New celeb bed

new celeb bed

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ok this is spooky

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Those times, tho. A duel is the only proper way to settle this conundrum, I think.

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i love to bang that butt

No me

learn to share dude, c'mon !

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Me, actually.

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more ass please !

Oh hey Carey

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Ok, now I can post

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You’ll break her

more tight jeans, as tight as possible

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I've been inside most all day.

We're going swimming? Is GG coming???

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I'm not sure if I can go quite *that* tight.

I will *not*. I'll be gentle.

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Mhm, I know how you like it

Love Selena’s new fat ass

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*I* know how *you* like it, more like. I can totally be gentle, if I want to be.

Do those even count as jeans?

No u

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I think we both know it's *you* anoni

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Tidings citizen.

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There you are, qt!

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We’ll have to test that out, won’t we...

Don't you post that bite at me.

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Where else would I be but the new thread silly Nessa?

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or what? ;)

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We're in polite company, you know. It'd be rude to say.

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true, true, how silly of me anoni

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Sorry, Neenerfriend. I got lost on the way to the pool. :(

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It's okay, you're here now, get in the waters great.

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Holy Shit that's old

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Old but gold

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I think we lost poor GGfriend! :'(
I'll put up the lost posters when we're done with our swim.

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oh hey look at that

best girl evuh

That GGfriend is always getting into trouble. What are we going to do with her?

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thats not vicky but p.good

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>Those bad late night feels you get out of nowhere.

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this post radiates dumb

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No u

At least you only did on "ha" so it's not so bad I guess. :-/

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Those are the times when I usually like to try to find something silly and distracting. Or I try to do some writing. Or I write something silly and distracting.

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i wasnt trying to insult you, user

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GGfriend is a good user.

I have two posters I've made.
The first:
>Please help us find GGfriend!
>Loves boops
The second:
>RIP in Peace qt GGfriend
>You will be missed!

Which should I put up?

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I'm glad you can find something to take your mind of things. Does that mean you get the bad feelings too? I know you're pretty reserved about your on-goings so I won't pry too much.

:-c Stop!

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fuck you motherfucker

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my mom is dead, user. please calm down

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Not as much as I used to, because I don't have as much to dwell on as I used to. I've trained myself to start taking life as it comes, you know what I mean?

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Let's start with the first one, let it roll for an hour. Then we post the second one over it.

It is late where GGfriend is, hopefully he is sleeping, when you were gone we talked about insomnia and how it sucks.

Third sign:
>Here rests GGfriend

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; n ; I'm calling the cops!

I think I do know. :]

There's no sense in me complaining anyways, only action will make a difference.

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That's true indeed. Decisiveness is always important. That's one thing I wish I had a little more of.

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Maybe I should post the second one, then. Hoping GGfriend is resting. In, you know, peace.
Try not to feel bad, Neenerfriend. GGfriend is in a better place now.

...Probably snoring. And drooling on the pillows. Again. *sigh*

Attached: Nessa 021.jpg (2500x1667, 493K)

second best kardashian is not bad

What do you feel that you're indecisive about? And also I'm a bit curious but how come you're a bit embarrassed about what you do for a living, do you feel you're not where you should be in life? :c

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>...Probably snoring. And drooling on the pillows. Again. *sigh*

Without a doubt there is drool all over the place. Nessafriend, don't cry, it will be alright. GGfriend was angelic, GG will be back from the dead I'm sure...Babsanon still needs to paddle GG...

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lili time

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Qt time

I'm indecisive about pretty much everything. My indecision knows no bounds, really. And I'm *not* where I should be, but that's beside the point of why I don't talk about what I do. I don't really know why I don't like to talk about it, especially since it must seem like such a trivial detail. Maybe it's just part of my obsession with keeping myself mysterious.

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she actually seems like the coolest one. if we could put her brain inside kendall lewl

She's hot.

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Kourtney is TOP KARD

good evening

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That equals truth.

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for an older broad... she's a bit short though

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The important thing is that you not blame yourself for not watching poor GGfriend. It probably wasn't your fault at all that something horrible happened to our beloved friend.

Lili time is best time!

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I suppose it's good to keep some mystery and TBH I hardly know what anyone here does, other than Purefu and Morseanon/Lilifriend so it's not so bad. I hope we can get to where we need to be and feel better. ^ u ^

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Her ass does things to my peener.

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hello nessa friend

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to each his or her own. kudos

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indeed that's how it happens

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We'll get there, eventually. I'm certain of *that*, if nothing else.
It's past my bed time, tho. I'd better head off, or else I never will. See you soon, yeah?

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qt2qt. the cutening

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I don't blame myself, I checked the schedule and no one penciled there name down for this block. GGfriend was suppose to be self sufficient till 06/12 00:00. Wait, could it be a coincidence that GGfriend disappears right when Juno poster comes back? I haven't seen Juno poster in this thread...Could it be? Did Juno poster kidnap GGfriend and has GG tied up an is torturing poor GG?

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I hope you have a really good sleep tonight, see you again soon! ^ - ^y

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should crossover

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St-stutter bro???

How are you tonight? What are you listening to?

Two great cutes that look great together!

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boys by charli xcx

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its because while wanting to put off the guise of having everything together and knowing a few things that most don't, the reality is just the opposite. in fact, you struggle to leave the house every morning without throwing up in the half bath by the front door just thinking about all the bullshit that awaits. you're extremely well spoken, but you didn't do well in school. because you hated school, just like you hate everything else. you're not indecisive, and in fact you'd be the first one those around you would look to for answers and guidance in a SHTF situation. you just don't care, which creates the false allusion that you lack decision-making abilities. you don't know why you're like this, and here's a never will. you're welcome.

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Junoposter kidnapped GGfriend?
That's a relief! GG should be fine then. :p

I'll race you to the water! Last one in has to bring the wet towels back to the secret snuggle-cave!

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... .. ...... .. ...

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*one search later...*
Listening to it now!

Attached: Nessa v099 - Red Bikini Dance.webm (640x800, 647K)

Let me stretch first QT

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How is your evening qt?

do you like it
good so far hows yours mj

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I excelled in school, *and* I really enjoyed it. Apart from that little lapse, tho, you're really onto something. Insightful as ever, my friend.
Alright, back to trying to make this whole sleeping thing work.

Edging to celeb lips!

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gigi hath risen

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Its fun and cute! Which is something I miss in a lot of music today!

And a couple minutes later, I'm still humming the tune.

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Oh darling don't ever grow up don't you ever grow up just stay this little, oh darling don't you ever grow up it could stay this simple. :3

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Did you nap GGfriend?

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glad you like

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Real lewd hours, who woke?

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Pretty relaxing so far

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I took a wrong turn and got a lil lost, made my way back tho c: wanted to establish I'm alive and well, if a little sleepy

hello qt lilifren

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good you deserve it :)
hello gigi user :)

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imagine stretching nina out

Well I'm glad that you are okay and Juno poster didn't kidnap and tie you up. Nessafriend made flyers and I figured out what your tombstone inscription would read.

Go to sleep, or lay down and let the anxiety take hold as we do QT

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GGfriend! You're alive!
Quick Neenerfriend: Destroy the lost posters!

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Thank you qt
Anything fun going on tonight?

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how are you tonight? c:

Juno is very lovely, no torture involved, no need to worry there qt :3

rumours of my demise were greatly exaggerated, cutie nessa

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hey, stupid, guess what.


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not really no
good how are you

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I'm good, always good to see you in these comfy late hours

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We're all glad that you're safe, GGfriend...
But now its time for me to say goodnight. :'(

Goodnight qt Neenerfriend!
Goodnight qt GGfriend!
*boops to you both*

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goodnight cutest nessa, much love

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Same here, off to bed for the west coasters. Good night QT's. Hopefully you're both here tomorrow.


Goodnight to you too, Lilifriend!
Thank you for the lovely tune!
