Cringe thread?

cringe thread?
these are you heroes removing porn from Yea Forums

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aww thats adorable

fucking antiporn fags are sad

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how dare these people not support degenerate perverts who masterbate 20 times a day right?

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bump, this is your 'revolution' Yea Forums, bored teenagers

fuck off discord tranny

shut up fed this is a revolution.

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WErE sAvInG Yea Forums GuYs

fed, you're just mad we're entering the midgame.
we've prepared, now actions are ready to be taken.


Attached: Anonimoose+is+at+it+again+_5956a93db2e7b7f67e0123ecc619c898.jpg (500x500, 16K)

didn't you have to ask how to sage earlier? fucking newfag

bumpity bump

Wow discord trannies everywhere

? wrong guy chief, also spy is still in discord

this is fucking pathetic holy fuck

>I am pro porn
>I'm in their discord
>They *still* don't know who I am

Fucking retards

best part is they don't realise most of their mods are 'undercover' fucking about lol

what happened in Tinnamen Square?

B is not a porn board
Theres entire boards for porn why post here?

Remember that time they begged on /r/Yea Forums for help?

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>go undercover as a porn poster

yea sure """undercover"""

because Yea Forums is random board
and it just so happens that porn falls into that catagory

>Theres entire boards for porn why post here?
You don't understand Yea Forums

also there is a Yea Forums that doesnt allow porn



this is their little gay fag server if you wanna trigger them with porn

this thread makes me want to actually join the discord to btfo you beta summer niggerfaggot chinks that can't get a girl. nice going.

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ironic for a pornfag to say this

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>t. 16 year old

>he actually thinks he's part of a movement

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>going to discord and taking random screenshots
you are as cancer as those kids...and they are trying to raid Yea Forums

>thinks they can stop Yea Forums from being cucks

i'm not a pornfag now quit being a retard

Nerve gas was used for the first time


WOW, embarrassing

Don't you want to suck transgender BBC cock? Cause that's what Yea Forums is made for now. Its no longer random, its all about nigger cocks.

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All this anti-porn bullshit is based in the delusional bullshit of early 70s radical feminism.

actual children

bumpity bump

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>All this anti-porn bullshit is based in the delusional bullshit of early 70s radical feminism.

No porn is a Jewish trick. You literally enjoy watching someone fuck the woman YOU WANT. The only difference between being a cuck and watching porn is that you do it through a screen.You are just a screen cuck.

this is more or less a comfy thread where we can make fun of anti-fun summerfags

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>this is more or less a comfy thread where we can make fun of anti-fun summerfags

Yes submitting to the Jews is summerfagging. Give this guy a good goyim award.

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are you reading what you’re writing?
do you know how stupid you sound?


just because the porn is there doesn't mean I look at it and most of the porn threads are "wwyd brutal edition" and "insta/fb/snapchat wwyd" but hey you made a le funny anti-Semitic joke and said the goyim word (even though goyim is plural and goy is singular) that means you're definitely not a summerfag. go cry-not-wank yourself to sleep faggot, you have school in the morning

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LOL these kids are getting banned left and right

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what if i only watch camgirls or lesbian?

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he'll probably ask for a raise on his allowance to get gold

Its not as bad, but why pay a cam girl if you can fuck a real woman? (Prostitute or party slut). In addition to that any form of porn is the gateway to other forms of porn and degeneracy. It is not advised to consume any form of porn.

It has been proven many times that porn harms your brain and sexual functioning (For example erectile dysfunctions). It also lowers your testosterone levels (Along side with fapping), which makes you less aggressive, more feminine, weaker and less attractive. You should quite porn all together and within a short period of time you will see that you would be better with women and more productive in your day to day life.


Attached: hodd toward.png (713x75, 22K)

have you got a link to the server

never payed a camgirl i use sites like, although i do see your point i don't think fapping once every few days is so bad since i am good in social situations

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>There are porn boards that these people can post on, bring Yea Forums back to it's formal glory brothers
here is a list of them

>Adult gif
>Handsome men
>Adult cartoon
>Sexy Beautiful Women
>Adult Requests
>Get your dick sucked by some other faggot from here
>If you are furry

Well I happen to agree with them. Remake Yea Forums for what it was.

says the disco tranny


That's a pretty big cope. Just because you think you are successful, doesn't mean you are the best version of yourself. Who do you want to be? A weak pathetic cucked version of yourself? Or the alpha chad version?

Yea Forums has always had porn on it you freak

>raid Yea Forums
>Yea Forums


you are the opposite of Yea Forums

Yea Forums cannot be told what it should contain.
Yea Forums is Yea Forums.

now lets all just wait for autumn to arrive so these roodypoos fucksoff

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stay mad

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>school finishes
>crusaders with all day to spam just happen to emerge
>claim Yea Forums used to be some paradise with no porn


But haven’t you seen the triforce thread? So many oldfags there.

ah, to be autumn again.

being able to do something you can easily google = being an oldfag apparently? you take those threads too seriously

You take me too seriously.

>we've prepared
so you're sitting in your shitty, sad little discord server talking about how b has become shit and waiting till your mom goes to sleep so she won't see the threads you're visiting, right?

He doesn’t want her to see the porn ads on this porn free board.

discord invite?


I fired my calendar-reader-lady a couple of years ago when I realized that the sudden uptake in roodypoos here always marks that summer is here.

Now I just watch Yea Forums, wait for the shit (today it is called something with yellow? wtf?) to hit the fan and then I know when to go on my summer holiday.

says it expired :/

they call it "the yellow revolution" tonight.

one of our moles tried lobbying for several alternatives, but got downvoted pretty hard and blamed for being a sexist when suggesting campaign-names like "men of Yea Forums" and "strong Yea Forumsros".

He was then kicked out of the group for being a sexist man only wanting to oppress the women of the world. Im really starting to wonder if this yellow thing is run by some kind of feminist org?

FemFreq + ShareBlue Media.

I don't understand why these fags think they have any chance of accomplishing anything. Board vs Board raiding doesn't happen at all these days. Once these losers get bored/banned by the based mods for blatantly breaking several rules, Yea Forums will just go back to spamming the same 20 porn threads over and over again for all eternity.
People have tried this stupid "trick" over and over again. It never works, and it never will.

That makes sense - they were involved in the 2017 "reform"-raid too!

They're always involved. Today is a big day for them.

E3 has the zoomer fags distracted, so now is the time for them to strike.

They're going to be brigading all over the place.

Reminds me of that shit that happened on anonib.

What happened?

Ok neet. What was it like getting expelled in middle school?

with faggoty writing?

It's where they invented Tinnamen rolls... Yum.

bowel movement, maybe

save Yea Forums with faggy stammering

site is down now

That's where anonymous was founded, but don't tell them I told you.

Some feminist group started posting gay porn and furry shit on different threads.

>actual children
Which means a lot of them can out post the average user.
there should be an underaged ban on every regular poster of Yea Forums

Discord link?

hey man, nice dubs

>got downvoted pretty hard and blamed for being a sexist when suggesting campaign-names like "men of Yea Forums" and "strong Yea Forumsros".
>He was then kicked out of the group for being a sexist man
the fuck?
is this a crypto tumblr raid?

you forgot to use the word beta

I dare you to say that in greentext.

that's weird... it's supposed to crash your computer

'cos they're so pissy

Finally, just got here and was trying to figure out WTF was going on

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this time for sure!

Yellow rep here, this isnt the case, no fucking tumblr shit is involved, and we originally started with unironic kekistan memes before someone posted yellow and snowballed from here.

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>Yellow rep here

>yellow rep

quit being a faggot

You taught me too well to stop
I learned from the best

that'd be cool and make sense and all if you weren't the rabbi that cut my dick off and sucked it.


At least you posted this in the right topic thread

ok? thanks for the approval i guess?

Maybe you should read the first 2 words of this thread you retard

cool story bro?

So when you take the addicts porn away he turns into a drooling retard.

>He doesn’t want her to see the porn ads on this porn free board.
>on this porn free board
>porn free board
Last time I checked this is a NSFW board, which means porn is okay to post. This is also the random board, which means anything goes.



>At least you posted this in the right topic thread

Discord trannies are at it again.

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Yellow tards are on discord
>Absolute Bean #4386
>Alucard #2234
>Eshace #1389
>Hodd Toward #2511
>Kikey #3102
>Take Back Yea Forums #7452
>joseph joestar #0218
>BL1TZKRl3G #0191
>Delightmare #0466
>Sandmoon #1471
>No #3995
>hightus tidus #8457
>Mewfield #7639
>Treyvon Martin #9414
>Stale Pizza Dough #6000
>Lucy #6306

Discord yellow server: M9N3gR
Bl1tz's server: Q5xjjf

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oh wow

>yellow rep


That server invite is invalid, M9N3gR


>The same 20 post per day is Random
Can you like stop breathing? This place just breeds retards doesn't it

More like you posted that for upvotes there?

Hey guis >_< deus vult!! Let me just say, this is so bad ass... maybe we can rade some video games, like fortnite, it’s cringe... >:] KEK! We ARE ANONYMESS, WE SONT FORGIVE AND WE DONT FORGET. WE ARE EPIC. WE ARE Yea Forums!!

He just keeps going...

Jesus user. Do you know what sarcasm is?

Discord trannies are the ones hanging around in the trap threads, there are two Discord retards it seems, the yellows and trannies. They're obviously newfags thinking pretending they're oldfags if they're really using fucking Kikescord

>the yellows and the trannies

based and redditpilled


"bring back the old Yea Forums" has and always will be a newfag sentiment.
>Yea Forums has always had porn as well as other random shit
>all there is now is porn and corn

It wasn't this much porn, not that i'm supporting the yellows they're obviously newfags thinking they're newfags
>Think loli is illegal after all these years
>Uses Discord
>Pepe post

*pretending they're oldfags

code has expired. new one?

Try UUpv3j

doesn't work