child C can fuck off, A and B fight to death for it
B so she can sell it to A
What's everyone else gonna dobwithbit
Waist it..
This is the only correct answer.
Today I finally printed a few hentai images,now that the printer is fixed
Have about 30 printed images so far. All hentai and ecchi
I would have sex with the first child, A, because she is the most talented at playing it and would give me the greatest orgasm.
This is highly misleading as the real life equivalent to Child B that people are taking issue with is "This is my flute because I paid that child 50c to make, sell them for $50, already have $5billion in worth, and lack of the flutes are actively harmful to people."
Yeah, not every flute you "own" should be yours, some should be taken for the betterment of society since this will inflict virtually no harm on your personally. Oh and pay the child more for her labor.
I don't want to hear B practice.
A plays and B gets a divident. Stupid unorganized ancaps.
I'd give it to all three, preferably at the same time.
B but then tell B that A can trade it to him if B want something A has.
C can fuck off.
>not every flute you "own" should be yours, some should be taken for the betterment of society
generalizing your principle, society should start with your organs. you don't 'need' two kidneys
Stealing from rich people is still stealing, Tyrone.
Replace "flute" with "food" or "healthcare" and replace "only one flute" with "a fuckload of food and healthcare enough for pretty much everyone" and ask the same question
To whoever is willing to suck my cock
that's not accurate either.
first, 'two' is not mass production, and taking 1 of 1 extra would deprive me of the ability to sell anything at all (and yes, you should be able to sell a kidney)
it's more like, if i was engaged in the business of selling my blood, and you told me that i wouldn't be compensated for most of them after the previous sales had already made me a fortune.
that would be fine. i'd keep selling blood, and adding to my fortune even more, but people who couldn't buy it would still have access. that's just.
>a fuckload of food and healthcare enough for pretty much everyone
It's the same as with hard drives. No matter how big your hard drive is, it will always be full.
Is anyone dying of hunger in a capitalist country ?
Is anyone still dying of diarrhea, syphilis or Polio ?
No (ok, maybe anti-vaxxer)
Society doesn't have the resources nor the need to provide free cancer treatment to everyone, eye repair surgery or tooth whitening.
yep, but we've largely agreed it's justified, since their ability to make money at all depends on a stable, functional society
yet somehow every first world country besides america is able to provide healthcare to everyone.
>that's just.
>You should work for free to help other people just because they exist
Fuck off. The only people that get to have free shit are people that would cost more trouble than the cost of free shit given to them (E.g : poor and uneducated people wanting gibs can easily cause billions of damage in riot but cost "only" a few hudred mills in gibs)
B is the only answer- anyone saying otherwise is a stupid faggot.
fuck off, Andy.
And almost every place pays more tax.
Instead of forcing the payment, just let people spend the money the way they want.
Im not obligated to pay for your car accident you cunt.
Take your greed and fuck off.
You expect the stable society that's required for you to make money to be provided for free. Guess what, the extent to which you don't have to contribute to helping all people improve their lives has been going in one direction historically. And it will keep going. It's narrow sighted to see how this doesn't benefit you either, since it's only the people you just said you wanted to give free shit to that won't contribute to the economy if they have more ability to do so
You suck the flute when you play it?
How about i help people the way i see fit with my own money?
Or must it be via the government?
then fuck off from society and live on your own island.
want to live in civilization? you pay for civilization.
if human nature was such that that was adequate i'd be all for it.
that's not how most of us are.
No. It's not free. We pay crazy taxes for it.
American healtcare suxx because you guys let yourself being fucked in the ass by big insurance companies that inflate administration cost of everything.
I've been to many countries and many hospital, and unironically my best experience with the healtcare system was china.
-Cheaper than what you actually have to pay than anywhere else (except you don't have actually any insurance)
-Everything is fucking organized and computerized so that the dumbest chinese peasant can get trough. Having to treat so many people mean if you get something wrong the system just implode
-If you don't have money you only get access to the most basic shit, none of the quality of life stuff. No money = you are useless to society anyway. It help that families values are stronger in china (hence family members are expected to support other family members when they have financial troubles). In the west we expect a nanny state to take care of everything -paid by our fucking, actual productive people taxes-
I think the reason it worked is because china was literally the middle age until the 70's, meaning the whole system was engineered from the ground up instead of being one cancerous layer of adminsitration on top of an overpriced useless IT on top of Insurance laws on top of multiple lobbies.
Fuck all 3 of them and break the flute
the reason that quality of life stuff is being included is because it's actually cheaper to provide preventative care and catch problems early then waiting til someone has severe enough problems to show up in the ER.
>Live the way i describe or leave
You love democracy right?
So people made their own choice and you cant accept that.
I bet you also think mcdonald should give you free food incase you are hungry right?
Child D:
"This is all well and good, but even me, a child, can see through the intent of this simplistic exercise. Three children as individuals can not possibly stand for the macro context of all of humanity, and how we administer our society for the maximum benefit of all. This exercise is a bumper-sticker version of morality for the benefit of a fringe-right school of propaganda in Indonesia, none of whom have the interests of the world in their purview. So, sure, play with this insipid, pointless masturbatory activity, assuring yourself that your selfishness and libertarian misanthropy is a good idea, and me and the other kids will work out the best solution for this made-up problem without any of you idiots. Fuck you all forever."
yup. i think the way to achieve that policy is to convince enough people to vote in representatives that will pass it.
and besides, unless you're arguing for total anarchy, we're really just quibbling over what is and is not a right the government should provide for. i think healthcare is, you don't, that's fine, but i'm betting you do think there are some things the government should tax people to pay for
B is the only correct answer, in a world modeled on sentiment A or C you would not be able to even obtain a flute. B would be hung for being an enemy of the state, A would be an artificially privileged class who's forgotten flutes even exist and C would want to stone you to death because she's angry at A and generally mistakes you for being A.
A should be shot, B should give C a job making flutes despite all the yellow journalism A created about how B would never do anything for C.
mcdonalds should be taxed to pay for, in part, programs that feed people unable to afford food yes. but no i wouldn't argue that mcdonalds should give free food to anyone who asks at the counter, that's stupid and you know it.
B should sell it to A. Then make another and drug C with an orange fentanyl lozenge and rape her tight virgin asshole with it.
>"When collectivism starts murdering people I'll be one of the first to die"
Hey this art kinda looks like shadman’s art
I dont advocate for anarchy, cause people are way to retarded to not fuck it up for everyone else.
But why should the government pay for something you can do yourself?
I can pay an insurance, but i cant make sure there are police/firefighters everywhere by spending money as a private person.
In the end its like this in my view, dont let government do what the people can do their self.
>You expect the stable society that's required for you to make money to be provided for free.
I said exactly the opposite. You pay for bread and games so that the morons don't create damages.
> Guess what, the extent to which you don't have to contribute to helping all people improve their lives has been going in one direction historically.
No. It's a crazy zigzag, highly centered on training a class of soldier-citizen that will hold the political power and take arms if necessary.
Roman citizens are no different from a middle age knight or a post-revolutionary french citizen :
They pay taxes, are expected to fight with the army when asked and get education so that they perform their duties better in return.
Free gibs for everyone (not just potential citizen/soldiers) is a fucking modern, post WWII concept. ICESCR is from the 70's if I recall.
And only because thanks to peace and capitalism the world economy saw an unprecedented boom in the history of mankind and handing candies around was not a problem.
B should decide who gets it because she made it.
do you think police and fire should respond to any emergency, regardless of how much the person in trouble has paid for it?
(btw, there are private fire fighting services, and security is obvious-- but this is basic right vs. going beyond that; healthcare should be one of those basic rights, but not cover something like cosmetic surgery, concierge medicine, etc)
For whitening teeth or removing a tooth ?
If you have cancer and no one can pay for your treatment, then you should get access to palliative care only.
My taxes should not pay for your alcoholism, obesity and smoking habits.
whitening no, that's cosmetic. removing a tooth, yes, that's a serious issue (unless you're doing it just for kicks, but is that really a problem?)
there's lots of shit i think my taxes shouldn't pay for. like 90% of the military.
but taxes should pay for peoples general health. if you don't like that, too bad, just like i'm stuck paying for things i morally disagree with, for which i have a way better argument than 'you're not rich so fuck you i'm keeping mine'
They better respond to any emergency, or we can just skip police and go back to personal armies and peasant rallys.
I would love to see it all privatized tbh, but if someone specific pays the police, it just gives them power over others.
But still, i can pay for insurance, dont need the government do it for me for even more cause they cant into economy.
Dude, do not confuse a right with something that is of public interest.
>A right is something that limit what other people can do to you.
An example :
>Access to clean water is a right.
It means that no one should ever prevent you from getting clean water. But it does not mean that someone else should simply gibs you clean water.
An another example is liberty of movement :
No one should be able to prevent you from leaving somewhere, but if someone don't want you in their home they are in the right and you are in the wrong if you enter (example : illegals migrants and leftards claiming violation of humans rights when the migrants are actually the one violating properties right)
Mah nigga
if you can afford insurance great. but someone shouldn't lack it because they can't.
so replace "right" with "service the government is morally obligated to ensure everyone has by funding it through taxation"
is word choice really the issue, when there's plenty of things you already think should be provided to all people regardless of ability to pay? (the common defense, an attorney, roads, emergency services...)
>but taxes should pay for peoples general health. if you don't like that, too bad, just like i'm stuck paying for things i morally disagree with, for which i have a way better argument than 'you're not rich so fuck you i'm keeping mine''you're not rich so fuck you i'm keeping mine'
I also believe that we should pay for people general health, but my argument is not "hurr durr it's the right thing to do". Appeal to morality is a shit argument. The nazi believed purging the jew was the right thing to do.
We should pay for useless people general health because if you don't they will infect productive people with their disease.
We should pay for useless people general health because if not the class divide between the producers of values and the leeches become too apparent, which create social unrest and is harmful to the procuers of value as the baboons shimps out.
We (taxes) should not pay for useless people cancer treatment, as it's a disease that is not contagious, mostly a consequence of lifestyle choices and prohibitively expensive to treat with a low success rate.
What fucking jobs do poor fucks have?
Or should someone who dont contribute be allowed shit anyways?
Can you pay for insurance and are you trying to uphold a moral highground? Or are you just asking for gibbs?
and fwiw i'm on the conservative side for immigrations issues; i'd severely restrict it and require all employers to verify citizenship (but allowing a guest worker program to meet the actual work need)
No one since B already has it.
That is a great point, anyone saying anything but B advocates theft.
that some people have claimed the wrong thing is right isn't an argument against there actually being a right thing.
someone isn't useless because they don't have a shitload of money.
..and the nazis were right.
C is the hottest, i want to use her slutty pigtails as handle bars as i rape her throat
most people contribute at least at some point, and when they're not, it's usually because they can't... and should face death over it.
personally my insurance is through my job.
>is word choice really the issue, when there's plenty of things you already think should be provided to all people regardless of ability to pay? (the common defense, an attorney, roads, emergency services...)
I believe the common good is maximizing a society output of good and services, meaning all the taxes expense should be centered of improving the efficiency of productive individuals and giving the opportunity for unproductive individuals (e.g: children) to become productive (e.g: Adult with a degree in Engineering. Not in art).
And of course protecting these individuals both from external threats (the army) and internal threat (the police & the law)
And while indeed most individuals can be productive, some are just lost causes and it's a waste of common resources to disproportionally try to improve bottom-of-the barrel individuals, and that those resources are better allocated to "barely afloat" individuals.
It clearly is child B's property. A or C can buy or rent the flute from B if B agrees. After A and C serve their jail sentences of course. Assuming they aren't deported.
I'd shove it up my ass and let them all toot the flute!
okay smart guy which sluts face did you want to rape then?
I'd give it to all three of them.
And B can keep her flute.
If you honestly cant make your money go round, why should anyone pay for you?
I dont care what happens. Even if my own mother would get sick in such a scenario i wouldnt want the government in it, i would just adjust my budget, and make sure it works out for her until shes fine.
You dont even pay for it yourself, which is why you think gibs should be ok.
protecting peoples health contributes to that. concerning the chemo someone's hung up on, once the cancers in remission they can be productive in society again.
people that are too far gone to really do anything usually got that way because of lack of help before they were that bad off, be it mental healthcare, drug abuse treatment, financial situation leading to needing the above, etc.
so you're not even really talking about people that are useless from birth to death; and i'd argue that yes, it is the proper role of a society to provide help for those fundamentally unable to help themselves.
>someone isn't useless because they don't have a shitload of money.
And if they are not useless then the people they are useful too will provide the money for advanced healthcare. Usually it's the employers trough mutualized insurance (US) or the family. Or a community.
However, if no one is willing to branch any money for them -could even be the council to prevent a chimp out-, then it is likely that they are in fact not valuated by society.
You have no idea of the amount of drunkard homeless dude that are in the ER on a monthly basis for a few years and then are found dead under a bridge, even in countries like France.
you think employers deducting insurance costs from your wages isn't paying for it yourself?
and if your mother didn't have insurance, you think she should just be fucked unless her kid is a millionaire and can cover the out of pocket uninsured cost?
>they can be productive in society again.
And if they were before they have health insurance from their employer (even if the state subsidized non-cancer/white teeth things).
not all employers provide insurance. you can't possibly think all jobs that don't are useless, if you do you have no idea which jobs that is.
and they'd be less likely to be in the ER if they had had access to better care before they became so far gone.
A. Love ginger whores.
you really have no idea how many jobs don't offer insurance do you
I would make sure my mom has an insurance cause im a good son. Where you just wish that you were good by distributing other peoples money to pay for your mom.
And having your employer taking it upon themself to pay for it with your money is as retarded as making government do it.
right so we're back to 'if you're not rich, get fucked'
Fuck C, marry A, and kill B.
> it is the proper role of a society to provide help for those fundamentally unable to help themselves.
They are straight up burdens, it is not rational for society to spend any cents on them.
HOWEVER they have people that emotionally care but can't afford them/don't wanna feel bad about abandoning them so need a nanny state to take the responsibility and that could cause more damage to society by chimping out than the cost of caring (on the cheap) about a bunch of retards for a few years because they die early anyway.
C > A >>>>>>>> B
Every jobs where you can fire someone and have 100 candidate the next day.
If you are replaceable and of little value it's your fault, not society's fault.
B so she can sell it to A, and then the fucking libtards can take all the proceeds and give it all to C since she cant do a goddamn thing for herself.
So your job could provide the insurance with YOUR money, why cant you pay for one more?
In the end, you just wanna push your problems on the world instead of growing the fuck up.
I dont wanna pay 30% or more on tax just cause some retards cant buy insurance.
And if your job dont give enough to live of, get a better one, and study on the side until you can.
the jobs need doing though
>if you're not rich, get fucked
this is what it's boiling down to.
>You are not rich ?
>You are useless to everyone ?
>You can't damage stuff on a city+ scale trough rioting ?
>Get fucked
correct. c is a perfect loli slut
Its not about your income, its about you as an individual doing something with yourself instead of crying for gibbs
So edgy. So much so he completely misses the point of all this - we ARE the kids trying to figure it out. Fucking rube.
Try 50% in France, which has one of the most cost efficient healthcare system in the world yet still get overloaded because too many idiots have been fully deresponsabilized by the nanny state.
personal charity isn't a scalable or sustainable solution.
it's not 'pushing my problems' on the world any more than any other function of government. like i said, you just don't like the idea that paying for healthcare is a government role, not that the government shouldn't be taking peoples money to pay for any role
how's about this, we don't raise taxes, and take 90% of the defense budget for it. i like that idea.
definitely not C, that's for sure.
Not your flute to give. It belongs to child B
I shouldn't exist in this scenario since I do not play the flute, I did not purchase the flute, and I did not make the flute. I am the theoretical government and therefore I do not need to be here in regards to personal property.
Also is that shadman art?
C's mouth is the most experienced, perfect to cum into
people that do jobs that need doing aren't useless to everyone, even if they're easily replaced (like 99% of workers everywhere, even if theres fewer qualified people, there's still plenty of them)
people that are useless now are almost never useless from birth to death and can be helped and made useful.
and if you're disabled and won't be useful again, well too bad, it's still right to not be left to die
There is a middle ground between personal charity and nanny state.
>and take 90% of the defense budget for it.
Oh, you are an absolute idiot then.
The second the US army is not able to defend the USD, the US become Africa and all of the GOVT gibs will crumble anyway.
>people that do jobs that need doing aren't useless to everyone, even if they're easily replaced
Then why should we pay for their cancer lol ? Who cares if they dies.
Yall are stupid talking about political shiet, just fap to the most rapable face
> it's still right to not be left to die
Why ? This is not rational. Only an emotional answer based in morality. This is absolutely not how the world work on a level bigger than a small village.
i said 90%, not 100%. our military is so huge that 10% would be more than enough to actually defend us, just not act as world police and waste trillions in the middle east.
who cares if anyone dies? not really the point. like i said, almost no one is actually irreplaceable in their job.
it's how all first world countries besides america work.
I'd give all three of them the flute, no sense in being stingey
B owns the flute. If she needs to sell it, she can. She pays taxes on her profits, and A pays sales tax, and C gets welfare.
I would let A blow my flute
Shut the fuck up retard
compelling argument.
A and C should give me a blowjob sandwhich while i degrade them
Retard. You are rewarded for what you work for. Its that simple.
You are wrong in the part where you think USA has an army much greater than any other.
The high cost is based on having bases and forces all over the world, increasing costs exponentially cause making sure thousands of people all over the place is ready at any time and well fed is not so easy. Also as a Swede im happy that america makes sure that im not a part of the soviet union.
B’s gonna sell it to A
give sauce
a thought on child C
if the value in the life of a person centres around the ability to create, be it wealth or anything else arbitrary, its an argument to be worked out between child A and child B.
but equally so, it is because of the premise of the idea that "life centres around the productivity of a person and ownership of its productivity", should we not place a certain value to people that might harm society?
You have police roaming the street, you have people actively fighting against oversea terrorist, and you paid for them. What about homegrown terrorist? people that are a threat to society, that comes from the same school you came from.
Glad polio’s over with. Pack it up, boys, healthcare’s done it’s job and is no longer necessary.
Same as the board, Yea Forums
Give it to all 3. As for the flute, chuck it in the trash.
No, you had it right the first time.
You defend the rich while they pull the same old tricks. Glad the white oppressor is gone we can be faggots now.
Here's what's fucked:
Child A is every talentless actor and music artist out there, call it Taylor swift because she's white.
Child B is the little guy, small business owners. That's right eat your own KFC everyday in an economy you can't sell.
Child C is either the poor during the French revolution, immigrants/humanitarian crisis or an ethnic group.
I'm inclined towards C helping the poor for a capitalist incentive.