy Central.


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I have ig for all of them, ask if you want

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Bump. I miss those infomercials.

You rule.

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Keep bumping. This thread is going to be successful whether they like it or not.

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What the fuck is on her head


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Lol shit, I never noticed that.
She should probably get that checked out.

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Fuck yeah.
Hot af.

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bay trash is best trash

could share some nudes of her on kik for some tribs, if u interested

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idk what any of that means
you should probably just post them on the internet like a sensible adult

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god damn that is a woman right there

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Fuck me I have an entire folder of her at home
That's not even a good picture of her
She's such a fucking dime

kik is a social media and tribs are tributes. not a fan sharing them on here. My country has rules against sharing nudes, and for some reason they take it seriously kek

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Any links to girls gone wild whores masturbating in hotel rooms

Dear Thread,

Become popular immediately please.


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Your country sounds like it's run by faggots.

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pornfags are fat, stupid, subhuman mud people who deserve to die

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>for some reason they take it seriously
the reason they take it seriously is that centralized states always skew more and more liberal over time. the idea that women need to be protected and coddled (which dries up vaginas faster than anything) rather than taught how to act right and be held accountable for their actions (which they secretly love) is one of the easiest ways to get idiots to vote for a politician.

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man she's straight up hot

Fuck out of here, Putin.

that filter is so dumb.
women literally didn't look like that in 1998.
also, moar.


yeah, it is, no doubt

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yeah, the thing is, brazil is still mostly a conservative country( although they really tried to change that in the last few years) this laws regarding nudes just passed because of some really specific case that happened, they even named the law after the actress that got her nudes leaked

>steel drums start playing

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Oh shit. Nina is stacked

A fucking dime piece

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You mean blondes?


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dum dum da-dum dum, da-dum dum

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Is there a story behind the writing on her shirt?

Halloween - she was dressed like JWow. She also has fake tits so it works

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Mfing stizzacked

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Never trust a girl with lips that thin.

Nina D gang bang needs to happen soon

Personal favorite.

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I’ll take that chance lol

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Of fucking whom?

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Nice, I take it she's your favorite aswell?

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Every time I post her as an OP, the thread blows up.

Nah she's fine af but my favorite is


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wow fly

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