Yellow Fellow. Come join the right side

Yellow Fellow. Come join the right side.

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yellow 2020

If you work 40 hours you are entitled to adequate food, housing, medical care, and social mobility. If not, what are we as a nation?




I have a college degree, a university degree, several certifications, many self-taught trade skills and yet still get paid min wage. go fuck yourself

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You are full of shit, you are almost definitely one step away from being a full on NEET

Then you're an idiot.

I'm 26 and I make 120k a year with an Associate's degree.

lesbian dance theory major?

I usually just lurk, but this is a fight worth joining!

you chose to exchange your labor for that wage. you are to blame.

Third world

How many lambos you got?

Just two 4Runners.

Good luck with that attitude, nigger.

you can be anyone you want on the internet. for example, i'm 21 and make 250k a year with no degree

see how easy that was?

He thinks standing around for 20 hours, talking for 15 and flipping patties for 5 makes you entitled to a life.

Tell me your secret!

why are americans so confused by this? in canada it's 14 and that's fine

If I could be anyone I wanted I would be making more and have more than a 2 year degree.

1 BezosBuck has been deposited to your account

>you are entitled to
If I shovel my shit in an out of a hole for 15 hours a day I'm entitled to nothing.
You are only entitled to the value other perceive you create. If you can't create any value it's your fucking problem.

> college degree
> university degree
>several certifications
Social sciences
>and yet still get paid min wage
Burger flipper

Because minimum wage used to be the minimum a person could live on working 40hrs a week. Yet it never kept up and a hand full of rich assholes are gouging you.

Because money is the property of the government, and it must act in the interest of the people when the market fails them.

>but meh labor theory of value
>you've ruined Karl Marx with a sentence

If you don’t understand the concept of cost benefit analysis you should just stop talking.

It’ll cost the country more when the lower classes start stealing things from the other classes. Minimum wages are an easy way to address it. It’s never been about entitlement or liberalism.

>I'm entitled to nothing
This pleases Lord Bezos