I guess jokes about lauren southern are frowned upon on Yea Forums because my post got deleted suspiciously fast

i guess jokes about lauren southern are frowned upon on Yea Forums because my post got deleted suspiciously fast

Attached: Lauren_Southern_2.jpg (960x540, 72K)

Shes just so pretty.

her sister is pretty hot to

piss off kike

Attached: lauren southern (((danish))).png (1016x568, 1004K)

cundrolled obosition

Her face looks like it needs a slap.

She is a queen

no, it's just all the yellow spam that keeps sliding it

I have a pretty solid source that tell me she gets blacked pretty regularly

i dont know,id believe her sister gets blacked.but not lauren,her ass doesnt seem thick enough for black guys

looks like an uppity bitch that needs to be throat raped and deprived of oxygen until she learns some manners

youd be surprised. my gf does a lot of yoga and is skinny as fuck but told me some wild stories about her HS days

>pic related

Attached: 35337556_206114500007965_2848341470832754688_n.jpg (1080x1350, 101K)

>pic related

yeah,im sure she was a slut back in high school.because god damn,that body

yeah,id love to have her mouth on my cock while her sister puts her ass on my face

apparently she only fucked him like 2or3 times, but she had a black friend who drove her to school and she gave him head almost everyday in his car for like a year

Attached: 34548892_2080019385619207_7412365485557153792_n.jpg (1080x1350, 84K)

>my post got deleted
no, it 404'd because no one gave a shit. Hve a free bump.

erotic cuck fiction, the posts.

are these pics of lauren southern or her sister? because if its lauren southern,i take it back.she's got a pretty nice ass

no, and no.

According to whom?

ur mum lol

>no and no

well,fuck you nigger.lets get some pictures of lauren southern's ass

yeah sure why not

Attached: I have to spoon feed you faggots.png (618x493, 260K)

and the bonus plan

Attached: southern cunny lol.gif (294x212, 1.84M)

hmm,i guess either its the alcohol ive drank today.or maybe i just havent seen good pictures of lauren southern's ass.because she thick,all the pics ive seen it looked like jess southern clearly got the booty genetics

Jess Southern deffo has a great bod, but many of the pics circulating of her are shopped.

>pics circulating of her are shopped

what about this pic? is it shopped?

Attached: jessssouthern.jpg (942x1278, 717K)

shes pretty and some standard redpill points. other than that, very unexciting.

not sure.. I ain't exactly an expert, but her ass does seem a bit dysproportional to her legs.

actual Dane here, she could easily pass for Danish.

ive seen lots of girls who've had skinny legs and a big ass.but i understand your point though

It was proven she was controlled opposition and her points were pre written by men.

Back to /pol/ I go, was lurking for chicks

send nudes!

prove it newfaggot.

also trips

Attached: 20899188.jpg (700x467, 45K)

>prove it newfags

op here,already proved it by saying my post about lauren southern got deleted.but if you'd like.it was a picture of lauren southern's ass and the point was a question of how come her ass was so small compared to her sister,which ive posted a pic of her sister's phat booty in this thread

>controlled opposition
controlled by whom?
>Back to /pol/ I go
oh, right.. (((them))).. forget I asked

Been away for a bit...wtf is all thus yellow spam

>shitty thread makes it to page 10 in record time
>thinks his post got deleted by mods


afik some faggots on discord getting newfags and normies to try to "reclaim Yea Forums", shit happens every couple of months, usually called purge or some shit.

Pretty for a nerd maybe but she looks like a cheap whore

>nobody cares

i compared lauren southern's booty to jess southern's

newfags larping as oldfags trying to "purge" Yea Forums of porn. Nothing new, really.

The greasy fucking jew

Attached: images.jpg (131x131, 3K)

oh you savage boy, you.

Watch her new documentary, it's good.

yeah sure whatevz


why would posts about a nigger loving whore get deleted on B?

because im drunk and wanted an entertaining post on Yea Forums.i guess comparing lauren southern's ass to jess southern's is not acceptable on fag misc

Lauren southern has no

so she has no ass?