Why are porn threads a problem again? Does the adult content offend people or something? Is this a reddit thing?

Why are porn threads a problem again? Does the adult content offend people or something? Is this a reddit thing?

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>reddit thing
Probably. They'll get bored soon...

No you just depend too much on it and much like your parents were getting sick of your degenerate beta fuckery

Why do you care though?

\b\ random topics.
>Filled with porn, shitty porn.
>Actual Porn board quiet unused.
>TFW I have no face.

If it's random it doesn't matter what is posted. Like it can be anything. So why is porn a problem?

Just summerfags. Move along with your regular business.

now that is a phat pussy

Its just that the other boards that specialize in these topics are slooow and don't really get as many replies compared to the posts here.

>actual porn boards require you to post multiple pictures of your topic and cite sources and provide links and information meaning you cannot contribute unless you're already a master of the subject
>most of the shit posted here are one offs with no to little source

holy shit, that body

that meaty pussy

never have wanted to fuck a latina or dark before. but i do now

anyway, op.

it's just a meme like the log threads. you just have to ignore it.

best use the collapse feature in the Yea Forums x extension. tell everyone else to use it.

if its all porn its no longer random, this board used to have actual content.

Because people use to create original content to post. These days porn is posted cause no one is making good original content. I’m the end it’s your lack of originality that leads to porn threads.

See class, this is where an apostrophe is so important. There is a significant difference between were and we're. Sort of a "Let's eat Grandma!" and Let's eat, Grandma!" Now fuck off you judeo-christian jihadist.

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No, it's just a group of lefties (looking at you Natsoc larpers) trying to be moral fags like always.
>inb4 Natsoc isn't left wing
Yeah, it is.

>can't post to a porn board unless you're a master

Shurrup mate

Yea Forums isn't a porn site, it's fucking Yea Forums. It's the heart of Yea Forums and the underground of the internet, not your one off edgy pornhub. Join the discord at /XJbejq and fight the pornfags!

>implying having all creativity choked out by the tons of shitty porn threads on this board isn't the reddit thing to do

Before like 2014 this board was filled with interesting threads. Thank God for the porn purge.

T. Someone lurking since 2008

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because porn has infiltrated us and is stopping us from being the niggers we are
we are being manipulated by mere humanoid needs, we need to elevate and destroy the internet again

It's not about morals you retard, look at literally any anti porn post. It's about content, 90% of the fucking posts on Yea Forums are porn now, and that wasn't always the truth. This is a fucking revolution.

b used go be random and fun, now too many threads are disgusting generate porn shit,
there are even porn subs on the chans, millions of porn sites elsewhere.
you cant even go to Yea Forumss catalog without being exposed to this shit
TLDR:Yea Forums has become porn page, not truly random user

>this board used to have actual content
yeah, traps and kiddie porn.

One something get big enough they get their own containment board :
/tg/, /mlp/, /soc/, /lgbt/ where all because a specific kind of thread were spamming Yea Forums to the point it was not random anymore.
I'm an oldfag (been here since 2007), and I barely use Yea Forums anymore because it's all instagram nudes and whores thread with traps in between.
This need to be a rulewide rule :
>Masturbate before posting !!!1

children, gather round and I will explain the great concept of commerce. you see, little ones, without better content, every website owner will encourage porn. because it gets viewers. and that gets ad revenue. if you get rid of the porn without much better content to replace it, this site will die. as has been stated 5,000 for you autistic fucks, the content is YOUR responsibility. If you haven't made a great thread then you deserve dick rate threads.

Yea Forums never did more than a ddos. and the internet was newer then, much, much more security now. raids also got everybody else pissed off and they were going to take your little clubhouse away from you.

You can always tell when summer is here on Yea Forums

2012 was the cancer era

Damn kids on Yea Forums as usual