This trap meme is going too far...

this trap meme is going too far. i used to be able to find a good whore in my town and now the sites are riddled with actual traps. even the forums are filled with dudes admitting to giving in to the temptation of fucking a guy. how do you find female whores now Yea Forums?

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What is a female OP?

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I fucking wish your fantasy was reality, god that would be nice

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>giving in to the temptation of fucking a guy
nope if you are straight there is no temptation to fuck another guy no matter what it looks like.

Is this female OP?

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I'd fuck her

op here these were my thoughts exactly.

lmao fragile heterosexuality is hilarious

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why would i lie about somethin like this. ive never seen so many traps in my life, except on here -_-

has to be born female fag

You don't.

Some females used to be "whores" because it granted them access to things like money, housing, stability, items, etc. But they didn't actually like it.

Men took over and became the whores because they actually like it, so now women aren't sure what to do.

There are some chicks who are crazy whores for real, but they are all legit crazy in the head. Any girl who is worth being with, dating ,etc simply will never like sex as much as you - even if she likes it, she'll never like it as much as a man. Go on any free cam site and see the absolute state of sausage party it is. Men seek sex and are always much more sexual than women.

I'd let a trap suck me off but I'm too afraid of aids to fuck their ass

your logic is hilarious

give in OP. traps are the best, way better than a real woman. getting to suck on a big juicy trap cock or fuck a trap like no tomorrow, whats not to love

you think im tryina date one of them? im just trying to fuck, hence the distinction "whore"

cherry pick until you find a female you tremendous faggot. or suck it up buttercup and plunge into a warm consensual hole, fuck chromosomes.

so you're suggesting i pay a trap to fuck when there are fags all over the place willing to suck my dick for free? you guys are actually hopeless

Ok if you want a legit whore, look for girls with BPD and other personality disorders. Look for girls who were molested as children.

hit up your local mexican area, like 8/10 latina girls were molested and are insane in the membrane but when they're young they're smoking hot and fuck like minxes.

how/ where?
you didn't answer the question at all

Cherry pick you tremendous faggot.
Unless you're searching faggot sites, XX females are still there. You faggot retard.

>says the exact same thing as the last post
obviously ima looking for females you fucking idiot. you didn't answer the question at all


The women you are looking for are there... unless you're on a specific faggot site, there WILL be women you fucking homo.


Trannies exist, if you want women on a plate, trannies are on the menu, but you don't buy the whole menu... Do YOU?
Stop being bugged with trannies on the menu when there are women you humongous homosexual.

how retarded are you? they are completely separate categories. im just saying there's barely and women. so once again you haven't answered the question. jesus Christ

If there's no women you're on a faggot dating site. sorry fag.... I mean bro, but I really mean fag.

Usually Google will give you gay results if you've been looking up gay things... It's cool. We're anonymous here.

i should have known only fags and dip shits would respond. give me a site and stop being such a huge log sucking bitch, im mean newfag, but i actually mean waste of matter on this planet

You're cute, and your little clitty of a dinkly wink will never touch any more vagina juice than when you were in your mum puss you faggot.
Maybe open your ears than your ass pussy m8

lol you sound like a literal fag. nobody's talking to you, or even care about your existence. go back to sucking my country's dick while wanking your little peepee to bbc interracial porn

Did someone summon the queen?

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>nobody's talking to you, or even care about your existence.
Except you, you massive Trump dump sucking, Putin bitch cuckholding, faggot scum sucking, pussy denied loser.

this eurocuck probably did. go ahead and indulge him, this threads pretty much dead

what's the matter, goy?
you're not a transphobe/homophobe are you? you know what they say about people who are homophobes? That means you're gay and just repressing it, goy. Don't be mad because you're gay.

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>this trap meme is going too far

Yeah I like actual women. I don't have an aversion to fucking pussy like an actual homosexual.

But I'd still cream inside of a hot DDF trap.

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this cant be real.. the world cant be this fucked

It isn't, OP's a retard.

Go back to enjoying pussy, OP is beyond help.

thank god.. cant know about this weird world anymore.

sadsad eruocuck is still here lol get a life

it is true. im from a smallish southern town. a few years ago a trap would have been lynched for posting on the internet, and now somehow they're all over the place CHARGING MONEY to fuck lonely closet fags

i have never seen a tranny irl. only here on the internet

I'm an Amerifat retard... get yer head on straight.

where are you from? you are a lucky man

So now that human beings of a certain demographic have stopped being lynched... then you become concerned... seriously dude?

im concerned because now i see them all the time. just mentioned that for dramatic effect. clearly ur missing the point

I guess you really ARE from the south.

The point is you're afraid there isn't enough pussy for you because trans inclusion lowers the percentage of xx holes you can fill. it DOES NOT diminish the amount of pussy you could get. But you can't be arsed to cherry pick which hole you wanna fill ya lazy bastard.

some smallish country in eu

Even tinder lets you swipe right, how lazy are ya? Oi soy boi?