Ask a trans person anything

Ask a trans person anything

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Do you know that you’re a complete piece of shit and you’re worthless to society?

what age did you start your transition?

Do you not work? How can you make these threads 7-10 times a day? And why don’t you ever answer the questions?
>pro tip: it’s because you’re a useless faggot

I couldn't care less about society

Fuck of you attention whoring son of a cunt. Nobody gives a shit about you or anything you have to say.

This is the third time you've created the exact same post. Twice today. You're the waste of humanity.

Then you don't care about yourself either, so go jump off a bridge.

Take a chill pill faggot, nobody cares that you're angry

You are pathetic

That makes two of us!

And nobody cares about you.

My family and my dog care about me very much

Dogs don't have the brain capacity to make that decision. Give it food and it likes you. Kick it, and it doesn't: That's how simple minded dogs are.

Your family most likely don't have a choice, as they know that nobody else would care about you so they have to. Humans are so easily fooled by sympathy.

Oh cool a Psychology major on Yea Forums never seen that before

I don't need a major in psychology to know what's up and what's down. You're sick and need help.

Psychology major? Is that what common sense is to you?

Have you not stopped to consider the fact that your inability to see the world as how it is, is the problem?


When you're going to blow your head off, will you also attempt to suck the gun off as a healthy reminder of your meaning in the brief adventure your life has been?

That's good for you. What will you do once your family and the dog passes away before you?

Then there truly will be nobody who cares about you.

I'm honestly trying to understand trans people. Is it a choice or is it a mental issue. This is coming from a gay male too

your future

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How do you overcome the fact that you can never be the opposite sex, no matter how hard you want it to be reality?

You know the baker started to look at you with different eyes.
He likes dicks, therefore he likes you.

Dick. Not you as a girl. He likes that you possess a little dick.

Do you legitimately believe you are a different gender?

>There are porn boards that these people can post on, bring Yea Forums back to it's formal glory brothers
here is a list of them

>Adult gif
>Handsome men
>Adult cartoon
>Sexy Beautiful Women
>Adult Requests
>Get your dick sucked by some other faggot from here
>If you are furry

Should Yea Forums ban porn?

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Not a choice at all


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Should not ban porn, it's always been here. But limit it to three threads at a time.

t. Centrist edgy shitlord

lol what does it have to do with centrism?

You've skipped a couple of questions. Do you honestly only respond to the questions that validate you or agree with you?

This. Also this thread isn't a porn thread.

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shut up, claire.

I haven't skipped any relevant questions that would benefit the discussion

Always compromise, always tolerate, always pierce your anus riding that fence.


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You're so god damn dense it hurts.

You start a thread and say "ask questions". Every question is between you and another user. Fact is that you only respond to those that agree with you or validate your "existence". You're afraid to get your feelings hurt.

You and I had a discussion and you absolutely skipped it. You're fucking blind to reality, and think that "your reality" is fact.

Jump off a bridge. I asked you a legitimate question and you've skipped it earlier today on another thread.

The only reason you wouldn't have answered is because you can't handle opposing opinions. Fuck off.

You're 100% right it's not a porn thread. But I'm just spreading the message.
How would you regulate max 3 porn threads at a time though? And what category would get a spot? Seems pretty impossible to me

This thread right here is exactly what Yea Forums was about back in the day. Interesting discussions. Ban porn. M/b/GA

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>Interesting discussions
Gotta say, not really interesting. A lot of questions asked are ignored by OP for being a snowflake

pick one

Sure that might be up for debate. But it's a discussion at the very least. And that is all I want.

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Are you the ghost of a betard that joined the 40% after transitioning?

Sure, of course. I haven't been on Yea Forums for that long, so I don't really see the problem with porn on here. But keep on fighting if it's for a good cause.

I too ride trains. Have you ever ridden across country?

Why do you want aids?

Suck a dead bear dick nigger

Do you have a bf?