Hi guys. I'm drunk, sad and feeling low on self confidence...

Hi guys. I'm drunk, sad and feeling low on self confidence. A guy on omegle told me this was a good place to come for compliments and people who'd help me feel better. If you give me 10 really nice compliments in a row I'll reward you with nudes :)

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Hey user, lets make better threads, okay?

This isn't you but the random girl your stalking is decent. Also make better threads

What did I do wrong? I've never done this before haha

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oof epic pls delete

Ya, I feel this is a guy, too.

What the fuck will you do with "10 really nice compliments in a row"? How will that benefit you in the long run?

I'll give you something way better - GO GET GUD, MOTHERFUCKER. OWN IT, WHATEVER IT IS YOU DO. OWN IT.


VOTE FOR FRANK (just had to include this last sentence, but its not relevant to the rest).

Haha, there are no rules.
I guess that dude is part of some kind of movement going on here tonight with some kids trying to reform Yea Forums to not post nudes anymore. Just ignore him and post whatever the fuck you want.

nice bait. they sure will fall

What is this?
This is not place where you post "oof epic pls delete" and think some mod is gonna come your way.

This is not reddit or wherever you kids hang these days. This is Yea Forums, anons post whatever they feel like.

lol good one

Haha okay well like I said I'm just feeling really shit rn and I literally just got told this would be a good place to post for nice comments so sorry if I'm in the wrong place

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tits or gtfo you fat whore

Hahaha so you're trying to be offensive or something? I might be low on confidence but I'm not blind or stupid. And I'm definitely not fat

If you give me 10 really nice compliments in a row I'll reward you with nudes

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no slut you're just fat

>And I'm definitely not fat
haha good one

Fat WHERE?! I'm pretty much a fitness freak hahah. Like I ran a half marathon a couple of months ago and I still run most days. Weird insult to go with tbh

Now can I get some fucking compliments please?

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Hot girl op, the first rule of Yea Forums is that girls aren't real unless they timestamp. Post you holding paper that says "Yea Forums 9:00" or whatever your time is.

You picked the wrong time to post this, you wench.
The uprising has begun.
If you want to feel as if you're worth something go to the bar and get slammed, slut.

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bullshit. if you ran a half marathon we're gonna need a pic to prove it