

Reply to this thread to fight the porn

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If dubs I am leaving this shit cancer site forever

Literally kill yourself ASAP pls. You actually think that’s funny? I fucking hate your fucking newfags for ruining this place

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> (You)
>Literally kill yourself ASAP pls. You actually think that’s funny? I fucking hate your fucking newfags for ruining this place

Yea Forums its that easy

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>fight the porn
Obvious newfag

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Does anyone know of that image that's really really likable ?

Wanna see my T.I.G.E.R.

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Screw you, OP! USA, USA!

But also, OP is a pretty cool guy for being anti porn. No more cuckoldry, fellas!! Man up!!! And have a great summer!!

Lift weights and trail run!! Wear sunscreen if you're white!!


Why not both?

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dont have anything good to contribute to this ylyl.

So....I guess ill make a joke. The Holocaust


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Yo this is hella thight


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Here is how we watch sports in Europe.

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Actual fake story outbound.

>Be me.
>25 at the time.
>Beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him.
>Pathological fear of girls since some bitch mind fucked me.
>Have a younger sister, 13 at the time.
>My sister is boy crazy, really wants to date a guy named Ray Pist.
>Announces that she's "seeing him".
>Father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>Few days later, brings the dude home.
>Tall, scrawny freak with swastika tattoo on forehead.
>Visible shrimp dick.
>My father and I tell him he's "walked into the courtroom".
>Discuss for a few minutes.
>They go out.
>Dad tells me, "it's not going to last, his dick is tiny".
>Sis comes home.
>Announces it was "fun".
>Around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated an 11 year old girl.
>She's worried that he secretly wants this girl back.
>About a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother.
>"He drugged me and raped me while I was unconscious".
>Tell my father this.
>Laughs uncontrollably.
>MFW my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.

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ukraine is not europe faggot


When its 2019 and shits all weird so this might rly happen....


i think this is from dynamo dresden(germany)
but i wont judge your sexuality. have a nice day.

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shit i reversed image searched and i was wrong

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just a single Incidel helping the cause.

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I thought the little fucker was getting thrown out of a plane

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Reply to this thread to fight the porn

answer to this post if u get it

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wanted to see how long before a butthurt american got involved.
3 posts.
Well done.
Now someone call me a Jew.

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ALL of them should be sucking dicks. That's the US military.

Kommste aus Dresden?

this is a video for showing a perfect one time illusion: once it's broken it can never be re-seen even if you want to

I don't get it.

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guess you don't either.

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fuck off jew

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Yea Forums's job is to duff up this man.

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epic troll, nice one user!

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Meh, I‘ve met people that ate their placenta and fed it to other people.
Funny part is though, those people knew about that and celebrated a newborn living creature by eating another persons fucking placenta.
Hippies man..

Someone change this to the porn anti porn debate.

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I chuckled.

you all just lost

Later that day Jamal strangled her. Stacey should have listened to Self Inserting Incel.

Post for the revolution of Yea Forums to remove porn or traps threads!!

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im not doing that shit

Wat a masterpiece.

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I laughed I lost

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Except that the leg is at an angle


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>Fleetwood Mac and cheese

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NO PORN 2019

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Filename provided a minor kek

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It‘s The Rolling Stones!

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fuck you
you broke it!

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shot in the back very sad

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That's not was "trolling" is, but you're new to the internet so I'll forgive you.

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I'm sorry don't hit me.

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Dom Joly?
Born in Beirut, went to the school as Osama bin Laden....

Actively define hippies. How would YOU define hippies?


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euros do love bigger balls in their face

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I don't understand what that means. I don't eat donuts or any sweets. All I eat is meat and vegetables,and fruit such as tomatoes and avocados


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jesus dude

Isn‘t that the yellow submarine guy?

Just posted this in the other YLYL thread

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No offence but i dubt this will last longer than a weak maybie a month depends on who is more stubberen

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>excessive pot smokers who thing getting high will change the world
>think peace and love is actually obtainable with multi culture
>tolerate and accept degenerates
>thought woodstock actually did anything

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he did some other stuff

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The unknown person is a tiny asian woman

>taking your wife's last name

You cunt

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Fuck off


That's Robert Paulson

Several people living in a house, sharing basically everything (including one shower, one toilet and their partners) despite living in a suburb of munich.
They share the idea of being abled to make the world a better place, by sharing their love. Despite being under 30yo, having a good education, a shitton of money from their parents and living IN A FUCKING SUBURB OF MUNICH!! Those guys are hilarious and absolute pretentious fucks, that think they were born in the wrong generation. With the last part I absolutely agree though, I think they should have been born around 90-80 years ago.
And feeding your placenta to other people to celebrate love and life, while consuming drugs is fucking degenerate.

Ketchup is a smoothie?

Yea Forums should cyberbully him to death.

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Ahhh I know the guy!
He was the one wrote catcher in the rhye, right?

:| wtf user, is this bait?

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Shouldn't you be off worshipping Allah or banging a goat or something? idk what you Frenchies do these days. I just assume it probably involves a goat.

Who the fuck is Paul Robertson?

>excessive pot smokers who thing getting high will change the world
Literally no one thinks getting high will change the world. You live in a fallacy.
>peace and love is actually obtainable with multi culture
No one thinks that. But bringing up a fear of other cultures randomly is indicative of your worldview. Hence why I asked you to define "hippies".
>tolerate and accept degenerates
... and there it is. Please. Define what you would think is a degenerate.. for my amusement obviously.

i hacked it faggot

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They only worship dick and little kids


no no you are confused he wrote a book about my future under English socialism

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You keep referring to money, and munich?
So you have to be rich and German to be a hippie?

>literally no one thinks getting high will change the world
they do retard
>peace and love is obtainable with multi cuilture
they do retard
>define degenerates
don't mind if i do
>drug users

I‘m the guy bringing the hippies up and I told you what I think about them in the previous post.
But please, do explain why their ideas are good and they‘re not degenerates.

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user, no! The porn! Aaaaaaaah!

There are black people in America?


So.. Marx? I thought the guy died like 30 years ago

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this was not a rebuttal to his point. stop being mad, kid.

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lol wtf

please post or gtfo of this ylyl thread fags

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No, you have to be privileged to start thinking like that. And those faggots are at least as privileged as I am and do shit about it, while they could and should be productive. Yet all they do is get high and do weird shit and that pisses me of. They are actual waste of flesh


you need to be at least 18 to use this site, little guy


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yeah but not before he sent the red hordes against us

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Okay, sorry :(

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ur a retard
>>Mouth closed in oscar pic (ergo teeth and jaws closer together)
>>Mouth open to suck toes (ergo teeth and jaws further apart)
Theres no way for you to prove his chin is in the same position in both pics....
also i can see her wrinkled ass feet thats a woman b

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>you have to be privileged to start thinking like that
Start thinking people should work together? This seems false.
>And those faggots are at least as privileged as I am
Your socio-politcal opinions seemed based around anger at some randoms in your small town. Stop letting emotions define your political views.
Facts don't care about your feelings, sport.

>holy shit what fucking town on the continent would a cop actually drive around in this?
>does he want to get nigger raped or something?
>where the fuck is 905 area code?
>oh... A Canadian flag.

Whew, it kinda makes sense now
No wonder america wiped out the redskinned natives

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almost but not all

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I don't understand what's happening here.

I could start posting some porn if you like? Or if you don't like! Or you can shut the fat fuck up and mind your business.

If this is true I'm glad I don't live in europe

i'm right. and to prove it, you'll post anything other than a logical refutation to my claim. watch.

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go on im ready

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You would have laughed instead of criticizing the joke if you were a member of the military. You're not the target audience

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No, just niggers

>Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the legendary Mr 1.6-Km Davis!

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Keep going faggot, you got this!

no traps, please, we are fighting porn rn..

Nah I mean ‚start thinking like that‘ as in thinking getting high and just ‚let the love flow through you‘ while doing absolutely nothing, not even demonstrating or organizing anything, can change the world. I mean, I‘m not a fan of their views, but for fucks sake, if you want to change something, get the fuck up and do something.
Also the whole sharing your partner with multiple people while not using protection thing I cannot understand.
And when you‘re mid twenty, pretty wealthy and don‘t get anything going in your life, while the people you constantly talk about (Nigeria, Afghanistan, Syria, etc.) would literally kill to be in your position, this shit is just unintentionally ironic in a painful way

Also I don‘t like the way they smell and look


You're welcome.

Hey, would you know it
A young Steven Segal

Please explain


Did you forget where you are faggot?

Love the Beagles.

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GTFO porn fags

porn belongs elsewhere
>Adult gif
>Handsome men
>Adult cartoon
>Sexy Beautiful Women
Fuck off pornfags

you cant prove that he/she is over 18 either

... or maybe I come from a military family but I'm not retarded and lying to myself. Fact and intelligence will always overcome dumb nationalism, or blind patriotism. Read a book.

make new, interesting, wholesome threads. We are already expelling the porn, now we gotta REPLACE IT


Oh look, an absolute perfect and in the least degenerate family
But where are their guns?

b u m p

its meant to seem like kid is doing some weird Chinese way of doing math with big numbers, the video then shows the question 1+1 which is not nearly as hard as the initial question posed. The kid then proceeds to get the easier question wrong, making his feat even less impressive.

Please explain


her smile haunts me you can almost feel the depression rolling in

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lmao, got me

Reminds me of boot, some 17 year old made that joke about us eating crayons DI heard and made him literally eat a crayon and anyone who laughed had to run

Why is Rob Schneider so sad?

you have your Jews all mixed up

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It‘s beautiful. Like she‘s tried standing for something and full knowingly failed. But she can’t stop now, because she has to pay her loans

> I drove

>as in thinking getting high and just ‚let the love flow through you‘ while doing absolutely nothing
Those aren't socio-political views. Those are personal beliefs.
>while doing absolutely nothing, not even demonstrating or organizing anything
Okay, now you're getting overly emotional about a local group - and attributing it to EVERYTHING you don't agree with. They don't do ANYTHING? You just said they're ALL rich. Do they donate to organizations? Work for charities? You're making broad generalizations on people who you don't like because they live different than you.
>the whole sharing your partner with multiple people
Again... what? Who does this? EVERYONE? EVERYONE who does this is a hippie? So your Trump loving, uneducated, yokel conservitard who has a cuck fetish is a hippie now?
>while not using protection
Literally ALL of them don't use protection? You know this? For a fact?
>while the people you constantly talk about (Nigeria, Afghanistan, Syria, etc.) would literally kill to be in your position
If you're going to bring them up. Assume they HATE how they live. That they hate THEIR culture, THEIR way of life... why aren't YOU using your time and money to help them? The money you spend to talk to me and spout your nonsense... could feed how many? It's SO important to you, right?

I don't like that you're uneducated. I can deal.

Point proven. Prove it again with a picture, kiddo.

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this is a ylyl thread, but cool

wtf would a Disney employee be standing for ? rights to no dental ?

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why cant i own slaves :(


god just imagine being fucked by daddy sabertooth hard in your boipusi while dressed up as a deranged slut

I know where you got that image.

no i wont and you cant make me

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can someone translate? i dont speek russian

Ok, this is epic.

user, quick question. What does the picture say? I can't read it, it's pixelated.

Do your part to keep Yea Forums safe from porn, soldier.

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First off, i was obviously talking about that specific group, not saying what defines a hippie. I did that in one of my first responses.
Secondly, no these fags don‘t work for charities, they get high and love themselves a liiiittle bit too much for my tasting.
Thirdly, why would I try and change the lives of the people in Afghanistan? I don‘t even want them here. I just think, that when you‘re talking about something all the time, you should stand for your believes and do something, not just sit around and be a massive cuck

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How am I uneducated, when I don‘t like people that smell like weed and sweat and look like fucking hobos?

No, more like giving something to children. I don‘t know, like hope or something?

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icant believe this raceism


We'll push through, brothers

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>Euros fall down and cry, holding their knee because a ballin hit them in the face.
>Americans get hit in the face by a 120mph leather skinned rock and jog it off

>be me
>American imperialist
>be not me
>limeys using metric
>get told imperial is dumb
>jokingly say metric never went to the moon
>told metric is easy as they switched in the 70s
>sees exit road sign saying yard
>be me
>eternally triggered

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I don‘t understand? What image?

>Euros fall down and cry, holding their knee because a balloon hit them in the face.
>Americans get hit in the face by a 120mph leather skinned rock and jog it off

Actually, yea you can. The skin on the leg isn't wrinkled but is looser than that of someone under 18. The wrinkles on the foot combined with that tell us she's at least 30.

fuck you imma fap to some furry shit


>not saying what defines a hippie
Except this all started with me SPECIFICALLY asking you to define a hippie. You tried to, I pointed out why it was wrong and here we are.

there is no hope user

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it literally says ukraine in the file name bruh

Yep. totally thought this was out a plane.

Checked, I'm happy for you OP, I really am

Except that I did, learn to read faggot.

Holy fuck

>I did
... but you didn't. You tried to - you were refuted and then you literally said
>not saying what defines a hippie
So you did say... but then you're not saying what defines a hippie?
Your weird, abrupt aggression and pointless anger explains both your lack of logic AND political views.
Well done.

That was fun, I‘m off to bed now faggerinos.
Sleep well

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fuck porn and fuck Facebook

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Reread my answers dude. Please :)

>Third world cuck.
But seriously by a Chinese dude!

Get this forced shit out of here

But this is Yea Forums.
>a random NSFW image board

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