Any webm or gifs of this happening Yea Forums

Any webm or gifs of this happening Yea Forums

Attached: CC85C6F9-ED87-4964-9EC9-E725AF99E4B7.png (200x357, 42K)

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what you don't have google

i dont

What's her name again? Wendy Wisconsin or some shit like that?


pretty sure she didn't/doesn't and just did that for the attention

She was arrested for it.

nah she was arrested because she stuck her finger under some guys nose after she fingered her nasty cunt and filmed it at a walmart. She was arrested for some form of assault on him.

It was a hot vid tho F

What, was he fucking gay?

I've seen it a few years ago but it's notoriously hard to find at this point because her family of lawyers has managed to get it pretty much scrubbed from the interwebz. I remember it was like 20 mins long and very explicit.

You do that to me I will destroy you

There is no telling what fucked up damage I would do to this fat molly bitch

All I remember is the one where the dog licks her, never saw anything more.

What, are you fucking gay?

This is the only one that exists to my knowledge. It's a tiny dog and it only licks her disgusting cunt. Pretty sure this fag is lying

What, are you that desperate for pussy?
>mfw fat fucks like user fap to videos of chunky bitches like her

Attached: A9CD72E9-3242-4030-935D-71FB292410BF.gif (500x290, 476K)

Attached: dog eat - vidme.webm (640x360, 1.46M)

I would just beat her ass
Nothing sexual, just violence


Attached: 1518320470049.gif (512x343, 509K)

Don't research this crazy bitch. If you don't want to see a woman performing fellatio with a dog then just don't look it up. Already got scared seeing females fucking animals in my past.

and if i do want to see that specific vid? any url suggestions? asking for a friend....


The dog seems to like it, so why not? It's not like she is forcing it, and dogs regularly lick bitches cunts and vice versa. My lab bitch often licks her fixed pack-mate's dick, because that's just something dogs do.

best music video i've ever seen

Use DuckDuckGo to search the web while keeping your search history private. I'm sure you can find all sorts of bestiality sites, since some places it isn't illegal. Some US states even!

what? why? are you asking for his contact info so you can suck his dick? fag

Found the virgin

bing is unironically the best search engine for finding degenerate porn.

wait, bing finds porn better than google?



no idea man, It Just Works (TM)

I'm not going to share that shit if you. I'm afraid the FBI going to raid my house so you gonna have to find it at your own risk.

what's an example of a porn video search result that bing finds that google doesn't? or rather, deosn't find as well. I'd like to see this tested out with an example

You’re missing out if you don’t use yandex

i pay for a vpn i can log into, don't you?

damn eh. i'm learning all sorts of shit 2nite

Because google has been more sjew'd than microsoft.


VPN's keep logs that they will hand over to the FBI in a heartbeat upon request.

if i find a wart on my dick can i ask my doctor about yandex?

If that VPN company is based in the US.

i'm with nord. they're based in panama. they're not subject to american laws