Hey, Yea Forums

Hey, Yea Forums.
After 6 or 7 years of jumping job to job, i've come to the edge on the decision of signing up to be a grunt. Not much to give up. Im broke. Barely talk to family. The only thing i'd really be missing is booze. I'm 22 years old. Would just have to wait for the THC to get out of my system so i can pass a piss test. What are your thoughts? Any marines browse this shithole? Experiences are welcomed. Don't hold back, even the boring bits are appreciated. Wanna know what im signing up for.

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There's usually an enlistment thread on

Appreciated. I'll look and see.

Same goes for me but either the army or air force any advice appreciated as well

There is, in fact, a thread on . It's pretty dead right now. Would post reference but im having difficulties. Alternatively, you can just search "enlist" on /k/ and it should come right up.

4 year SGT here, been there done that, was so glad when my contract ended. It sucked dick. Deployed over and over... But it set me up for a great career and I make bank now. It's a hard road but if you walk it right it will fix your life.

And make you racist...

Study study study for the asfab test. This will determine what you are qualified for. And don't lie on the background check.

There are some 8 million jobs out there. Don't gamble away your future to fight in some politicians proxy war

Well only thing I'll say is if you're fucking trash now you'll probably be fucking trash in the military might as well just kill yourself.

>don't lie on the background check.
What sort of things do they ask you? If you're a patriot? I'd fail immediately

Maybe, but I was going nowhere fast. Marine Corps cleaned me the fuck up, then made me trash again...but now I have money and can be trash happily

Why be a grunt? You could get at technical job. Anything from fixing computers to electrician to fixing airplanes to using radar or handling air traffic. You could set yourself up for civilian life by taking a technical job. Being a grunt just means being a janitor when there's no war or living miserably when there is one.

Correction, always lie on your background check,.

Which branch is better though, I'm an indecisive retard and don't know which one to pick

Already racist, as is most of Yea Forums. Are there a lot of whiny black folks in the military? Must get old quick. I'd assume most to be discharged and sent home on early leave due to the attitude they bring unless the military really has softened up as they say. As stated, don't have much to here to keep me tied down. Don't mind being shot at. PT is eh, i mean, it is what it is. Just get it done. Would love for some action even if it costs me a literal arm and leg. Making money at all expenses paid sounds great. If i live after my term, figure i can come home to some change in my pocket. All i really have planned after that (if i don't get a new term) is staying a few years or more at a monastery. Don't want school. Don't want a social life. Don't want marriage or whatever comes with it.


Are you sure? I heard it was shit for getting back into civilian life

I get it. Maybe i'm just sick of this life. It isn't worth much to me. I don't care if i end up another number, just want something to make everything worth it. Was never into politics and hardly give a shit about what our government does behind closed doors. I would say i'm in it for me but really i just want to be there helping out the average Joes and making bonds like none other. I understand that reality is awful, already. That's all i can really say about it.

Tons of just plain terrible blacks. Lots get converted and turn good, lots are terrible when they get there and stay that way. Speaking from USMC xp only... But son if you think having a bad attitude will get you a ticket home ur a fag. It'll just get you a bad attitude and a shitty billet. Go home in a body bag or a wheelchair, or with a DD214. even the most worthless Marines with terrible attitudes can mop floors. We don't let anyone go. You just get a shit job.

former 11b here

was stationed in Alaska. saw 2 deployments in Afghanistan.

Can't speak to the marine experience

Army was basically "hurry up to wait"

Don't get a slut pregnant or get married because you get paid more.

Don't spend all your cash on a camaro or charger

Dont spend all your cash on booze and cigs

Save everything. Live like a grunt. I had a 95 on my asvab so i got a good bonus because I chose infantry. 30k. I used the VA when I got out for a good rate on loans for my business and house.

Im 30 now. Business owner and home owner.

I joined when I was 20. (1999)

Went AF, specifically to get Air Traffic Control experience so I could transfer to a civilian life after my time with marketable skills.

Don't be a dummy and go for the macho jobs the recruiters push you towards.

Have a plan on being able to do something afterwards and make sure your job has a civilian option on the outside.

That being said... do not under any circumstances go into security forces or whatever the hell they are calling base cops these days.

Always have your eye on what you are doing after you get out and make sure everything you do takes that into account. Dont be a fuckup. Its a 4-6 year investment in your future. Thats all. Just deal with the bullshit during and gtfo.

Would it really matter in the end? At least if i join, i'll know that you were right. Either way, i'm taking a gamble on my life. Sounds to me like it's half a dozen in one hand, six in the other.

Everything here is true, but army is for fagets so don't listen to him.

Me and my m8s are all successful now. We all came from dirt poor homes. You get what you give in the Marine Corps. No other branch is truly like that. The brotherhood exists if you let it.

If you can get into the airforce do it, navy if not airforce, and army if not navy, marines should be a last resort.

This isn't about being "pampered" this is about not being treated like a dogshit piece of trash human being.

If you're in the marines or a lower tier army job you are no longer a person. Your wants and needs don't matter, I'm not talking in the "patriotic" or "I'm part of something bigger" or "we are a team" shit. I'm saying the people in charge of you do not give a fuck about you. If you get injured they will not care, if you get sick they will not care, minor injuries and sicknesses easily become life altering injuries and sicknesses because they will not treat or acknowledge them.
I'm talking about your life being completely micromanaged for the benefit of another.

This is barely a step above traditional slavery.

If you get a technical job in the army you'll be treated pretty well, if you can get into the navy or airforce you'll be treated well.

Army combat roles and the marines are hell, not in a "I'm a big strong man gonna push through" kind of way but in a hellish nightmare of "we don't have work for you today so here is a rake, go rake the sand".
or "here is a broom go sweep the parking lot for 12 hours".

To be 100% honest with you, i don't want that. Life is boring and miserable. I want an extreme purpose. I have no interest in being normal. I don't want kids or a wife. I don't want to spend a quarter of my life in school. I see this as the equivalent to skydiving. Might as well say fuck it if i'm not satisfied with my boring, shit life.

>I don't care if i end up another number
They'd definitely see that as a red flag

Speaks the truth...

I'm a literal shut-in. There would be zero difference aside from possible PTSD but i might already have that. Wouldn't know. Haven't seen a doctor roughly 7 or 8 years.

Lmao... This is total bullshit. Marine Corps has highest avg ASVAB of all branches. Lots of technical jobs. Navy is hell, I've been on more than one float. Their life blows dick. Marines get treated like royalty when it matters, because we're okay with the hard times. Do not listen to never been who say the Marine Corps is the branch for idiots. If you crave true excellence you can find it there. Again. The only branch where you get what you give.

Understood. What of those with a good attitude, work ethic and the one's that are ready to be there on time every day?

That's fucking great. What age did you sign up?

Right out of Highschool. I was 18.

You arent wrong in pushing back on the "marines are dummies" crap.

Many aren't.

But the point of the post your replied to was about how one is treated in each branch.

AF you are a person.

Navy you might be treated as a person.

Army and Marine, youre a fucking number. No matter how hot shit or smart you may be, they still just treat you like a disposable number.

Appreciated. I will keep this in mind. The idea is to kind of burn away some time on this planet. Like i've said before, im leaving fuck all behind. Would really enjoy the companionship of marines and the sense of purpose. I'm just floating right now, doing absolutely nothing.

19 (got my shots at basic on my 20th bday), after trying my hand at college for two years.

I can see you have military experience.

Either af or army or navy will be a regular job with a uniform and required duties. The Marines drill ALL THE TIME. Respect to my Marie buddies.

Try to get a tech job. It translates to civilian life better than grunt

>tfw 31 and want to join army

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As many said Airforce, then Army. Navy is a total no unless you really like ships and the sea. Marines.. unless you fucked up then no. Key is to start jogging now. Get used to it. As long as you can do that for 3 miles you are good to go for a start. You dont want to be the first guy and dont be the last guy in a run.
>Dont marry any bitch
>Save up all your pay like you are a homeless person
>Dont buy a new car, ever. Get a used $1500 beater if you have to live on base at worst
>Take any courses offered to expand experience in anything if free
Do this and you will find a nice way of life afterwards.

This is what i needed to hear. Desperately in need of a new start. More than happy to get my balls busted for 12 weeks, be shot at, shoot back and everything in between. Ready to give my all.

You sound like a piece of shit

Lol you don't have to worry about being on time. You WILL be. Someone will drag your ass out of bed. If youre late repeatedly the punishment will culminate in brig time. Never been myself... But seems bad.

If you work hard and take your job seriously... And stay in good shape... You WILL be promoted and you WILL be valued. The Marine Corps is too small to let good men go to waste.

But again... Don't forget times will be REALLY hard some days. You WILL go without food. You WILL go without sleep. But if you don't break down and complain like so many fgts who now say the Marine Corps is trash, you'll find more opportunity than you'd ever believe. It really changed the way I look at life. I smoke weed every day now and make 6 figs. No I'm not smart. But an honorable discharge with lots of deployments under your belt will set you up for success.

Not to mention 1600 a month for housing + free college while u get hi all day for 3 years str8 is pretty fun once your done.

Oh and VA loans. And free healthcare. And fucking whores when ur in Europe and the Navy niggers are mopping their boat.

Literal whores unfortunately but u know... Whatevs

Again... This is bullshit. If you work hard in the Marine Corps you will be treated extremely well.

Combat is rare and when it does happen it's only last a few minutes if that

Glad to be of some help.

Truth be told, (in the AF at least), you can always try a different job after you have been doing your current one for a few years so you can eventually find something that you enjoy and helps deal with the feeling of wasted time doing nothing of use while you are fully aware you should be moving towards some thing depression shit.

I feel like Im rambling.

Eh. Still better than what i'm doing here in America in all honesty. I'll take it if it means an assured income and something to do. I really don't want to throw everything away and become a pavement pancake just yet if i know i have options such as military. I want to be miserable during my contract, that's apart of the experience. I'm no leader. It's much better that im told what to do rather than vice versa.

True dat. Mortar sound. Pot shots. Your buddy shoots a mudslime and u all go look at the body like wow guise.

Until a big op hits and it's fucking lightning and fire for 6 hours straight.

Was in Khanjar and Marjah.

You let them go if they write a letter to their drill instructor telling them that they're going to use all of their training to kill niggers and jews.

And that's why you pretend like you're just another happy go lucky green boy that just wants to sign up. Maybe if i had purpose i wouldn't be like this, hence, why i'm signing up.

Well you got me there... That might work... But uh. There are a lot of BIG nogger DIs. I might tell them in an outside area near an officer...

> only last a few minutes if that

Yeah and a car crash lasts a split second that doesn't mean it isn't dangerous. Ignoring the psychological toll it may take.

Thank god, i was starting to have doubts. That is exactly what i'm looking for. Might sound masochistic but im ready to eat shit at whatever cost. The endgame sounds great for marines.

Of course, but dude it's a shitty reason. There are better options and it seems like you've barely tried given your age. You're going straight to the fucking bottom of the list

Sounds perfect. I already have most of these down pat. Just need to start jogging which shouldn't be too difficult. Ever so slightly skinny fat but that's due to recent booze binges. No problem with giving up the sauce and no problem with running or cardiovascular stimulation.

I almost joined the marines but was more interested in the army at the time. I went in and graduated BCT and then went to AIT. I experienced some minor pain in my feet after a morning of PT and went to the rach to get it looked at. Next thing I know I'm being medically discharged. Had to wait 8 months to leave and was treated like shit the entire time despite being in the top 5% of my class. If you do join any branch never go to the doctor. It's like they try to find reasons to kick you out. Now I'm fucked and have nothing left to my name.

It will 100% work, I know someone who did it.

You're 22, so you can be excused for having this nihilistic, fatalistic attitude toward life, you don't have perspective.

But at the same time, you're 22 and you don't really know shit about what life and the world has to offer. Military actually seems like a great option for you, get you out of the house and see the world.

Just don't get married or go in with a gf ffs. You might think u don't care now... But after 4 months hunting for Mudslimes and never nutting because u haven't taken off your pants in 2 months and ur always with ur buddies you start fantasizing about any girl. You get obssessed. Hard AF Marines crying over their GFS at home because she ran off. It fucks with your head man. Stay away from women except for incidental sex for 4 years. You'll be so glad you did.

Wish I could go back and tell myself that. First deployment sucked dick because of it.

Helped many a Marine through their wives and GFS cheating and leaving while we were out fighting wars. It's flat dangerous. You are not as stable as you think. Isolation and fear fuck with you.


I didn't know what life was until I was scared I'd lose it. Not that I'm doing anything great now... But there's great satisfaction in a good woman and a middle class life in America once you've seen truly shit lives like the ones our enemies live.

Oh, well.
That's exactly what i'm saying. Can't beat an expenses paid, free education job with MASSIVE amounts of benefits. Still deciding on how long i want to be in. Plenty of time to think about a follow-up contract while i'm already there though, i guess. Plus, fucking yurop broads sounds like a fun pastime.

This is why I stayed single while enlisted.

Some girls can handle being with a soldier. MOST CANNOT.

They are selfish bitches. I have seen buddies destroyed when they found out about their infidelity.

You are sitting in a shallow hole sleeping worrying about mortars and snipers while shes at home "lonely" and had to get some "human interaction"

That's a little depressing. Half the reason i want to sign up is for some action but i know full well that 90% of it is recon. Is what it is.

Dude sign up for the lowest enlistment you can get. In the USMC it's 4 years. Trust me. The decision is better left to your newly adulted mind than now.

10 min a mile pace is sweet spot, but speed up every 10 mins for about 2 minutes. You'll understand why later. This will keep you on easy streak as long as you arent mentally challenged.

You aren't rambling at all. Anything to help me get a feel for what's to come is greatly appreciated. Typically, how long does it take until you get on base after you enroll?

Dude... U know what I didn't realize. The Marine corps is full of girls now. It might suck dick...

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Anal rape.

You're gonna get deployed to Iran for ground warfare. John Bolton has been waiting 30 years to get his war with Iran.

And you will be worth of more value and the economy

If you want to join the military, If you have good critical thinking skills, enjoy engineering, not being on front lines, then join the Navy or Air Force, if you want to be in a good part of the action and not willing to easily die, go Army, if you are really strong and have good mental integrity and more than willing to die for your country, go Marines.

I'm almost certain that's what i want. I want my ass kicked. I want to be attached to the end of a stick and used as a mop. I want to absorb these experiences and take them with me in my life, wherever i may go with them. I need something sturdy to give me a concussion so i can wake the fuck up and do something with my life. i want it to be hard. No cutting corners. No half measures. I want to mainline the entire thing. Otherwise, i'll end up dead before 30.

U like that eh?

Got to France and join the Foreign Legion like dat Jean Claude muthfuckin Van Damme movie

If your grammar is any indication of what you'll be worth the outlook is shit

Harsh. Thanks for the advice. So, would you say that they enforce PT no matter what? It sounds like that's their biggest deal when signing up. I was thinking it was more about doing the job with great detail and ensuring the safety of your squad.

>I'm almost certain that's what i want.
It sounds like you've just got a masochistic fetish or some deep self-hatred going on which is even more reason not to do it.

That's kind of where i'm at with the decision. If i had a way of actually creating interests in life, i wouldn't be here asking questions about grunt life. Unfortunately, i can't just go out and enjoy company or a hobby at will. Nothing really does it for me. All i do is sit around and booze. If i have work at the time, i work. I don't have friends or an interest in making them but i also want to get serious about life.

Marine corps is all about PT. Every. Fucking. Day. If someone fucks up, guess what no weekend just PT.

USMC vet here.

I wouldn't recommend enlisting, but if you can stick it out and save your pay you can get out to free college and a house paid for in cash

LOL why? He wants to be a grunt, not comms or wing. A shit score is exactly what he needs

>the only thing id miss is booze

LMAO Im former army infantry nigga you aint gonna miss boozer

Not true. Lots of high ASVAB grunts in the MC.

Rofl yeah def not gonna miss booze. In fact mc cured me of booze problem because I drank so much my stomach is fucked up.

As stated, i'm a shut-in. This is by choice. No interest in relationships, male or female. Sexual or not. Don't plan on getting married at any point. Think i've got it covered. Only woman i give a shit about is my mother which is going to be hard to break it to her that im enlisting. Don't really care to here the whole sob story about how she'd be devastated if i was blown up by an IED. I also don't typically care to jackoff much, anyways. I'm a fairly serious person, mostly business with slight undertones of comedic personality via sarcasm. Love some good old fashioned edgy, highschool tier jokes. Sure i'll fit in just well with other grunts.

don't listen to wining faggots on here military is the easyiest money I vener made

Be aware that if you are socially inept you will be a socially inept grunt and never be a leader. Take this as a chance to reinvent yourself and become a leader of men. It's not hard. Just don't break. Always volunteer first. Don't listen to fgts who "skate" and say never volunteer. They willl be permanent Lance corporals while you you tell their ass to mop the floor.

Noted. Thank you.
From what it seems, marines fit best for my set of skills if you can call them skills. I'm great at toughing shit out. Never complain. Always ready for the worst. Always there to give 100% and follow the guidelines.

Heard that was just a meme but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and look into it for shits.
Don't know till we find out, eh?

You have to start somewhere. You don't become a millionaire if you aren't making money.

I had lots of self hatred when I joined at 17. You should. You are garbage in your current form. Evolve.

Fucking tight. Nice gets, too. Bit tired of paying rent for some shithole in the ghetto, anyways. That deal is right up my alley.

In that case, i probably won't miss anything from civilian life, then.

Oh, no doubt. It's not that im autistic. I can hold conversation just fine, i typically choose not to. Most people are retards and im sure it's no different for grunts. I have no problem getting over that hump, i'll just be more prone to being irritable which is fine. As far as i understand, you need to at least be stern when you're in a situation of life and death. I bet socializing when you're already shipped out is a great way to keep sane, anyways. Looking forward to the opportunity of making friends and doing dumb teenager shit to get a laugh out of some guys there.

A person with a job is worth more than a soldier. Both in history books and risking your life to become a murderer for oil. Yeah thank you for your service you fucking thief.

That and anal rape.

Also, noted about the volunteer work. Shouldn't have an issue with this, either. I'm already a busy body. My biggest fear is being bored after i enlist. We shall see how that goes.

That's the plan with joining the marines. I want to become a sparkling pile rather than remaining a brown, stench ridden pile my entire life. It'll be an interesting experience.

>Not to mention 1600 a month for housing + free college while u get hi all day for 3 years str8
Leaf fag here, how are they allowing you to blaze while signed up? Aren’t they super nazi with drugs?
That might sound retarded but i really want to know what’s up with that

OP here, bumping this. As stated in original post, i'm also a bit of an alchie/pothead. Don't plan on doing this type of shit while enlisted but curious as fuck as to what he meant.

I did my 4 years, got out and used GI bill, then went to doc and said "wow I hab pdspp frem the war pls pot" and they were like OMG he's traumatized take some weed.

Then whenever a potential employer gets shitty about it I say wut...you discriminating bcuz I'm a vet? I need this shit man... Then I work as hard as I did in the MC and no one cares that I smoke. 6 figs in a nice tech job. Was worth the 4 years of hell and no weed.

So you didn’t blaze while enlisted, right?
Cause i totally understood your previous post as
>i got paid xyz$/month and could blaze for my whole time i was signed up

I did ONE TIME and I was scared AF. Sure enough they tested me the next week and by the grace of God I passed. Probably because I took half a hit and immediately fell asleep.

As for the post... Dude GI Bill isn't JUST free college. They give you strip cash to live on for 36 months while u go to college after you get out. About 1600 a month depending on where ur going to school. Get some roommates and live off GI Bill while u get a degree.

I'm the same position you are OP. I've wanted to join the USMC but I still struggle with cardio. Then I thought about the Navy but don't think I'm smart enough for it. Guess that just leaves the Army.

Dude just run every day. Get the fuck up and run. There is nothing more to it. Only fgts LIKE cardio. Lots of slow ass Marines, they just gtfu and run anyways.

Sorry afked for a bit.

Depending on the tech school, somewhere between 6 months to a year.

In 2001 for me , basic in February, tech school by april, permanent duty station by august, just in time to watch 911 happen from the break room of my radar approach control building and then watch the whole military life system flip its shit.

Not sure what its like today other than basic is longer.

k will encourage enlistment
dont enlist. its the only job where you cant leave and if u do then u get prison or a dishonorable discharge and a hard time finding another job. if u want to join get a degree and join as an officer. officers dont get discharges so if u suck they let u go without any side effects to u. they do this because being a private anyone can do but not anyone can manage or lead 20-40 people. a lot of the marines hazed the hell out of me and one said he wish i would die. i had a near perfect pft and cft but its just hardcore i guess. i would of kept going if i didnt get injured

t. i did nrotc marine option

No I mean I already lift and run but I figure that Marines only take in athletes.

Very wrong. Short ones, fat ones, plain soyboys too. Some of them get in great shape and do incredible things, but still just not natural athletes. Some stay fat remarkably, despite every day PT. they just struggle for 4 years, never get promoted, always in remedial PT, mop our floors

Rereading the thread, it sounds like you just want a distraction from the bland existence that you have and think the military offers that.

It can, if and only if you actively make it happen. Otherwise its just the same pointless shit you feel now but with long term penalties if you fuck up.

The flip side is that its the perfect "i dont know what I want to do with life, but I need to make sure this isnt wasted time" option.

You can join and basically have the same lifeless drudge you feel now, but be building up "life credit" for when you finally figure out what you want out of life.

Whether you find something in the service or outside that makes you happy, all the time spent in puts you on the path to stepping directly into whatever you finally figure out is your thing, either by gi bill shit, veterans hiring preferences, or further military shit.

Its like a holding pattern for life when you don't know what to do with your life that turns into a go to the head of the line of whatever you eventually do want to point your life at.

That being said, its not going to break you of your anti social tendencies unless you actively choose to do so. Just like in civilian life.

>Any marines browse this shithole?

>be me
>be deployed to Afghanistan
>see combat but it's really nothing worth talking about
>spend entire deployment rubbing one out to pregnant Anne Frank hentai at least six times day
>one day mid-deployment
>Staff Sergeant walks into barracks while I'm taking a piss
>sees pregnant Anne Frank pics on my laptop because I was dumb enough to leave it open
>extremely awkward conversation of how I came to possess preggo hentai of a Holocaust victim and why exactly I find it extremely arousing ensues
>get told that as long as I don't have CP, necrophilia, or footage of an actual rape (he implied the ANA did that), it's not that bad

Such is war in the 21st Century. No super-duper high-tech robot soldiers, no recording airstrikes on my iPhone, no hunting Mr. bin Laden in the caves of Afghanistan. Just me, sitting in the barracks, fantasizing about being a PTSD-afflicted post war Eugene Sledge and married to Anne Frank. Anne would comfort me after I woke up crying from a nightmare of having to lie dead still while Jap patrols walked right by me by telling me about how she had to do the same while the SS searched the room below her, all while the tears welled up in her eyes, being assaulted by horrible memories of her own. She would then strip off her nightgown, straddle me with her ready to pop belly rubbing into mine, and we would fuck like crazy while sobbing like lost children.

I have weird fantasies.

On a side note, this is what I'm gonna be telling my grandkids:

>"Grandpa what was it like to be in Afghanistan, fighting the big bad terrorists who did 9/11 because they hate our freedom?"
>"Imagine sitting in port-a-shitter in 110 degree heat with you laptop and a bottle of lotion, furiously pumping away to pregnant porn of a 15 year old girl who was murdered in the most notorious genocide in human history. That's what it's like."

Attached: a-us-marine-corps-usmc-marine-1st-battalion-bn-8th-marine-regiment-18-holds-d2c5b5-1600.jpg (1600x1065, 472K)

Then why is the USMC the second smallest branch after the Coastal Guard?

Their numbers are specifically limited by congress, and they break alot of recruits and throw them away in basic.

>"Then a camel spider crawled on my keyboard and I screamed like a girl unloading my entire pistol magazine in the laptop with an erection"
>"Good times"


inferior logistics

Join the Navy, they have more jobs available than the marines and army combined. More funding too. Dont do reserves or guard.

I got out of my parents house at 17 and never looked back. My drunk dad used to beat the fuck out of me until about 16 years old when I got big enough to fight back. The Navy saved me from living a broke garbage life like my parents, paid for college and now I made over 100k last year, in Oklahoma, with the skills from the navy. Civilian aircraft mechanic for the military.

Go for an Aviation job. Aircrew, rescue swimmer, something like that.

Good luck user.

I'm still here guys. Gathering info outside of Yea Forums at the moment and enjoying one of my last few glugs of whiskey.
I'll keep this in mind. Truth be told, nothing in life really does it for me. Might as well try to explore FAR outside my comfort zone rather than just continue to sink beneath the monotany(?)
Fantastic story, regardless of possible LARP. This is how i already imagine life as a marine. Finding time to beat it. Although, i'm sure there are other outlets for the insane amount of sexual frustration.

Typical. Why is it that only the low life shit sign up for the military? You come from a horrible backround and you are mentally questionable because its guys like you do the warcrime massacre out of just not had mommy loved your lil ass back then. What a fucking system if you fail in life join the military and die for your greedy elites and their interests. Fucking tools out of stupidity and misery

How's the food in the Marine Corps? I'm a picky eater.

Have thought about this. Really big on ATC life. Plus, always wanted to be in the cockpit of an f-18 because who the fuck wouldn't want that under their belt? Brrrrrt. 'Nuff said. This being said, i think i'd rather endure the toughest atmosphere possible. If the military is going to use me as just another body, i want the most from the military in return.

Better than pretending to be someone in call of duty teabagging toddlers on xbox live while your mom heats up your hotpocket.

Best mistake I ever made!

Attached: Snapchat-3376762285699985587.jpg (1440x2560, 641K)

Typical lulz. I'm better because I never joined. Fuck the system man.

Moooom.... more hotpockets.

OP here, do your research on MRE's. If you need to be spoonfed then tl;dr it's typically bad. If you want firsthand experience, you can order some online. Try the pizza, heard it was decent compared to the rest.
Imagine getting powdered freeze dried food and warming it up in a packet without any sort of heating device such as a microwave. Most of it is liquid or paste and you just drink it from the packet. The idea is to get nutrients inside of you, however possible. The taste comes secondary. Just a part of the life. If you ever hear marines say "i miss food" while theyre shipped, this is why.

No disrespect but how can a sub '6 man look so damn good? Glad your teeth made it out, as well. Great physique, man. Keep it up.