Nazi fags fuck off

Nazi fags fuck off

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>everyone I don't like is /pol/ reddit/normie/etc

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Nazis are cute and fun

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/pol/tards are pure condensed cringe and they should definitely fuck off away from Yea Forums

but at least they're not porn posters

Are you more of a man-bunned redditor, or do you fall squarely in the "I need to dilate" antifa crowd?

/pol/ is love, /pol/ is life

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/pol/ is the most enlightened and comfiest of boards
You want what /pol/ has, but you'll never have it. So weak in will and lacking in spirit. Your hand is glued to your 2 inch flabby cock as you vainly try to spill your curdled seed to sheboon on goatfucker on white sissy porn

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This coming from a group that acts like Nazis

National Socalists are the future

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no I don't want /r9k/ or /pol/
I want old Yea Forums and I am going to get it

This coming from the group that acts like Stalinists.

Do you even have a name for your operation? Every operation needs a good name
Based and gaspilled

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can you fucking trannies and leftist scum please stop shitting this board with your politics and faggotry? thank you

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I'm siding with the Nazis today! Sick of these porn posting incels! We want Yea Forums back!!

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i hate communist pigs and nazi scum. SJWs and trumppets are both pathetic.

i just want good old days Yea Forumsack

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Did you just equate the Glorious NSDAP with fucking drumpflhfhfh tards?

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nsdap was the gaypride of the 30's

Yes, goy keep jerking your dick
It will totally not fuck your brain up.

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>blocks your path

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>Do you even have a name for your operation?
operation: remove dudes who swallow their own cum every day and pretend they're a woman

This, fuck off all politics to /pol/

not wanting to see dudes wearing their sister's underwear every day isn't politics