Comfy threads Yea Forumsros? Yea Forums seems extra fucked up today

Comfy threads Yea Forumsros? Yea Forums seems extra fucked up today

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Comfy GILF

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its all these faggots shitting up Yea Forums with their bitching about porn

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aw man, so much shit is happening. extremely to moderately new newfags are trying to ban porn on Yea Forums (which is a fucking terrible idea), older newfags to oldfags realise that this whole thing will blow over in a few days and some people are trying the "sit down, shut up" tactic which will never work because 14 yr old summerfags don't like to be told what to do (which is funny because they're advocating censorship and trying to tell pornfags what to do). I'm happy to be here OP, how's your day been?

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your right,we should ban niggers instead.lets make Yea Forums great again


Cozy thread man, I dig it


Those "anti-porn" threads are obnoxious as fuck.

I dont care if its pro or anti porn, I just want to be comfy.

Comfy oasis in Yea Forums hell? Im in

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